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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 100

Change requires determination, and determination comes from a crisis that cannot survive without change. People who are forever trapped in swimming rings cannot learn to swim.

—————— Lu Suwei, “You Must Be Worthy of Your Suffering”

Time passed, and a month later, the whole world returned to calm, the four emperors also returned to their respective territories, and even Kaido returned to his station, after the normal farce, the one who lost the least became the aunt, after all, she didn’t shoot anyone, and such a chaotic environment is not dangerous at all for Katakuri, who can meet the domineering Katakuri in the next five seconds.

Although Shanks does not lose much, on the whole, Auntie still loses the least!

Even when the three major admirals returned to the headquarters, everyone had a little injury, this month, no one looked for anyone, after all, everyone had damage, small frictions continued, especially Kaido’s territory, which was eroded by at least a third by those ‘pirate novas’!

Death from drought and serious injuries caused the overall strength of the Kaido Pirates to drop by at least a quarter, so it’s no wonder that others bullied him!

But none of this is important, what matters is that the person who planned the successful event, Heath Pinel, this person disappeared, for a whole month, no one found him, not even a little wind, and no longer saw him do anything excessive, in short, in short, Pinel disappeared! At least disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

As for our protagonist, where is Pinel now, maybe Pinel himself does not know!

After the long baseball island was blown up, Pinel fell into the sea, and then because of the submarine volcano eruption, the undercurrent at the bottom of the sea was chaotic, there was no law to follow at all, and Pinier did not have the power to resist the undercurrent, he could only follow the current, his eyes were closed, as the undercurrent drifted from the bottom of the sea, he didn’t know how long he floated, or Pinel didn’t know how long he slept, and when he woke up, he found himself lying on a beach!

After a week of investigation, he finally confirmed that the place where he was was a desert island, with only giant beasts and monsters on the island, and no signs of a living person!

Pinel didn’t go overseas in a hurry either!

Even if you are a madman, you will be tired, although Pinel is not afraid that he will be tired to death, but after doing so many things, the anger generated by Ness has almost consumed it, of course, the hatred is still there, this is beyond doubt, at least until the Draco dies, this hatred will not disappear!

But now Pinel is not so impatient! Perhaps after this plan to bomb the island, Pinel found that those he wanted to kill were not so easy to kill, think about it, this time the more than sixty lieutenant general-level summons failed to kill a Four Emperors, let alone there were four such existences!

One four emperors can’t be killed, and the navy that is stronger than a single four emperors is even more useless!

So, after living on this desert island for a week, Pinel planned his future plans!

First of all, he doesn’t want to move, yes, he just doesn’t want to move!

So Pinel planned, he used the current desert island as a base, and then began to develop from this place, give himself a little time, but also give the system a little time, after all, he is not in a hurry, it is the world that should be in a hurry!

Pinel has disappeared, some rejoice and some worry!

Of course, the joy is those ordinary people who have little knowledge, as well as those self-righteous stupid Draco, they all think that Pinel is really dead this time, after all, such a big explosion, even if the Four Emperors are not good, they will be injured, how can these people think that Pinel will be stronger than the Four Emperors, in their opinion, Pinel is just such a group of powerful subordinates!

And those who have some insight and know a little about Pinel are a little sad!

Especially Sengoku, Shanks, Kaido who has fought with Pinel, or who has seen Pinel fight!

They don’t think that Pinel is dead at all, in their opinion, the disappeared Pinel is better to let Pinel create chaos on the bright side! That sentence is good, the gun is easy to dodge the dark arrow is difficult to prevent, the ghost knows what kind of transformation Pinel will have during this period of disappearance, at least the first two times, after Pinel disappeared for a period of time, it appeared again but directly created something that shocked the world!

Pinel disappeared in silence for the first time and escaped from Impelton two years later!

Pinel disappeared after the second silence, and two years later the War of Mary Joa Guard!

The third time Pinel disappeared silently, this time short, only a year, and then in the windmill village almost replaced a general and a general, a famous naval hero harvested, if not for Shanks inserted, at least Karp explained!

The fourth time Pinel disappeared silently, a few months later, a war with the Four Emperors Kaido, it seemed that Pinel lost, but everyone present at that time knew in their hearts that if it weren’t for Pinel wanting to come to Boda and create a big explosion against all the Four Emperors, Kaido would not have won at all, even if he won, it was a miserable victory, the family had to be wiped out, and none of the three plagues could be left!

Now that Pinel hasn’t shown his head for another month, you say these big people are panicking?

Pinel’s existence itself is a rule-breaker, he is like a sharp sword, hanging above the heads of these big people, from so far, no one in this sea is outside Pinel’s goal, anyone may be Pinel’s next target!

And the goal of becoming Pinel turned out to be obvious, at least no organization has survived Pinel’s plan intact! No matter who it is, as long as it is targeted by Pinel, it will definitely be a heavy loss!

The Navy is the first example, Kaido is the second, and now, no one wants to be the third!

PS: Four more today!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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