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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 103

For people who don’t understand you, explanations are useless. And what really understands you, why explain?

———————————— (I don’t know where it came from!) )

Just three sentences of dialogue is enough to see Hancock’s attitude towards Pinel at this time! Not hostile, but definitely not friendly!

Pinel looked at Hancock quietly like that, as if he had seen it for the first time! In fact, this is indeed the first time they have met, and the cell lives next door, but they can usually communicate, and they can’t see each other!

“After seeing my fellow inmates for three years, how? Don’t you have anything you want to say to me? ”

Hancock’s expression was complicated, and although his eyes were a little dodgy, his tone was very firm!

“What do I have to say to you? This is our first meeting, right? What cellmates, you say? I don’t understand what you’re saying! As the emperor of Nine Snake Island, how could I have squatted in prison with you? What is the purpose of your coming here today! ”

Just as Han Cook spoke, several other figures also appeared next to Han Cook one after another!

Two women, one green and one yellow, stood on the left and right of Hancock, and a bunch of women of all kinds stood behind Hancock in a row, and the bows and arrows in their hands trembled and aimed at Pinel!

Hancock saw the person who appeared behind her, his face changed, and he said in a somewhat angry tone,

“What are you doing here? Didn’t I ask you to stop people from taking refuge? In the face of him, people of your strength, even if there are more, it is useless! Hurry up, don’t mess with me! ”

Sandasonia looked at Pinel’s figure and said to Hancock seriously,

“Sister, how can we let you face such a villain alone, since childhood, our three sisters have acted together, to live together, to die together!”

Hancock was a little excited, she knew in her heart that Pinel probably wouldn’t kill her, but these people behind her had nothing to do with Pinel, and Pinel wouldn’t have any mental burden when he moved his hand!

“You guys hurry up, it’s my business with him, and it has nothing to do with you! Don’t get in the way here, I have to take care of you when I fight, and affect my performance! Or do you guys have no information about me? Think I’m going to lose? ”

Hancock’s words, no one replied, after all, Pinell’s record is obvious to everyone, Hancock is indeed very strong, but it is far from the point where he can defeat Piner alone! Although Hancock said it perfectly, none of the people behind her left, and her attitude was very resolute!

Pinel looked at the farce in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking,

“Don’t talk about those useless things anymore, you know in your heart that if I really want to do it, they won’t be able to run!” To answer my question, Hancock, is there nothing you want to say to me? Once said that you would be each other’s angels, but you secretly escaped from prison, and now you have become a lackey of the world government, and become a Nanabu Sea, if you don’t give me a reason, can I treat you as an enemy? ”

Hancock was speechless in the face of Pinel’s words, after all, what Pinel said was the truth! Promised that she said, and now the name of Qi Wuhai is also personally received by her! But she does have a reason! After all, compared to the navy, the strength of Nine Snake Island is still too weak, it is not good to say, the navy can be destroyed!

“There are many reasons for this, but I can’t explain it to you, I don’t want to be your enemy, I can’t be friends with you, I know very well what you think, I used to have similar ideas to you, but I now have a sister, I have a tribe, I am a king, I am responsible for my people, I bear this responsibility, so we are not all the way!” Heath Pinel! If you miss the old love, please leave it and never come to this place again! ”

Hancock is not a fool, she may be able to show her arrogant side when facing people who are weaker than her, or she can show arrogance when facing those who cannot resist her beauty!

But when it comes to facing you Pinel, she’s nothing! Can’t beat, and in Hancock’s opinion, Pinel, who knows her past, will not be fascinated by him! So she’s admitting it!

Pinel raised his head slightly, tilted to look at Hancock, his face was full of mockery, and he looked like he understood something!

“You mean, these people behind you are your burden? Without them, you can become like me? I don’t really believe your words, I don’t think you understand how I feel right now, shall we play a game? I cut off your burden and come back later to see how you change? What do you think? Cenarius, Sylvanas, kill the green-haired and yellow-haired one, and the man who is pointing a bow and arrow at me in the back! ”

After Pinel’s order was given, Cenarius and Sylvanas immediately moved, one arrow after another, and one laser shot from behind Pinel to Hancock’s back!

Hancock’s pupils shrank, it was obvious that she overestimated her position in Pinel’s heart, her face, Pinel did not give!

But Hanke Cook is not a waste, immediately launched a counterattack, Han Cook’s combat literacy is not blown out, but so many years of fighting, of course, she can see at a glance, her two sisters, definitely not will be the opponents of the two behind Pinel, not only are not opponents, but can even be said to be crushed! The gap is clear to everyone!

“Arrows of captive!”

Countless pink arrows shot out from Hancock’s hands, petrifying Sylvanas’ arrows and Cenarius’ lasers, and after being petrified, these two attacks continued to fly for a while, and finally fell to the ground weakly!

Watching Hancock make a move, Cenarius asked sincerely,

“Legionnaire, can she be killed?”

Pinel smiled strangely and glanced back at Cenarius with half of his face!

“What do you say? Do I need to repeat my command just now? Did I mention her? Or is your hearing deteriorating? Need me to reinvent it for you? ”

Cenarius quickly admitted his mistake and continued to attack Hancock’s two sisters!

Those warriors with bows and arrows, of course, will not stand aside to watch the play, and after Pinel ordered the attack, they very consciously began to harass the three of Pinel!

Although it was not effective, the Hydra warrior who was entangled with a trace of domineering still brought a certain threat to Cenarius and Sylvanas, after all, even if these attacks did not break the defense, it still hurt to be shot!

Pinel was not serious at this time, otherwise, there would be no problem in summoning several lieutenant general-level summons, and wanting to kill these dozens of people! Hancock is far from being as strong as the general, he can only be regarded as an elite lieutenant general level, at most he is a little involved with the general, for Pinel, it is not worth mentioning!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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