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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 083

I always see the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.

—————— meters

Pinel never said that he was a man of action, which may be fair to him, when he gets some, he always loses some, Pinel gets the immortal body when he wants to die the most, and when he wants to take revenge with his own hands, he finds that he can’t become stronger, what could be more exciting than that? God’s face is always so amiable that Pinel happily wants to destroy it!

Pinel did not take care of the three people of Karp at the entrance of the village, but walked into the village, what is there to see in a group of big men fighting, it is better to go and see the fleeing crowd, and Pinel has come to the windmill village several times, but he has not even entered the village, if he does not take advantage of the current to take a good stroll around the village, Pinel estimates that there may be no chance later!

To be honest, Pinel didn’t think about it at all, the possibility of the three of Karp winning exists, and the evacuation operation of a village, no matter how obedient and orderly it is, it will take at least one to two hours to evacuate cleanly!

And the three of Karp, each of them is facing the attack of these ten lieutenant general-level figures at this time, and there are two elite lieutenant general-level figures, plus self-detonating attacks from time to time, want to win? It’s so hard!

Pinel walked into the windmill village, Karp had the intention to block, but there was no time, ten people besieged, four have the domineering color, five have the armed color domineering, and there is a double domineering elite monster, if such a lineup can still allow Karp to attack Piner from the battlefield, these summons can all be cut by themselves!

After Pinel entered the windmill village, the streets were lined with crowds carrying bags in the direction of the other side, and an old man with a white beard on crutches stood in the middle of the street, and said sternly to Pinel who was in a daze,

“Hey, that person over there, I think you should not be a villager in this village, a guest from outside, now this village is in the period of fleeing, no matter what you want to do here, there is no way, either hurry up and flee with the crowd, or leave quickly, the province is implicated!”

Pinel glanced at Upu Slap, the village chief, and did not reply, rubbing his nose with his hand,

“Why should I leave? Isn’t this flustered scene beautiful now? Feeling desperate but thinking that there is still hope, doing the scene of the final struggle, can be said to be the most beautiful act in life! I’m not crazy or perverted, I just see what you can’t! ”

Pinel looked at what Upp Slap was still saying, and quickly put his left index finger to his mouth,

“Shh, shh! Don’t talk, listen quickly, this is the voice of despair, how? Can’t you hear that? Then you breathe deeply, you can always smell this breath of despair! ”

Looking at Pinel’s strange behavior, Slap finally found something wrong, thinking carefully, he also remembered Pinel’s face, wasn’t the culprit who forced the people of their windmill village to flee was this person, and when he thought that he had invited Pinel to flee together, Slap trembled with anger!

“Damn sinner, you bastard, who the hell taught you like this? I can’t tell the difference between good and evil, what are you doing alive? Your parents helped you to be born to make you mess up the world? Why can’t you just do something good? ”

While talking, Slap also had to use the crutch to hit Pinel, Pinel’s face was full of helplessness, but in the face of this weak crutch, he still stretched out his hand and held it, and did not get beaten like this for no reason!

Pinel pulled Slapra in front of him, and a gun was pressed against his brain!

“Hey old man, are you a little nosy, how do I do it, what does it have to do with you? If it weren’t for the game still in progress, you’d be dead!

Who taught me like this? Of course, those high-ranking Draco-sama, and those self-proclaimed righteous navies, without them there would be no me today!

Don’t come and send to death again, I promise next time I will shoot directly!

Crooked hammer, if you want to escape, hurry up, don’t let the great Lieutenant General Karp die in vain! ”

When had Slap been insulted like this since he became the village chief, even the famous Karp in the navy would not talk to him like that! Now I am angry by Pinel, and my chest is like a balloon that has been blown up, and it is about to explode!

“Bastard, you still don’t know how to respect the elderly, don’t you have parents? Have you ever wondered what they do when they meet someone like you? Do you also want to see them threatened? Do you also want to see them feel hopeless? ”

At this time, the people fleeing around also discovered the direct matter between Pinel and the village chief Slapp, but no one stopped, at this time, nothing is more important than their own lives!

Pinel has never said that he is a person who must play by the rules, Pinel is willing to play the game and is willing to follow the rules of the game as much as possible, but if something happens that makes him very unhappy, I’m sorry, there is nothing more important to Pinel than making himself happy!

‘Bang! ’

The smoking muzzle, the impatient corners of the mouth, the eyes of the old man who fell in a pool of blood in disbelief!

The picture did not freeze, just flashed, after all, Slap’s death was just a small thing for Pinel!

Pinel casually inserted the gun back into his waist and casually walked past Slap’s body,

“It’s all said, there won’t be a second chance, and I’m still grinding and chirping, I’m afraid I really want to die!” My memory does not have the word parent, why are these useless things to say except to affect my mood? What a bad village, even the village chief is such a naïve existence, it is estimated that the villagers of this village are no better! Boring! ”

Pinel’s mood was completely badened by Slap, but fortunately it has not reached the point of losing his mind, at least Pinel’s mind can still think of the rules of the game, and did not directly start the slaughter, which is already a blessing for the villagers of Windmill Village!

But it was clear that he was a little impatient!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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