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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 085

Kuzan can’t persuade Karp, but he can’t disagree with his own life, the Navy may be able to accept the cost of losing the Vice Admiral, but the General, not only the strongest combat power of the Navy, but also the façade of the Navy, Kuzan can think with his toes, if he and Karp die here together today, then tomorrow after the news spreads, Kaido will dare to unite with Aunt to attack a wave of Navy headquarters! Taking advantage of people’s illness to kill people, those big guys know better than anyone!

So Kuzan has no way, although he knows that leaving Karp here alone is probably less fierce, but he has no other choice!

“Lieutenant General Karp, good luck, forgive me for being a deserter this time, I hope you can also think carefully, sometimes it is not shameful to retreat, just to become stronger in the future and then take revenge!” After all, if a person dies, there will be nothing! ”

Can Karp not understand such a simple truth after living for so long? It’s just that he knows better, if he doesn’t work hard, he will regret it for a lifetime! After all, this village has nothing to do with Kuzan, and if this village is also Kuzan’s hometown, it is estimated that Kuzan will not give up so decisively! Human beings are like this, things do not happen to themselves can always be seen and understood, once things happen to themselves, it is estimated that it will not be so easy to see clearly!

“Go yours, if you don’t go, it’s not good to go, that bastard has been watching us, I feel, he didn’t give his all, take advantage of the fact that he still doesn’t want to keep you, hurry up!”

Pinel listened to Karp’s words, and no longer looked at them with a simple smile,

“No, no, no, don’t say that, my purpose was never to kill you, I can’t kill you, you say you die?” What should I do? Go knock on the bamboo bar of ordinary pirates? What else is the meaning of living with such a person! If you want to leave, I will not keep it, but if you leave, I can judge that I won this game, then I will accept the lives of those villagers unceremoniously! ”

Originally, Karp was still a little hesitant to leave, but after listening to Pinel’s words, he immediately stopped working!

“Stop dreaming, Pinel, as long as I catch my breath today, I will never fall, if you are a man, your words count!”

Pinel pouted, his face full of disdain,

“I don’t care, since you insist, then continue, leave quickly, stay, feel that you can do it, you will work hard!” Cenarius, get them for me! ”

In fact, without Pinel speaking, Cenarius would also have to start, if it weren’t for Pinel and Karp saying two words, their attack would not have stopped!

The tea porpoise didn’t say anything, but looked at Karp with a somewhat complicated expression, and didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart,

In fact, his relationship with Karp is not very good, just a simple simultaneous relationship, after all, the tea dolphin is more inclined to the style of clocking in like the yellow ape, the faction is not centrist, and the doves of Karp are not the same faction, the communication on weekdays is at most to meet and say hello, and Karp still loves to wander, and there is not much time to stay in Marinfodo! It’s not nice to say, Tea Dolphin and Karp have never met a few times!

But from this moment on, the figure of Kapu of Tea Dolphin Jue is very tall, completely different from the previous kind of incongruous appearance, no matter what decision Karp decided to stay, at least he stayed, he kept the oath he once made, sacrificed his oath for the commoners, and he who made the same oath was going to flee at this time, compared to what, what reason does Tea Dolphin not respect Karp!

Kuzan and Chagu are very decisive to go, it is understandable, after all, they have already decided to go, so what is there to hesitate, hesitation will only make Karp more distracted!

After Kuzan and Chagu left, then of course the remaining twenty-odd people besieged Kapu together!

If Karp could hold out until dark with the siege of ten people, now every extra minute is a miracle! In the case that the gap in strength can be seen with the naked eye, ants can also bite elephants to death!

When Karp punches out, at least three punches will hit him, there is no way, after all, Karp only has two hands, and he can’t greet everyone around! Such a battle lasted another ten minutes!

Twenty minutes later, Karp finally couldn’t bear it, and his nose and face were swollen and he knelt on the ground, panting heavily!

Pinel looked at Karp, who was about to be unable to fight again, and smiled brightly!

“How? Lieutenant General Karp? Feeling hopeless? You are obviously so strong, and you are a vice admiral, an honorary naval hero, but you can’t even save a bunch of ordinary villagers, now you know the feeling that the people you care about are right in front of you but can’t do anything? Isn’t it wonderful? Do you want to bite me to death? But it’s a pity that you can’t do anything but watch the tragedy that is about to happen! If you can’t stand up, I think I won the game! ”

Karp gritted his teeth, trembled his body, and stood up again with difficulty!

“It’s not over, I’m not down yet! I can still play all day! ”

Before he finished speaking, Cenarius kicked Karp at the knee and kicked it again,

“Lieutenant General Karp, please stop struggling, the Legion Master needs you to live, if you persevere, I’m afraid you will die!”

Cenarius said very sincerely, but in Karp it sounded so harsh, but even if it was difficult to accept, it was useless, Karp really couldn’t stand up, even if he stood up again, he would be knocked down immediately, and the little twenty pretended men around him were not decorations!

Just when Karp wanted to say something to Pinel to ask the villagers to let go of the villagers, a slash came straight to Pinel from the direction of the sea, and Cenarius crossed his guns in front of his chest, faithfully blocking Pinel’s body, not letting the sudden slash touch the corner of Pinel’s clothes!

Along with the slash came a domineering voice!

“Your Excellency Heath Pinel, please give me face, I have a relationship with the people in this village, please let them go!”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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