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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 094

All actions that do not follow through with one’s heart are fear.

——————————Where does love come from, I can’t remember, I haven’t searched for it!

The scope of the new world is not small, and the size of the first half of the Great Voyage is not much different, so in half a month, Kaido came to Long Baseball Island, and when he arrived, Whitebeard and Shanks and Katakuri, the head of the four stars, had already arrived on Long Baseball Island!

Because Kaido’s territory is the farthest from Pinel among the four emperors, although he set out first, he arrived later!

In fact, when Kaido landed, Pinel had been provoking the other three gangs for a long time, but the three of Whitebeard didn’t take care of Pinel!

After Kaido landed on the island, there was no need to look for Pinel at all, because he probably knew everyone else on the island! And Kaido bet that if the person standing in front of Whitebeard, with a weird smile, begging Whitebeard to punch him hard, was not Pinel, he could play a football game with the drought head as a football!

Just as Kaido thought, Pinel was standing in front of Whitebeard at this time, tilting his head, and kept slapping his neck with one hand!

“Whitebeard! What are you afraid of? As the strongest man in the world, how can you be so intimidated? I know that you are not happy to see me, don’t bear it if you are not happy, see my white neck? Come and use your strongest strength to punch it hard, as long as you break it, then there will be less trouble on this sea in the future! I promise not to hide, what are you still hesitating? ”

Whitebeard looked at Pinel with a serious face, he had lived for almost seventy years, and he had seen countless people on this great sea, all kinds of people! Even if there are people looking for death, none of them are like Pinel, their eyes are full of excitement, and their tone is extremely confident! Whitebeard didn’t know about Pinel’s dependence, but he could tell from Pinel’s eyes that Pinel’s behavior was not looking for death! More likely to find a reason to go to war!

“Heath Pinel! I am not here to fight you today, if you want to challenge me, then after the war between you and Kaido, I am willing to accept your challenge! I came here today, just don’t want the people of the Navy to pick up the cheap, the three imps hiding on the side, just based on your sights and domineering want to avoid my detection? It’s a hundred years earlier! ”

After Whitebeard’s voice fell, no one jumped out! Of course, this result is of course, if the three admirals dare to jump out under this lineup, even if it is really dead! No matter what contradictions there are between the four emperors, in front of the navy, they can still do their best to unite!

Didn’t wait for Pinel to say anything more to Whitebeard!

Kaido, who stepped ashore, roared directly to the sky!

“Pi! Inside! You! Come out! Death! ”

Pinel covered his ears, frowning and enduring the noise, and without turning his head, Kaido waved in the direction of Kaido!

Immediately afterwards, an arm-thick laser appeared directly from Pinel’s back and shot in Kaido’s direction!

Kaido’s roar stopped abruptly, it was Kaido, and it was impossible to raise his head to the sky when he was attacked, maybe he would not be injured, but he would definitely not even breathe! Don’t underestimate the elite lieutenant general-level attack, okay!

After watching Kaido’s roar stop, Pinel plucked his ears with disgust,

“It’s noisy, I’m right here, what are you shouting? This island has been cleared by me to welcome your arrival! But this time it was unexpected, I didn’t expect you all to come all at once! I really want to say something to you! Why did you go early? ”

Kaido didn’t talk nonsense, picked up his mace and rushed in the direction of Pinel, and the battle came so suddenly!

In the face of Kaido’s mace, Pinel does not dodge, he can’t dodge anyway!

With a heavy smash, Pinel smashed into the ground!

Although he started victoriously, Kaido’s expression was not relaxed, but his brows furrowed, and he looked at his mace, full of puzzled expressions!

Just when Kaido made a move on Pinel, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and Pinel’s summons also met each other, both sides were with fire, and the battle entered a white heat from the beginning! As a powerful person, everyone is besieged by at least five summons, and everyone has to face two elite-level lieutenant generals! Although their strength is infinitely close to that of the generals, in this melee, it is really not flattering!

Although Pinel’s summoning strength is generally not high, it is definitely not low, and it is more suitable for war, otherwise, how can Pinel’s system be called a legion war?

Just as Kaido looked at his mace with some puzzlement, Pinell’s voice came from the ground!

“Doesn’t it feel like something is wrong? When it hit me, you felt like you were knocked too, right? And the strength that came out inexplicably dropped by two percent from the usual state? Isn’t it puzzling? It’s okay, even if you beg me, I won’t tell you! I heard that you are an undead creature? Have you tried explosives? ”

As Pinel’s voice fell, the ground under Kaido’s feet suddenly exploded, and the flames burst into the sky, but this flame did not make anyone stop and watch, and even Whitebeard and the others did not show strange expressions, as if this explosion was insignificant at all!

In fact, if Kaido were killed by such a simple explosion, then he would not be called the strongest creature in the sea, land and air! It’s not nice to say, not to mention the figures of the Four Emperors, even Katakuri will not be injured by such an explosion, let alone Kaido!

Pinel crawled out of the hole that had just been smashed out! A satisfied smile! Wars are never won by the strength of one man! If one person in war is enough to turn the tide of war, it is not war, but massacre!

Pinel’s confident and confident expression is not pretentious, but a surprise given to him by the system when he clears the island of people!

‘Kill more than 300,000 people directly or indirectly in total, give a hero one! ’

This is Pinel’s reliance this time, there is a good saying, if the strength of the two sides of the battle is not much different, then when the enemy’s attack power generally drops by two percent, the victory of the war has been firmly locked! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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