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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 087

Shanks took his men to ignore Pinel and rushed directly from Pinel’s side! Rushed towards those summons! It was clear that Shanks knew Pinel’s information! It is also understood that there is no point in targeting Pinel, so Shanks directly skipped Pinel, after all, his purpose is to save people, not to kill Pinel, and he can’t kill it!

Pinel just watched the figure of Shanks who chased after him, getting farther and farther away!

Then he sat down next to Karp very relaxed!

“Lieutenant General Karp, guess how many people Shanks can save in the end?”

Karp also saw that Shanks came to save people, although he hated Shanks very much, after all, it was Shanks who brought Luffy on the road of pirates, but he also had to admit that the people who came down from Roger’s ship still had some values, at least much stronger than Pinel, a madman!

“Hmph, what did you rely on to become the fourth emperor? Although he is a pirate, his strength is still undoubted, your calculations are going to fail, and you want to kill everyone in front of him? Just by your two dozen rotten sweet potatoes? It’s just a dream! ”

Pinel shrugged indifferently,

“Is it the illusion I gave you? When did I say I wanted to go after winning games? Lieutenant General Karp, if nothing else, those of mine, will not gain anything at all! As long as my people kill half of the people in this village, I won’t lose! But forget it, say that these affect your mood! Say something else, the overlord-colored domineering that Shanks used just now, will you? ”

Karp listened to Pinel’s words and froze!

Yes, Karp doesn’t even know when he started focusing on winning the game, so much so that he forgot more important things! No matter how strong Shanks is, he can’t stop everyone! As long as one dies, theoretically they lose!

“Pinel, you are such a demon! What happened to you unexpectedly? ”

Pinel looked up at the sky with a bored face,

“The main thing is that your thoughts are too easy to guess, you know how much I want to be able to suddenly appear a person and hack me to death, but unfortunately, there really isn’t! But are you really not moving? Just stay here? ”

Karp didn’t know what stimulated him, and the whole person looked away!

“Well, resign, if Shanks can’t save them, it’s useless to stand up now!” And even if I can stand up now, can you let me pass? Even if I pass? Who else can I fight now? ”

“Hehe, there is growth, it’s not easy, I look at you Oh, it is estimated that many people will die today, after all, my strongest person is not fighting, but suicide!” So Lieutenant General Karp, I look forward to you becoming stronger in despair, I wait for you to take revenge on me! I’m gone now, although I look forward to your expression when you see the result, but forget it, although things haven’t done what I want to do, but the Four Emperors, alas, still want to avoid the limelight, even if I continue, there will be no better results! ”

As he spoke, Pinel stood up and walked to the seashore, without dragging mud and water in the slightest, as if he didn’t care about the game with Shanks at all!

If this is the place where Karp has the most palpitations, Pinel behaves as if there is no fear and hesitation in his world, such a person is terrible, because you don’t know how far he can do things, a strong enemy is not terrible, as long as there are more, how strong people can be defeated, enemies without a bottom line are terrible, because you don’t know what kind of means and how he will use to attack you!

Soon, Pinel left the island by boat, and even Karp was a little incredulous when he watched Pinel leave, but after thinking about it, Karp found out how terrifying Pinel’s seemingly inexplicable behavior was!

Pinel, who originally showed an unusual pursuit of victory, can easily give up a game he has set himself, so what else can he not give up?

And at the same time, it also proves how rational Pinel is, after knowing that there will be no more progress, he immediately chose to give up, without the slightest intention of fighting to the death, with such a reasonable person, you simply can’t force it to the point of panic, that is to say, Pinel basically has no possibility of the gutter capsizing, isn’t this scary?

After Pinel left, the navy left behind on the seaside Karp boat also went ashore, and seven hands and eight feet carried the fainted Karp onto the ship and began to heal!

And the Shanks and his party who rushed into the village also got the stubborn resistance of Pinel’s summons, and these summonses of Pinel played a trick that was eaten all over the world!

If you have beaten, you will fight, if you can’t beat it, you will thunder, no one’s idea is very simple, kill one is enough, kill two to earn!

In the face of the all-out slaughter of a full formation of four emperors, Pinel’s twenty or so summoners have no hope of victory at all, after all, this is not a group fight, the number of people on Shanks’ side is also small, and the people in a boat are all taking the elite route! It’s not nice to say, each of the forces of the four emperor level can wrestle with the navy as a whole, although the winning rate is not large, but it is not too much!

And although these twenty summoned objects look imposing, in terms of strength, they can actually withstand the combat power of one-third of the naval headquarters, or even one-third! There is too much difference in high-end combat power!

The war in this world is sometimes really a one-man game, of course, there is also the truth that all things are compatible!

To make a simple example, Karp and Whitebeard compete, the victory and defeat can almost reach four or six, Karp is four, Whitebeard is six, after all, Whitebeard, the title of the strongest man in the world, is not used to bluff!

But in the face of Pinel’s more than twenty summons, the role that Karp can play may be far less than that of Whitebeard, not because of the gap in strength, but because of restraint!

Karp may be stronger to single out, but Whitebeard’s group combat ability is much better than Karp!

If it is Whitebeard who faces these more than twenty summoned me today, the final winner may be Pinel, but I definitely don’t want to deal with Karp very easily, and even winning should be on Cenarius, if there is no counter-injury to this state, more than twenty ordinary lieutenant general-level figures, against Whitebeard, it can really be said that the victory or defeat is unpredictable!

It could be ten minutes, or maybe half an hour, Shanks cut down the last summon, and looked back at his crew, basically all with wounds, even he himself was ashen!

After that, he looked at the burning houses around him, the corpses of ordinary villagers who had not yet arrived, and his eyes were a little lost. According to the rules of Pinel’s game, it is clear that he won, but he is not happy at all, and even a little resentful!

Turning his head to his deputy captain and asking in a deep voice,

“Beckman, do you say I really won this game?”

Ben Beckman, his face was also heavy, took a sip of the cigar in his mouth, and said slowly,

“When Pinel set the rules of the game, we didn’t have the word win! It can only be regarded as losing less! Heath Pinel, really a terrible person! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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