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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 106

I’m not powerful, I don’t know, I just know, some people say, when I die and the earth is still turning, I feel that the earth is holding up!

—————————— (Where love comes from!) )

Pinel took the Cenarius duo on the raft they came to leave the area of Nine Snake Island! On the raft Cenarius asked Pinel,

“Legionnaire, where are we going next?”

Pinel looked back in surprise,

“Why ask such a stupid question? Back to that desert island, of course! Where else can we go? Doing something? Can’t you hear the wailing of this world? It’s already harder, we have to give it some time to return blood, otherwise this game won’t be saved? I don’t want the game to end so early! It’s just the exciting stage, so don’t enjoy it! ”

Cenarius honestly retired and began to row hard, although he wanted to go out and do things, because the days on the desert island were too boring, but compared with giving advice to Pinel, Cenarius would undoubtedly choose to stay on the desert island and give advice to Pinel, the consequences would definitely make him unforgettable, the feeling of swimming in the sea he had tried many times, really didn’t want to try!

Soon, for another three days, Pinel returned to the previous desert island, fell silent again, gathered his strength, and prepared to deliver a hard blow to the world!

The sea is still playing peek-a-boo like before Pinel went to Nine Snake Island, but the pursuers are getting smarter and smarter, and several times they almost catch those who harass the squad! But in the end, it was still a little bit worse!

After returning to the desert island for January, Pinel looked at the newspaper in his hand,

The newspaper wrote that the navy, after several encirclements, could already approximate the position of the enemy, and the next time they attacked again would be their doom!

Looking at the information in his hand, Pinel pulled the corners of his mouth and beckoned to Cenarius,

Cenarius came faithfully to Pinel!

“Legion Leader, do you have something to order?”

Pinel greeted with a smile,

“I know you want to go out, don’t want to stay on this desert island with me, it’s boring, right!”

Cenarius was terrified,

“Subordinates don’t dare!”

Pinel patted Senarius’s shoulder,

“There’s nothing you don’t dare, if you don’t dare to say something like that, you can disappear, and my subordinates can’t do things they don’t dare!” Fearlessness is the lowest bottom line! No, I say these words to tell you that your opportunity has come!

Now it’s up to you to lead the second wave of the team and mess up this sea! It’s still the same old way, a group of four, I give you a group of five, I don’t care how you use it, you just have to remember one thing, I need lasting chaos, not a flash of light! Understand? ”

Cenarius and Na Thrill, as a hero in the Legion War System, he is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of powerful enemies, but he cannot bear the loneliness, and the days without war are a terrible hell for him! Not only him, but anyone summoned from the system!

They are willing to die generously, but they cannot tolerate ordinary life!

Of course, Sylvanas also heard what Pinel said to Cenarius, and the face that had been flat all this time also appeared a trace of emotion, and a pair of sharp eyes looked at Pinel with longing,

Of course Pinel understood what Sylvanas meant, but it wasn’t the right time!

“Don’t look at me like that, it’s not yet time for you to go out, boil the frog in warm water, you can’t boil the water too hot at once, otherwise the frog will jump out of the pot!” Next time it’s your turn, but now is not the time! ”

Pinel didn’t explain much, and he didn’t even need to explain, so it was to appease Sylvanas’s mood, and it was also a wake-up call for Cenarius, not too radical!

A day later, Cenarius set off with twenty lieutenant general-level summons!

In fact, this lineup is enough to fight a beautiful war, but a beautiful war is not Pinel’s pursuit now, he has fought several beautiful wars, and now Pinel wants a perfect victory, no scheming, no threat, just a frontal victory to win!

Too many small fights can be disgusting!

Being weak for too long also made Pinel a little unhappy, so Pinel’s plan is simple, he accumulates strength on this desert island, and then wears out the world with the minimum cost! Finally, when the Epic Barracks is unlocked, it’s time for Pinel to pull the world into the abyss! A steady plan, seemingly simple, is actually unsolvable!

Pinel stood by the sea with Sylvanas, watching Cenarius leave, until Cenarius’s figure disappeared completely, Pinel took a deep breath, put his hand to his ear, and made a gesture of careful listening!

“Sylvanas, can you hear me? The wail of this world? Can you feel it? The world is holding on! It is clear that its time is running out, a desperate wail, he! It sounds so good! ”

Sylvanas is silent, as the second hero summoned by Pinel, she has learned a lot from Cenarius, less talk and more is the right choice, you should never try to keep up with Pinel’s thoughts, that is impossible, because you don’t know when Pinel’s thoughts will change! Maybe one second he will laugh and scold you, but the next second he will suddenly shoot you and kill you!

This is the real Pinel, not at all miserable, making people feel afraid from the soul!

At this time, it was September 1519 of the sea calendar, far from the son of the world, Monchi · D. Luffy is still more than two years away! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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