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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 101

Pinel stayed on that unknown desert island for more than three months, little and four months! After making up twenty lieutenant general-level summons, Pinel only left Cenarius and Sylvanas by his side, and the twenty lieutenant general-level summonses were directly divided into five groups, four people, four emperors in a group, and the navy had a group, which just corresponded and was just enough!

Facing these twenty summons, Pinel threw his hands behind his back and began to speak like a leader!

“I think your purpose should be clear to you, the team is clearly distributed, I am not talking nonsense, let’s go and complete your mission!” Go and tell them, even if I don’t show up, don’t think about it! ”

No one responded, the twenty summoners looked serious and meticulous, and all of them set off in silence!

In fact, Pinel is also idle, and he knows that even if he doesn’t say these words, these summoners will diligently fulfill his instructions!

But Pinel said it all, who else could say anything about him? Is it Cenarius who will say about him? Or will Sylvanas tease him? Don’t estimate, definitely not! There is no one around Pinel who can oppose him, or rather, there are no pure humans around him!

Two months later, the sea that had been calm for nearly half a year, I don’t know where a group of people suddenly appeared, and began to wreak havoc on the territory of the four emperors, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that these people were a gang!

In a group of four, two are proficient in armed color domineering, two are proficient in seeing and hearing color domineering, and the way of action is the same! Directly start sabotage, and then evacuate before the cadres of the four emperors arrive, shoot a shot to change places, like a loach, slippery so that people can’t catch it at all!

Of course, the naval branch in the first half of the sea has also been invaded to varying degrees, and the specific loss of the navy has not said the exact number, but I think it is also a lot of losses!

What is the purpose of these people, who is instructed by them, who is behind the scenes, and people of some levels can see it clearly! Except for Pinel, no one would be so crazy and poke five hornet’s nests at the same time!

Sengoku slammed the report in his hand on the table, his expression was very calm, and he did not show any angry expression, but he didn’t understand it and frowned!

Karp, who was sitting on the sofa in the Sengoku office, ate senbei, looked at the Warring States with a puzzled face and asked,

“What’s wrong Sengoku? What’s the problem? This is obviously a good thing done by Pinel, what are you suspecting? ”

Sengoku put his chin in his hands and said solemnly,

“These people must be Pinell’s people did not run, but the style of doing things is not right, Pinel disappeared for a few months can not just like this, this is not Pinel’s style, that mad dog as long as it is not dead, must want to bite whom, which mad dog have you seen only barking and not biting?”

Karp listened to the words of the Warring States, put down the food in his hand, and after pondering a little, he found something wrong,

“So what do you mean?”

Sengoku replied very firmly,

“Pinel definitely has bigger plans, but no one can guess what he wants to do, and now these people are only acting to attract attention, or to make us let our guard down, and what he wants to do is definitely not as simple as it is now!”

But we have no other way but to see the tricks, and these four people can’t leave it alone!

You take some people and take the four of them down as soon as possible! Although four ordinary vice admiral-level figures may not be a hassle in the headquarters of the Navy! But in the first half, these four people get together, which will make those people in the branch difficult! ”

The navy side plans so, the four emperors also think so, for the faceless Pinel, they have no way at all, and even if Pinel shows up, they have nothing better to do!

You can only take one step at a time!

Shanks sends his deputy Beckman to round up the four summoners who are harassing him! Whitebeard sent Marko, Aunt sent one of the four stars Kelijia, Kaido has no other people to send, can only let the epidemic go away, after all, the Yan disaster is still recuperating! People who can replace the drought, Kaido has not yet met!

This plan of Pinel cannot be regarded as a brilliant move, it can only be regarded as a disgusting person! And these big people who were targeted by Pinel were indeed disgusted!

Although Pinel’s invasion plan will not bring any major trouble to decision-makers such as Warring States and Whitebeard, but for those small shrimp on the sea, it has indeed suffered from the seeds, since the appearance of these small detachments, it can be said that not a day on the sea is peaceful, either the town of the four emperors is attacked, or the other four emperors are provoked, or a fortress of the navy is sneak attacked!

In short, journalists are happy, they are not afraid of no news, and sometimes they can’t keep up with the speed of these events!

In short, the residents on the territory of the Four Emperors are miserable, and the various branches of the navy are also worried every day!

And just when Pinel was accumulating strength and constantly causing trouble for Warring States and others, a group of pirates of spades appeared out of thin air, a guy named Ace quietly went to sea, hiding under the Guan Hui made by Pinel, quietly moving forward on the great voyage, and finally passed the pass and came to Whitebeard, who was accepted by Whitebeard and recognized his godson, and in the process of all this, half a year has passed!

It was when Pinel saw Ace’s news from the newspaper, and next to Ace’s news, Pinel saw a report that made him somewhat familiar!

‘Han Cook, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, recently went out to sea to hunt, wildly rolled up two merchant ships, and after destroying four groups of pirates, he returned with a full load!

The world’s first beauty, superior strength, not only outstanding beauty, strength should not be underestimated, the government with such a strong help, will definitely be more prosperous, stable as before! And according to the grapevine, the Navy has given Hancock the task of hunting down the enemy that is infesting the Navy with Karp! Whether Hancock will agree, please look forward to it! ’

Looking at the three words of Han Cook, Pinel showed a smile that had not been seen for a long time, which was kind and chilling!

Pinel looked at the pale newspaper and whispered to himself,

“Have you become a lackey of the government, and have you easily forgotten the pain and torture of the past? Han Cook! I don’t know if you remember the guy who used to live next door to you at this time! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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