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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 099

Reality is cruel, I am reality!

———————— Ge Xiaolun’s “Super Theological Academy Soldier Company!” 》

In addition to Pinel’s summons, there are probably only four emperors who have not moved, maybe they have confidence in themselves, or they may understand it, even if they start running now, it is useless!

Pinel was full of joy to welcome the coming of the end, suddenly a yellow light appeared beside him, a pair of handcuffs directly leaned Pinel’s one hand, and then the yellow ape’s whizzing voice came from Pinel’s back!

“Finally found an opportunity, thank you, Your Excellency Pinel, if you hadn’t created such an opportunity for me, in front of the two emperors, I wouldn’t dare to make a move, it’s terrible!”

Pinel looked at his injured Hailou stone handcuffs, revealed a thoughtful expression, and then turned his head to look at the yellow ape’s face and smiled wickedly!

“What a suitable weapon, I have to say, Borusalino, you gave me a good toy!” Now I can attack people in the natural department too? I have to thank you very much! ”

While speaking, Pinel returned a punch to the yellow ape’s stomach, because he was handcuffed by Hailou Stone, so this punch was very strong, but the result was very unexpected, at least out of the yellow ape’s surprise!

The yellow ape touched his stomach in surprise after Pinel withdrew his fist!

“Pinel, are you because you don’t have the strength to carry the Sea Lou Stone? It scared me, it was terrible! ”

Pinel’s face was full of helplessness, in the face of the yellow ape’s questioning, what else could he say? What else does he have to say?

“Damn, no dignity!”

Immediately afterwards, Pinel wanted to use the other side of the handcuffs to cuff the yellow ape, of course, just think about it, the yellow ape is not an idiot, how can he still stand in place like a fool, of course, the first hand of time to dodge!

His purpose is accomplished, whether he can handcuff Pinel or not, at least he can know that Pinel will not be affected too much by the sea lou stone, although this information has long been suspected, but now it is determined, it is not considered that the yellow ape has not harvested!

Pinel’s plan to capture the yellow ape failed, and this island did not have so much time left for Piner, after all, this is the reality, where did so many stories before the disaster happen? Only the yellow ape this episode, the rest of the people are struggling, obviously knowing that even if they rush to the sea, there will not be so many ships for them to leave, but they are still crazy to run by the sea!

At the last moment before the explosion of the island, Pinel faced various eyes and laughed loudly,

“The ideal is full, the reality is cruel, are you ready to meet the reality? I am reality! ”

No one replied, and no one had a chance to reply, and the entire Long Baseball Island was directly reduced to pieces after Pinel’s words! The magma that rushed into the sky, the dust that covered the sky, shrouded this sea, the ships that left the port in time on the shore survived, and those ships that wanted to wait to get more people on board all sank to the bottom of the sea!

When the smoke completely dissipated, the ships that left port in advance in the distance dared to return to this sea for search and rescue!

All the people, none of them could have imagined in advance that Pinel would be so frustrated and directly detonate the entire island, but such a fact happened suddenly!

No one knows how many people died on this island, but it’s safe to say that the number is definitely over five hundred!

Of course, it doesn’t matter how many people die, it doesn’t matter, but if Pinel survived this explosion, then he completely offended the Four Emperors and the navy to the end! Whatever Pinel was doing afterwards, this is not something to be forgiven!

On this sea, being an enemy of the navy and one of the four emperors may be called brave and fearless! But to be enemies of all of them, then whoever evaluates will probably say two words, stupid!

The world is vast, but it’s also small, and you can float on the sea without worry, but if you want to reach the top and become one of those people at the top, I’m sorry, it’s almost impossible, it’s not a question of whether you’re young or dreaming, it’s a question of whether people want you to squeeze in!

Even if your talent is good and your hard work is strong, if people don’t give you time to develop and grow, you won’t have a temper at all!

Two days later, the casualty statistics came out!

The Whitebeard Pirates lost more than two hundred people, the captain of the second team was killed, the captain of the second team was an able person, fell into the sea in the chaos, unfortunately drowned, Whitebeard was caught by Marko and flew into the sky, although the smoke and dust also made him a little gray, but fortunately, he was not injured!

Kaido Pirates Kaido is missing, but no one believes that he is dead, the fire ember lost an arm is about to be roasted by the explosion of the fire, even if it is cured, it is estimated that it will not be as good as before, the epidemic does not know how to get it, and did not receive any serious injuries, the injuries on the body are left when fighting against Pinel’s summons, there are many small injuries, but there are no major injuries! As for the younger brothers of the Kaido Pirates? I’m sorry, the regiment is gone!

The one with the least loss is probably Shanks, his crew does not have many capable people, and they are all taking the elite route, and they are also dead ten people who lack strength and have a bad life, but most of them are still not a big deal!

Pinel is also missing, but many of his summons have been found, and some are alive, but after being picked up, they immediately detonate and die along with those who planned to do something to him!

There is no doubt that at the beginning of 1519, Pinel directly caused another protracted event! The world is watching, no matter who the pirate or the navy, this time was shocked by Pinel’s madness!

The Navy originally thought that Pinel was only targeting the Navy and the World Government, but he didn’t expect that he really wanted to target the whole world as he said!

Sengoku sat in his office, looking at the intelligence handed over by the people below, silent, I don’t know why, he now hopes that Pinel will only target their navy or world government! Maybe it’s because the Warring States are a little afraid, he may be a little afraid, Pinel will really destroy the world in the end!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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