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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 109

(Now I always see the funny side of things and always laugh.) )

———— Batman: The Dark Knight!

How chaotic the sea, how to pull gangs and factions and Pinel has nothing to do with it, even if it is in a mess, it can’t mess with Piner’s body, whether it is the four emperors or the navy, how to kill the forty summons first!

Pinel is a persistent person, saying that he wants to accumulate strength, then he honestly accumulates strength! A small desert island that kept Pinel for up to a year!

Just when the wind is raging on the sea outside, the new pirates want to usurp the throne, the civilians want to avoid the war, the four emperors form an alliance with each other, and the navy is struggling to capture Cenarius!

Pinel is eating barbecue, drinking alcohol, and watching the sun!

Sylvanas became Pinel’s babysitter! The animals on the island are about to be killed, although Pinel does not have to eat, but Sylvanas has to eat, the desert island is not much big, it is only one-third the size of Nine Snake Island, and the resources are really limited!

Looking at the prompts in the system,

Wood balance: 160,000 taels

Gold balance: thirty-four thousand

Daily income from wood: one thousand one

Daily income of gold coins: two hundred

According to this amount of wood, it can summon thirty-two lieutenant general-level summons, and there are about three hundred lieutenant general-level summonses left before the opening conditions of the epic barracks, according to this progress! It will take at least two to three years, because the earnings can be upgraded, so the time is not certain!

Pinel lying on the beach, looking at the sky,

“Ah, it’s so boring, I can’t help but want to do something, God, give me a toy!”

It was as if God had heard Pinel’s words, and just after Pinel had said these words, a voice came from above his head!

“Your Excellency, may I ask me, where is this place? The old man’s eyes are not very good, a little lost, I want to go to the Chambord Islands, can you please help me show the way? ”

When Pinel heard this voice, he rolled over and sat up, looking at the person who spoke!

Blind in both eyes, two scars run longitudinally from the forehead to the cheek! On crutches, humans and animals stood harmlessly in front of Pinel!

Pinel behaved very politely, smiled, graceful, and said unhurriedly,

“First of all, you don’t have a dislike for me, I’ve seen too many people who have malice towards me, this kind of heartfelt emotion, the hostility buried in my bones, passed through my eyes,

Secondly, here is the windless zone, you are alone, there is no shipwreck, there are no other companions, and there is not even a boat, you say that you are lost here, can people believe it?

Finally, is it a coincidence that the crutches in your hand are always pointed at Sylvanas behind me, intentionally or unintentionally? Don’t tell me you like her? Otherwise, I’m afraid I can’t help but give her to you!”

However, even so, I would like to believe that you are lost here, follow the direction thirty degrees west behind you, set off, drive the boat for a week, and you can reach Chambord Land, all the way, do not send! ”

Fuji Hu smiled and did not leave immediately, of course, he was not really lost here, in fact, Pinel’s whereabouts were not a secret in the eyes of those big people! If for a year, you can’t be sure that there is no Pinel wandering around, then the intelligence system of these adults can all commit suicide, and it is useless to keep it!

Fuji Hu smiled, he learned the location of Pinel from the black market, so he came specially to find out!

“The old man is tired of walking and wants to stop and rest before leaving, does the young man mind if he chats with me?”


Pinel answered directly without thinking, and the two words choked the vine tiger smile was obviously stunned, but the vine tiger smiled after all, he is not young, he is already in his fifties, his kung fu is still very good, and he was mentally prepared before coming, so it was not too surprising!

“The old man’s name is Fuji Hu Yixiao, I want to ask you, your opinion of this world! What do you think of the world? ”

Pinel did not answer immediately, but did not know where to take out a bomb, the kind with a long fuse, ignited the fuse with his own care, walked step by step in front of Fuji Tiger smile, and put the bomb between him and Fuji Tiger smile,

“You only have so much time, I don’t know how long, maybe two minutes, maybe three minutes!” Since you want to talk, then do you know why I went to sea? As for my view of the world, you’ll know it after listening to the story! ”

Fuji Hu smiled and did not reply, listening quietly!

Pinel licked his lips, moved his tongue and continued,

“I had a villain dad who abandoned me and my mother in search of that so-called dream when I was little, and I never saw him again, and my mother was killed by pirates who roamed out of nowhere, and after those pirates did everything they wanted, the navy was late.

The navy found the only surviving me, led by my father, and I still vividly remember my father’s crazy face, he pressed me to the ground, kept hitting me on the head with his fists, and said to me while beating, Why are you still alive? Why are you still alive? Why so serious?

Later, with the navy, I got on the warship, and on the warship, after drinking too much, my father pressed me on the deck again, and kept asking me, why are you still alive? Why so serious? Then he threw me into the sea after I pulled out the gun from his waist and shot him in the chest several times! So, I went to sea! Don’t ask me if he’s still alive, I haven’t seen him since anyway!

Well, heroes representing justice! Mr. Fujitora smile, why are you still alive? Why so serious? ”

After Pinel finished telling his story, the bomb fuse in his hand was almost burned, standing opposite him as if he was really blind, completely ignoring the bomb in Pinel’s hand, and his face was serious!

“I sympathize with what happened to you, but Your Excellency Pinel, I still want to hear your own words about your views on the world! Please answer seriously, it will determine my attitude towards you! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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