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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 104

You can never wake up someone who pretends to be asleep, and you can never touch someone who doesn’t love you.

—————————— (It seems to be from a Ying countryman!) ….. It’s just like, not confirmed! )

The battle between the two sides is exciting, because Cenarius and Sylvanas will care that they can’t hurt Hancock, so they can’t give their full strength, and Hancock is also the person who needs to take care of her behind, especially her two sisters, and there is no way to concentrate, and they don’t even have time to fight back!

Two groups of people, you come to block me, the scene is very exciting, in the eyes of people who do not understand, it is completely a close opponent.

But if the level of the spectator can reach a certain height, it is easy to find that this is not a close match at all, just a game!

Pinel had the same eyebrows and smile as before, quietly looking at everything in front of him!

Hancock is well aware of her current situation, which can be said to be very embarrassing, quite embarrassing, very embarrassing!

It seems that there are battles and exchanges, but in fact, the end has long been predetermined, she can’t always guard the people behind her, just like now it is already difficult for her to just guard her two sisters, and those warriors have already fallen to the ground a few minutes after the start of the battle!

And she can’t always insist on going first in such a battle, she is a human and not a machine, she will be tired, and Hancock knows very well that she will definitely fall before Cenarius and Sylvanas!

“Pinel, what the hell do you want? You have the ability to kill me! ”

Hancock fended off Cenarius’ attacks and shouted at Pinel over and over again!

But Pinel didn’t answer, and didn’t want to answer, in Pinel’s opinion, answering meaningless questions would only be a waste of time, just like you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep, like now, Hancock doesn’t understand Pinel’s thoughts, it’s just that she doesn’t want to admit her mistake!

The battle continues, lasers crisscross, arrows flying, petrified attacks all over the ground, soil being turned up, forests devastated, no obvious scars on Hancock’s body, not even any signs of torn clothes, from which you can see how thoroughly Senarius and Sylvanas carried out Pinel’s orders!

But the two sisters behind Hancock are not so lucky!

There are two of them, there is only one guardian, and if you attack at the same time, there will always be one side that cannot be taken care of, and fortunately, Hancock’s two sisters are not weak, so there are no serious injuries, but despite this, Hancock’s two sisters are also in crisis at this time, a little careless, it is estimated that there will be yin and yang, danger will happen all the time, maybe the next second, maybe ten minutes later, but Cenarius can assure Pinel that this time will definitely not be too long!

Hancock’s silver teeth crunched, but there was nothing he could do, miracles could not be called miracles if they happened often!

At this time, no one will come to the rescue, someone will come to the rescue, because no one will know what happened in this land, the attention of the whole world is attracted by those five, and even if a small Nine Snake Island is destroyed, it will not be discovered!

So for Hancock, at this moment, there is only one way to change the current situation!!

Change Pinel’s mind, change Pinel’s mind to change the fate of her two sisters, this is also the only way to save their sisters, otherwise there is only one!

“Pinel, what the hell do you want! You say it, as long as you can spare my sister and my people, I promise you!” ”

Of course, Pinel knows that Hancock is telling the truth at this time, and Nell believes that even if he asks Hancock to withdraw from the Seven Wuhai at this time, and kill Draco with her, and even let her sleep with her, Hancock will not disagree, maybe there will be hesitation, but the final result will definitely agree!

This is not speculation, but fact, because for Hancock, the most important thing is the person behind her, she looks and is arrogant, that is because she has low self-esteem in her heart, in order not to let others look down on her, in order not to be seen her inferiority, she pretended to be the way she is now!

Hancock has lost a lot of things, even her dignity, so now, she doesn’t want to lose more, she knows that if something is lost, she will never get it back!

But Pinel wouldn’t be foolish enough to believe the words of a man who had reached a dead end, maybe now he can get Hancock’s assurance, but who can guarantee that after he leaves, Hancock will not change?

Pinel hates speculation and hates uncertain things!

“All I want is simple, get on your knees and want me to apologize! This is what you owe me! ”

After Pinel’s words came out, Cenarius and Sylvanas stopped their attack very sensibly!

Hankku also did not have the slightest hesitation, watching the attack stop, unambiguously, directly kneeling on the ground, and his forehead touched the bottom!

“I’m sorry!”

Compared to the life of my sister, that insignificant dignity means nothing at all!

Hancock’s two younger sisters looked at their sister who was kneeling on the ground and also had a face full of disbelief, their eyes widened and they looked at Hancock’s behavior in disbelief, it was hard to imagine that Hancock, who had been arrogant and dismissive of men for several years, would kneel to a man at this time!

“Sister, you…”

Can’t say anything, after all, Han Cook did this to save their lives, in addition to blaming himself for being too weak, he could only accumulate resentment against Pinel in his heart, and besides that, they couldn’t do anything!

Pinel looked at the kneeling Hancock, and immediately happily raised his hand to his chest, making a victorious fist gesture, excited like a child who won the game!

“YSE, you finally lowered your head, how is it? Have you regained your old feelings? For you back then, this is probably how you knelt down and apologized to the Draco, did the feeling that although you were not convinced or angry, although you were angry, but you couldn’t do anything, did it evoke your memories? Is there a dull pain in the skin that was burned by the cannon? Think about your behavior in the past few years, do you feel that your life is meaningless?

But none of this matters to me anymore, the purpose of evoking your pain has been achieved, and you can move on to the next item!

Please start your selection!

Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud, I should be right, your two sisters, you can only choose one!

Sa, who do you want to live? I like this session the most, it’s exciting!

Don’t blame me, why are we who have also been enslaved by Draco, I will lose the most important person, while you enjoy life! That’s not fair, isn’t it? Now there’s nothing wrong with me making it fair! Isn’t it! Hahahaha! I don’t want to wake you up, I just want you to feel pain while pretending to sleep, and that’s enough! Hahaha! “_

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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