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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 092

Which words to say, which things to do. I don’t need you to teach, I know how to do it. If you’re wrong, don’t care.

———————— seen from sentence fans!

As soon as Jack wanted to say something cruel to Pinel, he was directly stopped by Cenarius’s shooting!

“You have no right to speak, and you don’t have the right to leave a last word, because the Legion Master did not allow it! Now, kneel and die, less pain! ”

Pinel didn’t know where to take out a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth,

“Tear ~ ha! This wine is so strong, Cenarius, why didn’t you give it to me? Hiding instead? ”

Cenarius looked at the bottle in Pinel’s hand, the corners of his mouth pulled slightly, and his eyebrows unconsciously picked!

“Legion Elder, you are not taking alcohol, but alcohol, medical alcohol, for disinfection!”

When Pinel heard this, not only did he not feel any discomfort, but he showed a satisfied smile!

“I’ll drink it later, bring it up! Cenarius, what are you still standing here waiting for? Time without money? Such a big difference in strength? I haven’t seen him fall to the ground after I finish this bottle, so you can fall in his place!” ”

Cenarius did not nod, the double cut immediately began to bombard constantly, in the face of such a meat shield, what else does Cenarius need to consider? It’s done!

With the attack of Cenarius, the sixty lieutenant general-level people also moved, and very consciously divided six people to deal with those little brothers brought by Jack, and the remaining fifty-four people bombarded Jack! That scene is really called a cruelty!

Let’s put it this way, fifty ordinary people, group beat a person who learned taekwondo and obtained a yellow belt, and those ordinary people still have weapons in their hands! Think about that picture! That’s what Jack is going through right now!

Pinel has never paid attention to one-on-one battles, there are many people on our side, why should we be one-on-one with you?

Pinel smiled and drank wine, but there was no trace of joy in his eyes, as if there was nothing worth his pleasure in the scene in front of him!

In fact, it is just a drought jack, which will not give Pinel the excitement of possible defeat at all, and for Piner, this battle is not a game at all!


Pinel said while gulping ‘wine’, of course, no one else heard this, this was said by Pinel himself to himself!

No wonder!

Jack’s visit surprised Pinell, in Pinell’s opinion, how could there be a Four Emperors, but in the end, only one drought Jack came, of course he would feel it! Probably that’s the kind of thing that you are ready to deal with the college entrance examination, but you see that the paper sent down is an elementary school winter vacation homework! That boring feeling is now Pinell’s state of mind!!

Cenarius never gave in, Pinel’s wine had just been half drunk, and Jack was dragged to Pinel like a dead dog,

“Legion Elder, the person has fallen, please give instructions for the next step!”

Pinel picked up the wine bottle and poured it down on Jack’s wound, and the remaining half of the bottle of alcohol was all poured on Jack, screaming heartbreakingly!

“What do you say you are screaming? Are you really Kaido yourself? It’s just a dog, you don’t want to retreat in the face of so many people, I thought you were so powerful! It really deserves to be a reward of 660 million, and ivory is worth 600 million! There are so many of me, one person punches you, the injury is healed, and it is also rotten! Give you one last chance, is there anything else you want to say? ”

Jack was just beaten to the ground, did not lose consciousness, and still had the strength to speak! Waiting for a pair of blood-red eyes,

“I am a member of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and my boss is the Four Emperors Kaido, you dare to kill me?”

Pinel smiled contemptuously,

“That’s the last thing you want to say in life? In that case, send him away, and let those little brothers take his head back! Help me bring a word to Kaido again! If he wants to play with the family, I can’t play with him, if he goes to war first, I’ll wait for him here!

I’ll go back first, and after dealing with it here, you come to me to discuss the next plan!” ”

Cenarius bent respectfully! Congratulations to Pinel on his departure!

After Pinel left, Cenarius looked at Jack with a very subtle expression, as if looking at a fool!

“I always thought that you were pretending to be stupid, after all, in your position, I personally think that there should be no stupidity, but now it seems that you are really stupid!” You actually asked the legion elder if he dared to kill you? Who do you think you are? Who else in this world does not dare to kill the Legion Elders? Draco doesn’t have that qualification! Why are you? Forget it, say these words to you, I’m also stupid, send you on your way! ”

Forty-five people surrounded Jack in a circle, if Jack could still escape under such circumstances, then nothing was said, these people would all jump into the sea to commit suicide, and it was useless to live!

The armed color entwined standard long knife slowly reached Jack’s neck in the expressionless summoner’s hand!

In an angry roar, Jack cut his throat, cut off his spine, and finally cut off the entire head!

Until Jack’s head was cut off, his expression was still unwilling resentment, and his eyes were wide as the boss, until the moment of death, he couldn’t believe that Pinel really dared to kill him!

Cenarius casually threw Jack’s head to the little minions of the group of beasts who survived on their knees,

“You guys leave, bring this head back to Kaido! Just now the Legion Elder let me take the words, you also heard it! Bring me back completely! I’ll find you and kill you all! Get out of here! ”

On the evening of the same day, Sengoku received the news that Jack had died at the hands of Pinel, his face was serious, but he was not nervous!

“Pinel, Pinel, what a restless lord, this has just been two days, Kaido, why are you full to mess with this mad dog!” Don’t be afraid to make trouble! Alas! The new world is not calm! Gotta get some preparation! Heath Pinel you are such a fucking bastard! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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