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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 093

After the Warring States side got the news, they immediately made corresponding countermeasures, allowing the red dog to go to the G5 fortress in the depths of the new world to garrison and avoid any special accidents!

And immediately let the green pheasant go to sea, start patrolling in the first half, know that the young shoots of the pirates, no matter who wins or loses the battle between Pinel and Kaido, will stimulate the hearts of those young pirates on this sea! After all, Pinel’s age does not fight, since Pinel can challenge the existence of the Four Emperors, why can’t they, such ideas will unconsciously breed, and will be contagious between people, and eventually a large-scale war of young pirates succeeding to challenge the Four Emperors will break out!

Do not think that such a war is good for the Navy!

On the contrary, this is an extremely detrimental thing for the navy, because young pirates challenge the four emperors together, the consequence will only be one, that is, failure, an existence like Pinel, it is bad enough to have one on the sea, how can there be more such demons, and if the four emperors will be killed so easily, then the four emperors will not be worth much!

And those defeated young pirates will also be picked and picked by the four emperors, and they will have potential, ability, and usefulness to absorb as their own people, and then the power of those four emperors will become stronger! So this matter is not a good thing for the Navy, if it can, Sengoku is trying to prevent the war between Pinel and Kaido, and for the current Navy, nothing is more important than quiet slow development!

But it’s a pity that things on the sea are not decided by the Warring States alone, just like the battle between Pinel and Kaido, it is not something he can stop, not to mention anything else, just the intelligence company transmitted by the scout who monitored Pinel, the sixty lieutenant general-level summons are enough for the navy to drink a pot, not to mention there is another Kaido’s people, this is not a lineup that the navy can eat at all!

Others don’t know, but the navy that fought with Pinel is still very aware of Pinell’s horror!

That kind of horror is not because of anything else, but because of the kind of battle state that even if you die, you will die with your opponent, and the Warring States can say with great certainty that in a war with Pinel, the victor will definitely not be Pinel’s opponent! Even if the war is won, that loss is fatal!

Sengoku looked at the intelligence in his hand, his brows furrowed tighter, suddenly, he thought of something, and then Sengoku immediately called Tsuru to his office for an emergency meeting!

Two hours later, the Admiral Yellow Ape stationed at the headquarters of the navy quietly left Marinfodo, and Kuzan, who had come to the Chambord Islands, also received a secret order, and after hanging up the phone, Kuzan continued to meticulously carry out the order, stationed in the Chambord Islands, cleaning up the pirates in this step area, as if the phone just said nothing!

However, if anyone knows his previous plan, it will definitely be a little tricky, because Kuzan’s previous plan was to set off from the Chambord Islands along the course and set off in the opposite direction to clean up the pirates along the way, but now he chose to garrison Chambord!

Just at the same time as the frequent mobilization of the navy, the regiment also rotated, each of the four emperor forces is a behemoth-like machine, when it is not turning, the drought is hot, and it will not be dispatched together, but now, they are all dispatched, including Kaido, the entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group has no trace of its own whereabouts, straight towards the long baseball island!

The whole new world has moved because of Kaido’s behavior, and after hearing that Drought Jack was killed by Pinel, there are some people who know Kaido!

Not surprised by Kaido’s behavior, but surprised by Pinel’s behavior!

Pinell’s behavior is tantamount to death, just a year and a half ago he forged an unending bond with the Navy, and half a year ago he had a fight with Karp and Shanks! And now, half a year later, there is a match with Kaido!

The four emperors provoked half of this, and the navy was completely offended, what is this not death?

After seeing the news this time, even Whitebeard was no longer happy, he had never seen Pinel, and he had always seen Pinel from intelligence and news! The understanding of Pinel is very limited, after all, no one will believe that there are such people in the world without personal contact!

Before this incident, Pinel in the eyes of Whitebeard was just a child who had not grown up, and he had received some grievances and vented his displeasure!

But by now, Whitebeard no longer regards Pinel as a child, because no ‘child’ is stupid enough to provoke two four emperors in a row, this is a madman, a pure madman!

“Marko, we can’t be alone in this matter, pack up and get ready to go, no matter who wins this war in the end, it will change the existing balance on the sea!”

Although I don’t know how my old friend Zhan Guo responded! But he will definitely not wait for the results of the battle to appear! If he doesn’t come and kick him, he won’t be a wise general!

I guess Shanks that imp will also go to watch this battle! Charlotte Lingling should ignore it, but her son will definitely go to the sidelines! After all, the matter of the new world has never been picked up by the navy, this is the rule set by the four emperors! It’s also the rules of the new world! ”

On Marko’s serious face, a pair of dead fish eyes are very eye-catching!

“Is it so serious? Do you think Pinel has a chance to beat Kaido, Daddy? ”

Whitebeard took a sip of wine, and then wiped his mouth casually!

“That’s not my final say! But that little ghost has made the navy deflated after all, if he has no strength, the navy can make him live so long? Although the odds of victory are not great, if there is no chance of victory, he should have run a long time ago, and he can still wait for Kaido to come to the door? Marko, don’t believe what appears on the surface, Pinel he definitely won’t be an idiot! ”

As Whitebeard said, the four emperors all moved, Kaido with the war, and the other three did not want the navy to pick up the bargain!

Although Shanks and Pinel also have contradictions, Shanks will not take advantage of the danger and join forces with Kaido to bully Pinel, not to mention, compared to the contradiction between him and Pinel, it is obvious that the contradiction between him and Kaido is greater! To unite is also to unite with Pinel!

Of course, it’s just talking, have you seen Pinel fight so many battles over the years, when did he join forces?

For Pinell, if victory needs to be shared with others, he would rather not! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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