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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 108

Whitebeard did not immediately refuse Shanks’ proposal for an alliance, and certainly did not immediately agree, after all, from the day the Four Emperors appeared, it was because these four people were opposed to each other and did not unite to appear for a short period of peace!

There is no doubt that as long as the news of the alliance between Shanks and Whitebeard spreads, without Pinel’s hands, this sea will be chaotic, first of all, the navy will not allow this alliance to persist, in the face of a four-emperor navy may be able to bully a little, but two four emperors may not be!

Similarly, Whitebeard and Shanks are in alliance, then the other two, that is, Kaido and Aunt, also have to weigh it, in case Shanks and Whitebeard unite and attack a Four Emperors at the same time, whether it is Kaido, or Aunt is obviously unable to fight, so in order to survive, Charlotte Lingling either alliances with Kaido and the two, or she has to join the alliance of Shanks and Whitebeard, there is no other way!

In this way, this sea is not chaotic, so Whitebeard is considering!

But you asked him to refuse Shanks? Whitebeard is actually muttering, he has not yet reached the point of old confusion, Pinel is menacing, and has not appeared for half a year, the ghost knows what he is planning, last time on Long Baseball Island, it has been forged with Pinel’s beam, the ghost knows if Pinell’s next target will be him! So, for the safety of his sons, Whitebeard really wants to ally with Shanks!

Shanks was also not in a hurry, just sat in front of the white beard like that, drinking wine, the wine he brought, after all, boarding the ship to visit, how embarrassed to get on the ship without some gifts!

Shanks knew that this matter was not so easy to make up his mind, and when Beckman told him about it, even he had thought about it for a long time before coming to Whitebeard, so now that Whitebeard was in thought, he was not surprised!

A few minutes later, Whitebeard looked around, sweeping over the faces of his sons, trying to see some clues, but these sons of his were also kind, not a single look of fear, at most a little confused!

“Shanks little ghost, Lao Tzu is a white-bearded, who will I be afraid of? Your proposal…”

Before Whitebeard’s words were finished, a panicked and stumbling man ran over from a distance, running over and over again while shouting!

“Daddy, it’s not good, Daddy, it’s not good!”

The whitebeard glared, and said a little angrily,

“I’m fine! How am I bad! What does panic look like? Do you still deserve to call me daddy? Don’t say that the sky hasn’t fallen yet, even if it falls, I will bear it, what is the panic? ”

The panicked man ran to Whitebeard, and did not care about Whitebeard’s reprimand, and said directly,

“Daddy, Auntie and Kaido have formed an alliance!”

When Whitebeard heard this, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Shanks coldly!

At this time, Shanks was as steady as a rock, as if he had known about this for a long time!

Whitebeard stared at Shanks quietly for three seconds, and then said slowly,

“Shanks little ghost, good means, when I saw you on Roger’s boat back in the year, you were stronger than the nursing child, and now you have grown to this point? Everything is in the middle of the row, right?

From the time you generously let the world know that you came to me, you calculated that your actions put pressure on Kaido and Charlotte Lingling to force them. If it was Kaido before, he might not have fallen for you, but after the battle with Pinel, his people lost a lot, so he can’t afford to gamble now, so he can only cooperate with Charlotte Lingling first!

And after they cooperate, you and I will definitely ally with you? Otherwise, the balance of the new world will be broken, and I am not wrong at all! ”

Shanks did not reply, but raised his glass and poured himself a sip of wine, neither acknowledging nor refuting!

Whitebeard also poured himself a mouthful, and then sneered,

“Hmph, your abacus is very clear, because your relationship with Pinel is even worse, Pinel this way, every battle can basically be regarded as a victor, at least within his expectations, except for the East China Sea, because of your interruption, he did not achieve the goal!”

So in comparison, Pinel cares more about you! That’s why you’re just getting back so nervous now! After all, Pinel is a mad dog, and you don’t want to be bitten by yourself, so you want to find a cushion!

Kura la la la-la! The abacus is very shrewd! ”

After hearing this, Shanks spoke, very calm!

“Now you guessed, Whitebeard, are you allied with me? Are you willing to join me in resisting Pinel’s revenge? ”

Whitebeard poured the wine jug in his hand into his mouth in one go!

“Ah~ refreshing, the wine you brought this time is really good! I can promise an alliance with you, but this alliance is conditional! We only stand together when facing Pinel, and the rest of the time, you are still you, me or me, we have nothing to do with each other! Agree? ”

Shanks slowly got up and nodded slightly,

“Happy cooperation!”

Whitebeard looked at the polite Shanks, the corners of his mouth twitched,

“I really still hate you!”

Shanks is also not annoyed, is it because of a nasty, nullify his previous efforts? Shanks wouldn’t be so stupid! Since you hate me, I’ll just go, Shanks shrugged indifferently and left the Moby Dick!

After Shanks left, Marko came up from the side, stood behind Whitebeard, put on a dead fish face, and said softly,

“Daddy, since you can already see that he is calculating you, why did you promise him?”

Whitebeard looked at Marko, with a slightly disappointed look in his eyes,

“Asking such a question shows that Marko’s level is not at home, you have to continue to work hard, otherwise after I die, how will you lead these brothers of yours to continue sailing?”

Marko looked stunned, of course he knew that Whitebeard said that he was for his own good, but in front of so many people, he also wanted face!

At this time, Ace said with a solemn face,

“I think, probably because Pinel is so terrible, I met him when I was a child, he was a pure maniac, and I have never met anyone more pure than him after that! He is clear about his purpose and is steadfast in moving forward, and he is confident that he can do what he wants to do!

His purpose is simple, he wants to destroy the world! To be honest, don’t be ashamed of me, I got along with him for a week, so many years have passed, even if I have become stronger, but I am still afraid of him! Pinel himself is very weak, but his belief is too strong, strong enough to make the people around him trust him and believe that he can do whatever he wants!

Really terrifying! ”

Listening to Ace’s words, the people on the Moby Dick were silent, most of them had seen Piner on Long Baseball Island, and they agreed with Ace’s words! After hearing Ace’s words, the people on the ship began to gradually rejoice, glad that Whitebeard Papa had made the choice to alliance with Shanks!

At the same time, the sea began to boil, and the four emperors joined forces, this is to subvert the rhythm of the world! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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