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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 107

Cenarius carried twenty summons, like a stone thrown into a lake, rippled in circles!

It really scared those fish, shrimp and so on in the water, but it was not enough to cause any tsunami and other disasters, so that the whole situation collapsed! The turmoil of Cenarius is not enough to make the navy and the four emperors feel hopeless, for the navy and the four emperors, it may just be a dog that can only bark, and it will bite!

But this situation is enough to scare people who can see long enough!

Especially the Warring States, sitting in his marshal’s office, the eyebrows are almost screwed together, Karp this time is not sitting on the side without heart and lungs to eat senbei, but the same serious face, ten fingers crossed pestle chin!

“Sengoku, you should be able to think of it! What does such a scene mean now! ”

Sengoku took off his eyes and wiped them with the corners of his clothes, and then put them back on,

“Of course I know, from the current situation on the sea can be completely analyzed! How terrifying is the speed at which Pinel grows! Maybe others don’t understand, but our Navy dealt with Pinel from the very beginning,

From the very beginning, his painstaking mind barely managed to go from Impelton’s escape from prison to now fighting against the four emperors and the navy at the same time, and from the first colonel-level subordinates to the current middle-level subordinates, he tightly spent less than ten years!

And now it seems that whether it is Whitebeard or us, for these subordinates of Pinel, they are chasing and fighting, beating them and running around, but think about it, if Pinel let these people gather to attack a force, what would be the scene?

Forty vice admirals, at least two of them can be compared to the vice admirals of the headquarters of the Navy, plus Cenarius, who appeared two days ago! Of these forty-one people, who dares to guarantee that they will eat it? Whitebeard? Or Shanks? Or Charlotte? Or that Kaido who has basically been scrapped? ”

Karp is not stupid, he has said it many times, if Karp is really stupid, he would not be where he is today!

He can also think of these situations said by the Warring States, but it may not be as complete as the Warring States think, in Karp’s opinion, the situation on the sea is definitely not as harmonious as it seems, but after listening to the Warring States, Karp is also a little surprised, he just thinks that Pinel has a conspiracy, but he didn’t expect that the problem was already so serious!

“Do you have any solutions? You must have an idea, right? ”

The expression of the Warring States is okay, it is not particularly heavy, after all, things have not yet reached the point where there is no way out, things have not yet reached the point of irreparability, and there is still salvation!

“There is no good way, Ming is going to Mary Joa to report this matter in person, after all, the appropriate solution may be to increase the ability of the generals to unite with Whitebeard!”

After Sengoku said it, he stopped and saw what kind of expression he would show after hearing that he was going to join forces with the pirates!

Karp was not as excited as Warring States thought, but thought with a very flat expression, and after a long time, Karp muttered,

“This is also said in the past, compared to Pinel, Whitebeard at least they will not destroy this world, no matter what, all things, all fights, at least must first ensure that this world will not be destroyed!”

To be honest, Sengoku was surprised to see such a Karp, if before, he could not have imagined that Karp would think about the problem with his heart. However, the Warring States have long found out that after Karp and Pinel fought from the Windmill Village, after half of the people died in the Windmill Village, Karp was much more stable and mature, and even the Warring States didn’t know if this could be considered a good thing!

Half of the village of people change the maturity of Kapu, which is really not easy to say!

Just when the Warring States and Karp were discussing the problem, the side of the four emperors was not calm!

Shanks has already arrived on Whitebeard’s boat, sitting face to face with Whitebeard, staring at his small eyes with wide eyes!

“Kura la la-la, Shanks imp, did you come to me to stare at me? Or are you provoking me? ”

Shanks took a deep breath,

“Whitebeard, let’s not pretend to be confused, don’t tell me that you can’t see the situation on the sea, or are you really confident that you can stop Pinell? Let me be clear, Pinel’s goal is to destroy the world, whether it is the navy or pirates, or a revolutionary drama, it will be Piner’s goal!

I don’t have the confidence to pit Pinel unharmed, yes, I just don’t have this confidence, I’ve fought with Pinel, I know his fighting style, and his subordinates seem to be completely worthless, like tools, tools that can still be used! I think Whitebeard you should be able to see it from Kaido’s battle! In the face of such an army, no matter how invincible your white beard is, even if you are the strongest man in the world, how many of your sons can survive? ”

Whitebeard’s face sank, he can not care about anything, including himself, but Whitebeard can’t care about these sons of his, for Whitebeard, these families are the most important!

“Less nonsense, say what you mean!”

Whitebeard has never been a procrastinator, he is very direct!

Shanks hammered the deck with one fist, and said righteously,

“I’m here to form an alliance! Fight together against Pinel who wants to destroy this world! Let me make it clear, you are only the first stop here, and if things get worse, I may go to the United Navy! Whether it is the navy or the pirates, at least this sea must exist, and in the face of Pinel who wants to destroy this sea, we must unite! ”

Shanks’ face was full of righteousness and his expression was serious, looking at Shanks’ expression, Whitebeard did not think that what he just said was a joke!

Whitebeard can also understand more or less, Shanks’ words, definitely not alarmist, but Whitebeard still can’t do it, in the current form of cooperation with the Navy, even if Whitebeard wants to, but at this time, before there is a rout and powerlessness against Pinel, even if Whitebeard wants to cooperate with the Navy, those members below will not agree.

After the final result, one appeared, that is, the alliance had not yet been formed, and the Whitebeard Pirates dispersed first! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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