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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 084

It is destined to irreparable pain, it is better to give up early.

—————————— (no source!) )

Pinel didn’t go any further into the village, and if he walked in again, he might really be tempted to break the game! He didn’t want to break the rules of the game, so he stopped and walked in the direction of the battle!

When Pinel returned to the battlefield, the three of Karp had already hung up the lottery, of course, Pinel’s side was not so optimistic, after all, the average combat effectiveness of the three people was at the level of a general, and even if Pinel won, it would definitely not be so smooth!

Seeing Pinel come back, Karp forced back the summon in front of him with a punch and yelled at Pinel,

“What did you do? Doesn’t it mean to wait until we fall before we do it? You set rules that you didn’t follow yourself? ”

Pinel found a chair and put it at the entrance of the village, and sat down on his butt,

“I didn’t do anything, just someone was looking for death, I fulfilled him, I said not to do anything to the villagers until you fell, but I didn’t say that the villagers would not fight back against me!” This is a village that is so naïve that it is disgusting, I am afraid that I can’t help it, so I came out, how? Are you dissatisfied after seeing me? So I’ll go in again? But if I go in again, I might kill someone!” ”

While Karp and Pinel were talking, one was accidentally punched in the jaw, probably accidentally biting his lip, a little blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of hideousness,

“Bastard, who did you kill? I haven’t fallen yet, how dare you do it! I’m already going to arrest you! ”

Pinel plucked his ears, and then flicked his fingers,

“Okay, good, arrest me, you say whatever you want, you are happy, really, just those few words, over and over again, you don’t annoy me is annoying, and it seems that you are not suffering enough now, you actually don’t want to kill me just to arrest me?”

Of course, none of this matters, the important thing is that you are right to chat with me now? Not serious about facing the opponent in front of you? Did I put too little pressure on you? In that case, I’ll put some more pressure on you! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he casually summoned four more people, accumulating the total number of summoners at the level of lieutenant general to sixty. After the four people who appeared were automatically assigned in tacit agreement, they joined the three battles, the green pheasant divided into an armed color domineering, the tea dolphin divided into a sight-smelling one, and the remaining one, a two-color elite lieutenant general directly joined the battle of Karp!

In some special cases, a straw can also crush a camel, of course, this is a metaphor, but as the four new people join the battle, it is clear that the three of Karp have fallen faster!

In fact, if it is just an ordinary lieutenant general, in the face of this number, Karp and the three of them are completely acceptable, but unfortunately, Pinel’s summons cooperate too well, as if they have a common mind, one of them is attacked, and the rest will help him resist together, and then there is a blessing range BUFF Cenarius, watching from the sidelines, so Karp they will fight so hard!

In ten minutes, Karp and the others can still roar, and even Karp has time to scold Pinel!

Twenty minutes later, Karp had no time to insult Pinel, Kuzan was also scarred, and the tea dolphin was struggling to support!

Thirty minutes later, the three battle groups were mixed up in everything, and the Kapukuzan tea porpoise formed a triangle, back to back, facing the remaining twenty-odd people! In thirty minutes, Kapu and they still had some results, Karp killed four, Kuzan killed three, and even the tea dolphin killed two, but even if so many summons died, it did not change the situation!

Their physical strength is consumed very quickly, although there is no problem with supporting until dawn tomorrow according to such an attack frequency, but the decline in physical strength also means that the reaction power has decreased, both are difficult to defeat and four hands, the biggest problem facing the three of Karp is to be besieged, if one by one, Karp said that he can beat these summons out of, even if Cenarius has the ability to counter-injury, but after all, it is not 100% anti-injury, but Karp can belong to flesh and output characters, Although that little anti-injury is uncomfortable, it is definitely not fatal!

Finally, when the battle lasted forty minutes, the tea dolphin was sneaked in, and a knife pierced the position of the left rib, and blood flowed out of the body along the blade! The wound is not fatal, but there is a mistake, and if you can be stabbed once, the second stab will not be too far! If it goes on like this, after three or four cuts, even if the wound position is not fatal, the bleeding will be enough for him!

Pinel sat on the chair on the side and watched the tea dolphin get injured, and happily talked about the wind!

“Oh roar, I thought you could hold out longer? It seems that in another twenty or thirty minutes, some of them should be over, but listening to the movement in the village, it seems that it has just evacuated half, or even less than half, should you ask for mercy and admit defeat? I personally look forward to it! If Lieutenant General Karp, you can kneel down and beg me, I may have a little idea of changing my mind! Hahahaha, it’s fun to think about! Naval heroes kneel to criminals, proper headlines! ”

Karp didn’t know where a sudden surge of explosive strength surged out, and a sharp circle hammered an elite-level lieutenant general summoner in front of him to the ground, and his head was directly deflated, there is no doubt that he can no longer die, but at the same time, Karp was also injured everywhere, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth!

“Justice will never bow down like sin! You can kill me, kill everyone, but don’t try to make me kneel in front of you, never! ”

Karp seemed to have uttered the last roar before death, like a trapped beast, his body was full of scars, but it did not reduce the wildness on his body!

After Kuzan helped the tea dolphin freeze the bleeding wound, he whispered to Karp with a serious face,

“Lieutenant General Karp, it’s time to retreat, if we don’t withdraw, we really may plant here, don’t worry, let’s not say whether we can survive until all the villagers evacuate, even if we do, can you guarantee that Pinel will keep his promise?” So now the wisest option is a strategic retreat! How much the Navy will suffer if we die here, I think you know better than me! ”

Of course, Karp knows that what Kuzan said is right, but he really can’t help it, Windmill Village is his hometown, everyone here he knows, let him give up these people, he can’t do it at all!

With a haze on his face, Karp made his decision,

“You take the tea dolphin first, I’ll break the back!”

Kuzan can certainly understand Karp’s subtext, and it is clear that Karp is not like giving up and wants to make a final struggle! This is Karp’s personal wish, Kuzan has no way, he has followed Karp for a long time, no one present knows Karp’s character better than him, once Karp makes any decision, basically no one can change!

Pinel listened to the conversation between Kuzan and Karp, and did not interrupt, or rather, he was also curious whether Karp would give up, if Karp really decided to give up, Pinel didn’t mind being a water delivery and let them leave directly, anyway, if Karp wanted to leave, he couldn’t stop it! And Pinel hopes that Karp can play the rest of his life with this guilt! Just thinking about it is beautiful, isn’t it?

ps: Next chapter preview: an uninvited guest who wants face!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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