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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 095

If you want to get something you’ve never had. You’re going to do things you’ve never done before

———————— I saw it from the TV series La Mer Blade!

Pinel unlocks his second hero after killing all the natives of this super baseball island!

To be honest, until now, Pinel did not understand the conditions for the system to unlock new heroes, but that is not important, for Piner, nothing is important, unlocking new heroes is just the icing on the cake, using existing resources to win the war, that is Pinel’s ability!

In fact, Shanks’ deputy, Ben Beckman, noticed that Pinel was followed by two people dressed completely different from those ordinary lieutenant general-level summons!

One is Cenarius, who everyone knows, and the other is a girl with a bow and arrow, this girl has a cold face and frost, no superfluous expression, and stands faithfully behind Pinel!

“Shanks, there’s something wrong with that woman with a bow and arrow! She may have special abilities like Cenarius! What Pinel said just now, I saw the lip shape, that woman’s ability should be to reduce the strength of the surrounding enemies, and I also experimented a bit, yes, the strength of the attack dropped by about two percent! Shanks, I think you can understand what that means, right? ”

Shanks listened to Beckman’s words, his face was solemn!

Of course he understands what this means!

Anti-injury is already a very perverted ability, and now there is such a woman next to Pinel, not to mention whether there will be other people with similar abilities in the future, just with a Cenarius now, a woman who has appeared this newly, it is enough to affect the victory or defeat of a war!

There is no doubt that if there are more people fighting, such as the war between Pinel and Kaido now, the role that these two people can play is far greater than the role of the two elite lieutenant generals, and even comparable to two generals!

Shanks’ face was a little gloomy, he and Pinel were not friends, now that Pinel’s strength has become stronger, of course he will not be happy, and it is even too late to die, how can he be happy!

Beckman glanced at Shanks’ eyes, and instantly knew what Shanks was thinking at this time, he and Shanks have been partners for more than ten years, how could he not understand what Shanks meant! Without saying a word, he went up and hit Shanks with a knife on Shanks’ head!

“Put away the thoughts in your head, it’s unrealistic, even if Charlotte Lingling didn’t come, but Whitebeard is still watching!” He won’t let you shoot, and the Navy is still lurking, do you want to make the Navy happy?

Moreover, Pinel’s attitude towards us has not reached the point of immortality, but if you make a move at this moment, then with my one-sided understanding of Pinel, he will definitely be our trouble, or do you have any way to kill him directly? If you have a way to kill him, then think about the plan in your head! ”

After listening to Beckman’s words, Shanks scratched his head a little embarrassed!

“Sure enough, I still don’t feel comfortable thinking about things, such a troublesome thing is better left to you!” Beckman, what do you say we should do now? ”

Ben Beckman, still extinguishing the cigarette from the corner of his mouth on the ground, then took out another and lit it,

“Do nothing! Look on! It’s useless to think so much, even if Pinel has one more such figure now, but this war is not won by him! Moreover, even if you want to do something, it is useless, do you look at Pinel’s eyes, are they staring at you all the time? He’s always guarding against you, what else do you want to do? For such a person, as long as he starts to guard against you, then no matter what you want to do, you will not easily succeed! ”

Pinel had already looked to this side when Beckman knocked on Shanks’ head, and of course Pinel knew what Shanks and Beckman were talking about, and what else could they talk about besides the new Sylvanas?

This is a war between smart people, even if they do not do it, but they have long begun to calculate each other in their heads!

Pinel said something to Cenarius, and then Cenarius joined the clan and began harassing attacks on Kaido, while Pinel himself came to Shanks and Ben Beckman with Sylvanas! It’s like old friends meeting each other, greeting them with a smile and harmony!

“Shanks, Beckman, long time no see! I know what you’re wondering, don’t guess, I’ll tell you generously, this is Sylvanas, one of my new dogs! The ability is the same as you guessed, that is, to reduce the enemy’s strength, drop by 20%, not a very strong ability, so don’t worry, if you want to take advantage of the danger to kill me, I don’t have a temper at all, after all, this is my honor! ‘Pinel accidentally lost against the two four emperors’, you don’t need to think about it to know that this must be the headline on the front page! ”

Of course, Pinel didn’t want him to say that it really didn’t matter if he won or lost!

He said such a thing as a conspiracy! The four emperors, like the navy, are the top forces on the sea, and they all want face!

A Kaido to find Pinel trouble to spread out, is enough to bully! If Shanks is also on again, then will Shanks and Kaido’s faces still be needed? Even if Shanks can be faceless and don’t care about the evaluation of others, it is estimated that Kaido he can’t agree! After all, Kaido is a very face-saving person!

Shanks laughed awkwardly twice,

“You said this, how could I, and Whitebeard was still watching, how could I disturb your fair fight with Kaido!”

Pinel waved his hand at Sylvanas, and the cold Sylvanas immediately joined the battle, all have one strength, there is one more hope of winning!

Sylvanas and Senarius attack differently, Senarius is a gun, unlimited ammunition gun, while Sylvanas is a direct bow, whenever the bow is full, a pitch-black arrow will automatically appear on the bowstring!

Looking at Sylvanas’ arrow, no one knows whether it is black caused by armed color entanglement, or whether the arrow feathers themselves are black!

Pinel turned around defenselessly, stood in front of Shanks, and turned his back to Shanks, unguarded! It’s really touching to cry, as an enemy, Pinel really trusts!

At least in the eyes of those who do not know Pinel’s ability to ‘not die’, this is the case! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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