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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 105

Hancock’s eyes widened, looking at Pinel in disbelief, she still had some confidence in her appearance, but now she knelt on the ground like this and begged Pinel without the slightest sympathy, for Hancock, this is something against humanity, it can’t happen! But now the facts hit the face, and such a thing really happened!

Although Hancock had also learned about Pinel from the newspaper before, and he also had a certain understanding of Pinel’s bad taste like some BT, when such a maddening choice really fell on him, she had no more feelings than despair!

“Why, why did Pinel become like this? Wasn’t that how you used to be? You used to tell me jokes and stories late at night to comfort my brother! Why did my brother Pinel become such a madman! Why! ”

Faced with Hancock’s muttered questioning, Pinel smiled dashingly!

“For the dream! Don’t say these useless things, if you can’t make a choice, I will send them all to hell!” I think there should be no heaven in this world, and even if there is a heaven, there will probably be no human beings who can live in it! ”

Hancock looked behind her with a desperate face!

The sensual nerves are telling her, don’t listen to Pinel, the three sisters will live together and die together!

But the nervous of reason is telling her that making choices will reduce losses and at least one more life!

Tangled, apprehensive, hesitant, Hancock had no idea what to do or say now, she looked behind her with pleading eyes, wanting to see a glimmer of answer in the eyes of her two sisters!

But unfortunately, human beings are inherently selfish, and words such as what kind of human nature is intrinsically good can only describe individual people!

When it comes to life and death, if nothing else, the first thought is to live for themselves, just like now, Boya Sandasonia, Boya Marigorud two people, obviously know Hancock’s despair, but if you have a choice, neither of them wants to die, if they have to die, they can die generously, but if there is a chance to survive, no one wants to die!

It’s not selfishness, it’s just human nature!

“Pinel, I traded my life for their lives, you killed me and released them! Please! ”

Pinel walked up to Hancock, lifted Hancock’s chin with one hand, and put the mouth to Hancock’s ear!

“Don’t say such an ignorant question, it will make me hate you, how can I agree to your request, I don’t want you to die, I just want you to feel the pain I once felt, that’s all!” The last ten seconds, if you don’t make a choice! I’m going to do it! ”

Hancock covered his head with his hands and roared in pain!

“Ah~ah~ah! Why force me! For. What the hell did I do wrong, God will punish me like this! ”

Pinel looked at Han Cook who was a little broken, and there was no wave in his heart, and he continued to count with a smile!

“Five, four, three…”

“Don’t count! Stop it! Don’t count anymore! I choose Boya Marigorude, you win, I admit defeat, you… Win… Finish! ”

Hancock’s voice became smaller and smaller, and her head became lower and lower, she did not dare to look back, she did not dare to face Boya Sandasonia, she did not dare to look at it or even dare to think about it, Sandasonia’s expression at this time! The feeling of killing her sister with her own hands, and her sister who has lived together since childhood! How to say, it must be very exciting!

Pinel is happy with Hancock’s performance now! That kind of expression is what Pinel has been pursuing, he has seen such expressions on countless faces before, but he has never thought of being so happy now!

“Hah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I like you now, remember the despair at this time! How can this wonderful feeling make you feel it for only a moment! Sandasonia I let go, but her life was not saved by you, it was rewarded by me,

I want you to go on a blind date every day in the future, every time you see Sandasonia, you will remember that you gave up on her, and I want you to live in regret in the future!

And please live with fear every day in the future, I may not come back when I will come. Since you chose Mary Gorud, then I want to take her life!” Just the next time we meet, live when I’m in a bad mood!

Hahahaha! It’s over, Cenarius, Sylvanas! ”

Pinel left directly, leaving three sisters who didn’t know what happened, just when Marigorud was rejoicing that she had saved a life, suddenly heard Piner’s words, the whole person seemed to fall into an ice cave, and it was cold from head to foot! The plot reversed too quickly, she didn’t react at all, and when she did, Pinel had already left Hydra Island with Cenarius and the two!

At this time, Mary Gorud’s heart can be described in three sons, panicked!

But what is even more ugly is that Sandasonia, although she understands that Hancock’s choice is understandable, and it is not right to choose anyone, she can understand Hancock’s approach!

But this incident will always leave a thorn in her heart and in Hancock’s heart, a thorn that is difficult to pull out!

Hancock really didn’t face Sandasonia, but after all, he couldn’t escape, took a deep breath, his face was painful, and a thousand words finally converged into one sentence!

“Sandasonia, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! ”

Although Sandasonia was sad in her heart, she still hid it well!

“It’s okay, I understand you Han Cook, if it were me, there would be no better solution!”

Although Sandasonia said that it was okay, she did not notice that her address to Hancock had changed, she would have called her sister, but now she has begun to call her by her first name! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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