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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 089

The world has to live up to the double law, live up to the secretary?

—————————— (Kuraei-Gyatso)

The headquarters of the Navy, the Warring States, after waiting for the battle report of the green pheasant, immediately held an emergency meeting!

Attending the meeting were Marshal Sengoku, current Admiral Akainu, and Yellow Ape, who was elected admiral after the defense of Mary Joa, as well as Navy Staff Tsuru, and finally Zefa, the former Admiral and current Naval Academy instructor!

At this time, it must be mentioned that after the defense of Mary Joa, the yellow ape successfully eliminated the mistake of the Draco who died under his protection before with the scars on his body and the strength that did not lose his combat effectiveness, and became a new admiral!

After the Warring States saw that the people arrived, they sent the materials one by one, and these people did it to the main seat, quietly waiting for the participants to read the materials!

Soon, the red dog several people finished reading, the information sent by the Warring States, Zefa because of the problem of old qualifications, took the lead in speaking!

“Sengoku, has our situation reached such a serious point?”

Sengoku’s expression is meticulous,

“That’s right, the matter has come to this point, the pirates have elected their four emperors, although these four people are now opposing each other, restraining each other, and maintaining a balanced state, but there is no doubt that facing one four emperors, we may be able to defeat, but if one day we have to face two four emperors at the same time, the odds of victory are very small!”

And over the years, in the confrontation with Pinel, we have also lost a lot of pillars, and now our naval strength has been seriously weakened, and even the public has begun to doubt whether we can guarantee their safety!

A few years ago, when the Four Emperors appeared, our navy was forced to make compromises because of its lack of strength, reached an agreement with individual pirates, and established His Majesty the Seven Wuhai to balance the development of the Four Emperors in the New World! But this is not an honorable thing, this is a shame for the Navy!

And now, when the problem of insufficient strength is once again in front of us, we need to consider how to face this fact, whether to continue to compromise, or to find other ways out!

That’s why we’re sitting here today, I have an immature idea, I’ll bring it up later, and now I want to hear from you! Please speak one by one!

Zefa can be said to be the most hated pirate, this is beyond doubt, after all, his family was all killed by pirates in retaliation!

“I will definitely not agree to continue to compromise, if we Haiju continue to want pirates to compromise, then what is the use of our navy?” The powerful pirates only need to give them a name to do whatever they want, and we don’t have to work hard to become stronger at all, just disband! ”

As the most loyal supporter of absolute justice, Akainu is unified with Zefa’s opinion this time, and his expression is very serious!

“Justice does not allow compromise with evil, I did not have the ability and position to express my opinion before, but this time I will definitely not agree, continue to want to compromise with pirates!” Pirates are all damned people and should all be eliminated! ”

The yellow ape did not say anything, he is a newcomer, of course, he must judge the time and size up the situation, and it is better to let the others do it!

And Tsuru can be said to be the calmest and first person, with his hands crossed in the lower bar, and his small eyes glanced at the Warring States!

“Don’t hide and choke, you are not afraid to hold yourself back, I have been comrades with you for more than thirty years, I knew you when I was a teenager, I know you, you are not an easy person to compromise, you must already have an idea, talk about it!”

In the Warring States smiled bitterly, for a smart person like Tsuru, it is impossible to play a mystery!

“My opinion and you are probably always, I am against compromise, blindly compromise will not solve any problem, pirates are pirates after all, their ideas and the concept of the navy will never coincide, will definitely not be our eternal ally, so I want the world to recruit!”

“World conscription?” X4

“That’s right, it’s the world conscription, there are many strong people in this world secretly, many of them have a heart of justice, but they lack a platform for justice, or a reason, so I want to recruit troops from all over the world, and gather the strong among them, or people with ability and talent!”

When conscripting troops in the world, we do not look at the rules, as long as you have the ability, you can directly become an admiral, and the highest can become a vice admiral! Of course, this rule is also for the Navy, and if someone thinks they can be qualified for a higher position, they can apply for a challenge! Go higher!

Here’s what I learned from Pinel! ‘Those who have a hard fist are the truth! ’”

After the Warring States proposed this concept, the five people in the meeting initiated a fierce discussion, the yellow ape and the red dog were opposed, after all, they came to where they are today step by step, and this world conscription is completely negated, their efforts in those years!

And Tsuru and Zefa are supportive, after all, they are older, official positions and everything is open, they think more about how to enhance the strength of the Navy as a whole!

In the end, the vote was made, four to two, after all, Kuzan is also a general, when Kuzan reported the war report before, he had already told the Warring States about this, and at that time the Warring States had already made Kuzan’s ideas through, so the red dog and the yellow ape, although very unhappy, but they can only obey this result, and they can’t betray the navy because of this matter!

The next day, the news that the Navy planned to recruit troops in the world spread all over the sea!

Of course, Pinel also learned about this from the newspaper, but Pinel did not have any strange reaction, but smiled!

Cenarius always doesn’t understand so much, but he is also inquisitive and a man who loves to learn!

“Legion Elder, this is an act that will increase the strength of the Navy, why do you smile so happily?”

Pinel raised his eyebrows and nodded in the newspaper,

“Why not be happy? It’s a good thing that the Navy recruits him, the last time Mary Joa fought to use the people I had previously installed in the Navy, isn’t this just an opportunity to install people?

Think about it, when fighting with the Navy in the future, suddenly half of the people are on the verge of defecting, is that picture exciting by Terbi? Just think about it!

This time I want to install a major general-level figure into it, the lieutenant general is actually better, but some are too conspicuous, or forget it!

When Cenarius passes by some inhabited islands, don’t be silent, just secretly put down a few people! Stains, the Navy is forced to helpless, otherwise how could it use such an obvious plan with loopholes! It’s rough, it’s rough! ”

If Sengoku knew that Pinel wanted to put eyeliner in his navy as soon as he got the news, I don’t know if he would be directly angry and vomit blood!

But it is estimated that it is not necessarily, after all, this kind of thing, Pinel is not the first time to do it!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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