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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 091

The greatest tragedy of man’s life is that he has fought against fate for so long, and finally lived as he hated.

———————————— don’t know the source, borrow, don’t spray!

The world seemed to return to calm, as if only Pinel was causing trouble on the sea before! Now that Pinel has stopped, the sea is calm and peaceful!

But what about the facts? Pirates are still rampant, and every day there are still countless young people who go out of the village, out of the town, and to the sea for the so-called dream, even if they still hold the idea of freedom, but after a few years, how many of them can maintain their original intention and continue to chase freedom? And how many people will go with the flow and join the army of real pirates that Sha Xiao plundered?

Pinel wants to laugh just thinking about it!

The era of the sea thief is really a perfect and outrageous era!

In such times, there are still people who talk about justice every day? What an ignorant person would believe these people’s words, but there are still many people willing to believe it, and Pinel is also drunk!

After all, Pinel is not moving around, his whereabouts are no longer a secret, the navy can know, then other forces can also know, it is nothing more than a matter of early time!

Two months later, the World Conscription of the Navy ended, and unfortunately, not too many powerful monsters were found! After all, it wasn’t just killed by one of the four emperors, so the reputation of the navy is not so great! The real strong will not join anyone so rashly, judging the time and sizing up the situation is the best skill to survive on the sea!

This long baseball island has also started to be the longest island Piner has been on since he went to sea!

Time passed in a flash, it had been five years since Pinel left Mary Joa, and now Pinel was about to go through his sixth year!

The year 1518 of the Haiyuan calendar is a good year, you and I will send it, the numbers are very auspicious! That’s it, more importantly, a lot of big things happened this year!

Perhaps this year was originally a very quiet year, but the existence of Pinel promoted, the development of history, Pinel’s behavior must be for his own personal behavior, but in this world, it is more than that!

Pinel brings great significance to this world, otherwise, the dragon would not have specially invited Pinel to join the revolutionary army!

Pinel’s battle in St. Mary Joa was equivalent to Hancock’s escape from prison in Mariejoa, and Hancock made Piner understand that Draco is not unable to resist! In the same way, Pinel made the people in this world who can still think understand the same truth!

Draco are not my invincible, they are not gods, they are not creators, they are just a group of human beings with good lives, they will die, they will be afraid, they will also tremble under butcher knives and explosives!

Perhaps Pinel himself did not know that after the Navy announced to the world the situation of the defense of Mary Joa, the revolutionary army also regarded this day as one of their days, and the people of the revolutionary army called this day, Independence Day!

But in fact, this day for Pinel himself, Ren has no meaning, he just knows that this day he lost something very important, very, very important things, along with the loss of Ness, he also lost two emotions, forgiveness, and awe!

If Pinel can sit and talk with the revolutionary army and navy and the world government, whether it is a dragon, or a warring country, or the five old stars, there will be a truth at the same time, they think that they should belong to their own world, in Piner’s eyes, it is a toy! A playground! When the skin is tired, tired of playing, tired, then it is the time when the world is about to enter darkness!

At that time, those who survive in this world will understand what fear is and what is despair!

Of course, this is all an afterthought, and it’s a little early to say now!

On the last day of 1518, Pinel welcomed his first guest on Long Baseball Island!

Drought Jack!

Heavy two tusks hang on the shoulders! He also wore two smaller tusks on his ears, as if he was afraid that others would not know about his abilities related to elephants!

Pinel showed the friendship of the landlord, and when Jack landed on the island, Pinel set up a coffee table on the shore and quietly waited for Jack to visit!

Jack didn’t sit because Pinel didn’t prepare his chair and tea set either!

“You are Heath Pinel? My boss asked me to bring you a word, he is optimistic about you, he likes your style of doing things, and invites you to join our Hundred Beast Pirate Group and complete the most perfect war together! ”

Pinel elegantly picked up the teacup and calmly drank two sips of tea!

“Suck it, suck it. The perfect war is always the next one! I don’t understand such a simple truth, is Kaido just a fool who has played with the family? And he sent you alone? What is the meaning? Did you offend him somewhere? ”

Drought Jack is a violent temper that has gone out of his life, except for Kaido’s accident, he is not vain, no matter who the opponent is, he will not be afraid, and even before the battle, he does not need to tell him the strength and number of opponents, just tell him the time and place!

“Lao Tzu is Drought Jack, against you as a newcomer, you still use others? Don’t think too much of yourself, the new world is not the first half of the paradise, here, it is the world of the four emperors, you are just a little shrimp! I ask you again, to join or not to join? ”

Pinel casually threw the teacup behind him,

“I’m really not suitable for tea, or spirits are more suitable for me!” Am I joining? Why not join? There’s no reason why I shouldn’t join! Kaido is willing to give me the position of the Four Emperors? Why don’t I join? ”

Pinell’s uncaring tone was provocative in Jack’s opinion, and now he did not have the slightest awe for Kaido, his eyes suddenly widened and began to be bloodshot! Without the slightest hesitation, he directly took out his machete and slashed at Pinel’s neck!

Pinel didn’t care either, pulled out a long knife from the side of the coffee table, and swung it at Jack!

As a result, there was no doubt in the slightest, Pinel was flown far away! Then Pinel stood up from the ground with a carp, looked at the long knife that already had an opening in his hand, and looked at the distance he ‘flew’! Pouted disdainfully!

“Sure enough, even after two months of exercise, there is still no growth at all! Substitution, Cenarius, let me finish off half of the people he brought, and then cut off the head of this idiot! I want to see who is stronger than the four emperors and the navy! Compared to Kaido, who is really not going to die! ”

With a wave of his hand, sixty lieutenant general-level summons appeared on the beach!

This is Pinel’s entire inventory, before in the windmill village there was still thirty-six vice admirals left to summon thirty-six vice admirals of wood, after five months of accumulation, thrown out forty rear admirals who infiltrated the navy, the remaining wood just summoned sixty lieutenant general-level figures, so far, the conditions for opening the epic barracks are already less than four hundred!

Jack is not afraid, even though he is now facing half the navy! Although these people of Pinel are already enough to stand head-on with the forces of the Four Emperors! But not afraid is not afraid, Jack said, he has no skills, just head iron! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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