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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 098

Whitebeard is not a fool, Pinel’s words have already been said so clearly, can he still not understand?

It’s just that he understands what Pinel means, but he doesn’t want to believe it in his heart!

Long baseball island, although it is indeed not very large, but how to say that it is also an island that feeds a village, want to completely blow up and sink this island, maybe the island can indeed be blown up with explosives, but how many explosives are needed to be enough, it is impossible to calculate, meaningless must be massive!

But facing Pinel, Whitebeard wasn’t sure if he was serious!

“I don’t know if what you said is true or bluffing, but it should be true, but I want to advise you not to do it, you can’t solve Kaido by blowing up this island!” And you will get into big trouble, because the top forces of the new world are here, and if you blow up this island, you will get nothing but trouble for yourself! ”

What Whitebeard said was reasonable, and the voice was not loud or small, and the people standing near him may not hear it very clearly, but Marko, the captain of the team standing closely behind Whitebeard, could hear it!

It is obvious that Whitebeard did this on purpose, he is reminding his sons, especially Marko with an IQ online, to arrange those weaker children out as soon as possible, otherwise if Pinel really goes crazy and plans to blow up the island, his Whitebeard may be able to carry it down, but those who are weak, it is estimated that it will be difficult to survive!

Pinel tilted his head, looked at Whitebeard’s chin, and licked his lips!

“White-bearded old man, I hate you, it’s really tiring to talk to you like this, why do you have to grow so tall? Why are you asking me to talk to you with my head up? Can’t you just squat down? Or sitting? Moreover, finding trouble for myself has always been the norm of my behavior, if there is no trouble in life, what is the difference between it and salted fish? Do you think about it? If I detonate the island today and leave the miscellaneous soldiers of the four emperors here, and the four emperors are each wounded, do you say the navy will trouble you? Will Charlotte Lingling, who didn’t come in, get you in trouble?

Hey, it’s exciting to think about! Isn’t it? ”

Whitebeard looked at Pinel’s expression for three seconds, and finally determined that what Pinel said was ninety percent true!

The white-bearded beard trembled slightly, and it was not reserved, and it roared in the sky!

“Little ones! Listen to my orders and leave the island immediately! Leave as fast as you can! ”

Whitebeard did not explain the reason, on the one hand, because there was no extra time to explain, on the other hand, he was not familiar with other pirate groups, why should he remind others!

Whitebeard still has a certain prestige in the hearts of his sons, just like now, when Whitebeard gave an order, those people didn’t even ask, and directly began to move, running in the direction of the ship! Although everyone has certain doubts in their hearts, but no one has initiated Whitebeard at this time to close the door and say how it is, there is no problem with making a joke or anything, Whitebeard does treat his crew as family, but in . It is necessary to give face to the whitebeard, this is certain! Otherwise, even your own people do not respect you, who do you want to respect you?

Katakuri, who was standing on the side, did not speak from beginning to end, he was not a person who gossiped a lot, and now this island is full of big guys, so he threw a brick out and smashed the people who were all four royals, why say so much? Anyway, he came to see the excitement, did not talk or task, and don’t make trouble for yourself!

Now after Katakuri saw that Whitebeard withdrew, he did not hesitate at all, and directly ordered to withdraw!

It’s not nice to say, if the other four emperors were not here, he would have wanted to leave a long time ago, how is Pinel, how Kaido is and has nothing to do with him, even if the navy appears and wants to be a fisherman, Katakuri will not care! Because there is no profit to obtain, there is no need to manage!

Of course, Shanks and Ben Beckman also found something wrong, but they couldn’t imagine that Pinel had any means to threaten Whitebeard, smart people would think too much, and before figuring things out, Shanks chose to wait and see!

Pinel took out his pistol and shot at Whitebeard, laughing while shooting! Of course, the bullet did not hit Whitebeard, if Marko let Pinel shoot so easily and attack Whitebeard, then his captain would have done the end, even if Whitebeard did not blame him, the other captains would not easily forgive Marko!

“Whitebeard, what are you doing? Do you think I’ll let you go? When I say these things to you, you can’t already walk, can’t you see? Please enjoy the next literary program, art is an explosion! ”

As Pinel’s words fell, the entire Long Baseball Island immediately trembled, trembling violently, as if Whitebeard had used his Shock Fruit!

Feeling the vibration, Shanks immediately pulled out the saber on his waist and yelled at Whitebeard,

“Whitebeard! What are you doing! ”

Whitebeard plunged the long beaked knife into the ground, smoothing the ground under his feet, and the shock fruit can not only create shock, but also absorb vibration is another use of the fruit!

“I didn’t do it, it’s Pinel’s means!”

Shanks heard Whitebeard’s words and looked suspiciously in Pinel’s direction!

Pinel is not hiding either, after all, the plan has already begun, and no one can run!

“Hahahaha! What do you think? Isn’t it interesting? Who can believe that there is an active volcano in the sea next to this small island! Four bundles of explosives thrown into it, it is enough to burst the energy that boils this sea! Otherwise, why do you think I stayed on this island for so long! Haven’t I been waiting for you to come? Everyone, please don’t blink, the next scene will never be seen by many people in their lifetime, please experience it with your heart! Hahaha! ”

Pinel’s words were like a fuse, and when the words were finished, the fuse burned out, and the explosion unfolded!

The sea began to boil, and magma began to erupt from various locations on Long Baseball Island like a column of water, flowing on the earth, gradually devouring one life after another!

After a violent shaking, the entire island began to fall apart, and the sea level gradually rose! The capable looked at the sea water rushing from all directions in horror, praying that the companions around them would save them! But unfortunately, in the face of such a welcome, who is not insured?

The ships parked on the shore also sway with the boiling sea, and from time to time are ignited by magma rising from the bottom of the sea! The means of escape are decreasing one by one, and there is no doubt that despair is gradually beginning to spread on this island!

Probably the end of the world is such a scene! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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