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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 090

Pinell’s whereabouts have never been a secret, especially after he won the first place in the bounty, basically everywhere he went, as long as he was sent down, someone would always sell Pinel’s whereabouts to many people, such as newspapers, such as the navy!

Although it’s just a whereabouts, you can still get a lot of rewards! However, this reward, the person who sells intelligence may not be able to enjoy it, after all, Pinel’s killing has not stopped, since he has met Pinel, then he must have luck to survive from which half of the chance! Otherwise he won’t be able to enjoy anything!

Many people can’t understand Pinel’s clear behavior of half of the people, because the reason for having fun is simply unacceptable, and countless people have shouted at Pinel before they died, ‘What the hell is the point of you doing this!’ ’

Pinel just smiled and did not answer, not that he did not want to explain anything, but that his reasons could not be accepted and understood at all! In that case, what is the need to say?

Pinel pursues greatness, but great things are absurd in the eyes of ordinary people before they are realized, and the imprisonment of ideas makes it difficult for people to accept new ideas, for many reasons, face, character, going with the flow, fear, and so on!

But even so, the true greatness will not be buried here, maybe it will be a long time, but one day sooner or later, those who cannot keep up with the times will be buried yesterday, and those who accept new things will see the dawn of the next day!

Pinel’s whereabouts have always been the focus of naval observation, and since Pinel left in the windmill village, the navy has briefly lost Pinel’s tracks, but three months later, Pinel’s tracks have reappeared!

But this time, Pinel appeared directly in the new world!

Sengoku sat in Marinfodo’s office and looked at Pinel’s intelligence!

‘Heath Pinel now appears in the New World, Long Baseball Island, and has been stationed on this island for half a month, I don’t know what is plotting, I can’t get close, I can’t join him, please let the Ministry know! ”

In the face of this, there is no intelligence at all excess nutrition, but the Warring States are relieved a lot!

“This bastard, he finally went to the new world, and he can finally relax for a while, this big trouble is still for those bastards like him to solve!”

The breath that had been tense for three months in the Sengoku had finally been relieved, and no one knew how much pressure he had as a marshal as a navy marshal during the three months that Pinel had disappeared!

The navy is in the most critical place in the recruitment process of the world, and the warring countries can be said to be a little afraid that Pinel will make trouble for him at this time, at this time, the eyes of the world are staring at their navy, at this time, no matter what happens to the navy, it will be infinitely magnified, and a little fault will be said to be a big thing!

There are many forces on the sea, no one wants to see the navy alone, the strength is expanded, whether it is pirates, or other illegal people, during this time they have tried their best to find some trouble for the navy, now only one pheasant is left in the navy headquarters, and the rest are basically all sent! It will take at least two months, during which time the Navy will not bother with other opportunities!

So at this time, Pinel can safely enter the new world, which can be said to be a great help to the Warring States!

During this time, the Warring States were most worried about Nell!

Auntie just recently gave birth so there is no time to bother. Shanks is an honest man, if you don’t provoke him, he won’t provoke you, Whitebeard and his group of children love each other, let alone come to find trouble, Kaido doesn’t know where I heard that Shanks was injured, these two months have been Shanks’ territory, at least a seventy percent chance of not coming to trouble, and the Warring States have let the yellow ape stare at Kaido, if there are any special circumstances, the yellow ape will report to the Warring States as soon as possible, at least it can give the Warring States time to prepare!

So ah, what the Warring States are most worried about is that Pinel, who has been in the shadow for three months, has a strange whereabouts, and has no fixed territory, like a shadow-like existence, is the most troublesome enemy in the eyes of the Warring States, you don’t know when he will suddenly come out and bite you!

And the Warring States do not have the slightest doubt about Pinel’s wisdom, and there is only one Pinel who can make the crane called intelligent and terrifying!

Therefore, for the question of whether Pinel can see that this is the weakest time for the navy, the Warring States have never doubted that the preparations that the Warring States have always made are in what way Pinel will consider the issue of attacking the navy!

But after seeing the intelligence today, the Warring States finally relaxed a little, although he didn’t know why Pinel gave up this great opportunity, but since Pinel has arrived in the New World, it at least means that he will not suddenly attack the naval headquarters! That’s good news!


Pinel came to this long baseball island half a month ago, and the ghost knows why the name of this island is called this, it doesn’t look like baseball, and the name is too casual!

On the first day, Pinel occupied the only town on the island, and it was very strange that he did not clear half of the people, and then Pinel took Cenarius and lived on it, like those retired pirates, not to cause trouble, to be quiet!

Walk around every day, drink tea, very happy!

On the day of the Sengoku’s arrival of intelligence, Pinel was drinking tea and talking to Cenarius in this courtyard he ‘bought’!

“Cenarius, those forty people at the rank of major general have been sent out!”

“Well, the legion elder rest assured, they all threw us down the sea and swam ashore when we passed the island on the road, they are very safe, and they will not contact us!”

Pinel shook his head unconcernedly,

“Cenarius, you don’t understand, I don’t care at all if there will be people who doubt their connection with us, the rear admiral is basic, not low-end combat power, any force will need it, even if the navy has doubts about these people, it will not doubt all, moreover, these people are in a hurry and have not done anything bad, so I expect that at least fifteen people can join the navy!” This investment is very profitable! ”

Cenarius did not reply, he did not ask, a total of forty people were sent, only fifteen joined the navy, what would happen to the remaining twenty-five, such a question is meaningless, because everyone understands things in their hearts, why ask? Asking for trouble?

“Legion Elder, what are we doing here now?”

Pinel smiled wickedly,


“Wait for what?”

“Wait until someone comes to the door, or wait until I have saved enough resources, and then go to the door!” The strongest man in the world? The strongest woman in the world? The strongest creature?

Everyone is curious about me, Shanks has already seen it, although it is very strong, but it is just like that, it does not amaze me, and the remaining three living legendary characters, I am very curious!

Since you have chosen half of the human race without distinction, how can you eliminate only the weak ones? If you don’t go to the trouble of some strong people, I’m afraid I will be said to be bullied and hard!

What is the point of a game if there is no risk of failure? The higher the chance of failure, the more challenging and fun this game is, isn’t it?

Hahahahahaha! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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