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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 088

Chapter 88: Enter the New World!

My coolness is the only way I can protect myself.

———————— Mo Qingcheng “Flower Demon Bride”

After leaving the windmill village, Pinel and Cenarius stood on the deck and watched the windmill village gradually grow away!

Cenarius did not ask Pinel softly,

“Legionnaire? Just let them go? ”

After listening to Cenarius, Pinel immediately became happy like a child!

“I know, I know you will ask, I made a bet with myself when I got on the boat just now, if you ask me this question before you can’t see the windmill village, then it’s okay, if you don’t ask me until you can’t see the windmill village, I personally think that you don’t need to exist!” Because you no longer think from my point of view, but from the perspective of those villagers, it is useless for you! Hmph, I really didn’t misread you, Cenarius!

Do you think that it is not my style to leave so easily? ”

Cenarius didn’t care about Pinel’s life entertainment just now, in his world he waited for everything to be the Legionnaires, let alone fate!

“Yes, Legionnaire, it seems to me that you wanted to kill everyone in that village, but you didn’t do that! It makes me feel unfair for you, you want them to die, they deserve to die! But I think the legionnaires will not let them go for no reason, there must be other plans, so I want to ask! In the future, I will make mistakes in my work! ”

Pinel pointed to his head happily,

“Don’t be too limited, you have to go further and think, why should I kill all those villagers? It’s not that I want Karp to feel pain, let him grow faster, and then he can play a greater role in my plan in the future, and the thing of pain has no hierarchy definition, killing half of the people, and killing all of them has the same meaning! So I let the village go! In theory, in fact, when I killed the head of that windmill village, my purpose was achieved! So you get it? ”

Cenarius nodded honestly,

“I see, but Legionnaire, don’t you feel a pity? If you leave me there, even if those people are very strong, but they will not win easily, my ability you know, there is a range, although the range is very wide, but two kilometers is already the limit! ”

Pinel was a little surprised, and even a little inexplicable, looking at Cenarius strangely,

“Why do you think that? Sometimes I really don’t understand what you people think, even if you stay there, what role can it make? At most, it makes Shanks more embarrassed, and you can’t kill him, so it doesn’t have any practical effect at all, does it? And if I do this now, first of all, they will despise me, and I can save a thousand gold coins, after all, resurrecting you also requires gold coins! Isn’t that more profitable? ”

Cenarius froze, Pinel’s train of thought he didn’t expect at all, he was just Shanks before they regarded them as enemies, since they were enemies, of course, the more damage they did, the better, and what did Pinel think? He simply did not realize that there were enemies, everything was according to plan! After listening to Pinel’s words, Cenarius immediately understood Pinel’s thoughts!

Pinel didn’t treat anyone as an enemy at all, whether it was fighting or killing was part of his plan, in Pinel’s opinion, whether it was Karp or Shanks, it was a link in what he had to do, nothing more!

Seeing that Cenarius fell into deep thought, and the windmill village was no longer visible, Pinel smiled and patted Cenarius’s shoulder!

“Think slowly yourself, it doesn’t matter if you think through it anyway, it’s never you who make plans, you’re just a flag, compared to those ordinary summons, they may just be equivalent to pawns, and you’re a car, that’s all!” In essence, there is not much difference, except for me, you are better to use! I’m going to take a bath and drink, you let the helmsman master the course! ”

Pinel’s words can even be said to be a little insulting, even if they use people, they don’t say it in person, but Pinel said so, and Cenarius still doesn’t feel that something is wrong! That’s the biggest mistake!

“Legionnaire! What are our next steps? ”

Pinel took off his coat, remained on the deck casually, and walked to the cabin without looking back, saying to Cenarius as he walked,

“The first half of the play is almost the same, there is nothing interesting in the four seas, go to the new world, I heard that the people there are not bad, the strength is very strong, and the temperament is relatively wild!” It should be a little interesting! ”

Cenarius took the order sincerely, and then went to inform the helmsman!

As for Pinell, it is soothing into the barrel, and the proper water temperature will make Pinel relax a little!

Pinel closed his eyes tightly, with a thoughtful smile, gently touched the imprint on his chest, his thoughts drifted far away, after all, this is the only evidence that can prove that he is a person!

Pinel happily went to sea here, and the Navy and Shanks side were not so calm!

Shanks left in a hurry after the battle, although this time it can be considered that he helped Karp, but after all, one is a soldier and the other is a thief, and too much contact is not a good thing!

Moreover, the matter of resettling refugees is still more professional in the navy, and Shanks did not say who he was protecting this time, but he originally looked at the corpse with a serious face, and after seeing which green-haired girl carefully emerged from a wine barrel, he showed a smile that was not easy to be detected!

As for the navy, it is a little sad, this Pinel has brought more trouble to the navy than the four emperors of pirates! Although the strength is not stronger than the four emperors, but Pinel can cause more trouble than the four emperors, since Pinel escaped from prison, in the past few years, the navy has suffered countless losses, this time almost lost Karp, what do you say the navy will think? Of course, it was shocking and shocking!

No matter how strong people are, they are also afraid of madmen, and lions will also walk around the mad dog, and if they bite it, everyone will hurt!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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