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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 110

Pinel looked at Fuji Tiger with interest and smiled,

“You are an interesting person, there are very few interesting people like you in this world, among the people I have seen, Karp is counted as one, Warring States is counted as half, and you can be counted as half in terms of your current position!”

Let me answer your question, you have to answer me one first, so it’s fair!

What is the purpose of you coming to me? There are my people in the navy, I have never heard of such a person as you, and there is no presence of you on the wanted warrant of the pirate, so what are you who are neither the navy nor the pirate, come to me for?

Did you have a friend who was killed by me? How many are there? ”

Fuji Hu smiled, and his performance was generous,

“What Your Excellency Pinel said is reasonable, it is only fair for me to answer your questions first and then ask you questions, but can you dispose of the bomb in your hand first, otherwise we may not have enough time!”

When Pinel heard this, he shrugged his shoulders and casually threw the bomb in his hand behind him, and Sylvanas quickly flew up and kicked the bomb into the sea!

When the bomb fell into the sea, it did not take two seconds, and instantly caused the sea water to fly upside down from the sea, and the momentum of the explosion was extremely spectacular, and the power was about ten times that of ordinary bombs of the same size!

The sea water that flew upside down turned into raindrops falling from the sky, and the hair and clothes on Pinel were soaked in a wet, dripping water along the hair and corners of the clothes!

“It’s really a good power, Your Excellency Pinel’s bomb really jumped the old man, but since the timing device has been removed, then I can slow down, after all, you should not understand the helplessness of the elderly, but I heard that Your Excellency Pinel, from going to sea to now, for several years, the appearance has not changed at all!” What an enviable ability! ”

Pinel chuckled and responded faintly!

“Looks like I shouldn’t have thrown away the bomb I just had!”

Fuji Hu smiled, and he was not in the ink, after all, Pinel is not someone else, he can’t fool anymore, that casual attitude is okay with those little people, and it is a little too much to treat Pinel!

“Your Excellency Pinel don’t be impatient, my purpose is very simple, the world says that you are a demon from hell, and you plan to drag the whole world into hell together, but I personally still think that no matter what rumors from the outside world, it is more true to see it with your own eyes!” I’m here for the simple purpose of checking to see if you’re going to destroy the world!” ”

Pinel tilted his neck and leaned his whole face forward, as if to make Fuji Tiger smile and see it more clearly,

“So, now that you see it, what conclusions have you drawn? Does my view of the world really matter? Isn’t my intention obvious enough? Disrupt the established order, make everything chaotic, that’s what I’m going to do, I’m an agent of chaos, oh, do you know what chaos is? It’s fair! ”

After hearing Pinel’s reply, Fuji Tiger smiled and did not ask Piner’s opinion of the world again, because there is no need, the opportunity is enough to give once, and if it is given too many times, it is not called benevolence, but cruelty to the world!

Without the slightest hesitation, Fuji Tiger smiled, immediately pulled out his crutches to reveal the knife inside, slid past Pinel, appeared behind Pinel, and returned the knife to its scabbard without looking back,

“Hell Brigade! Since you are from hell, please return to hell! ”

Pinel’s whole person was pressed to the ground, five bodies fell to the ground, and the strong gravity made Pinel unable to move at all,

“Oh roar, oh roar, oh haha, roar hey, nice feeling! Go on, I’ll still bear! ”

Even if Pinel does not speak, Fuji Tiger will not leave his hand when he smiles, after all, this is not playing a family game, nor is it two people making awkward, for Fuji Tiger, this is saving the world!

The cane knife merged into a crutch again, and Pinel’s whole person was pressed into the ground, and a large gap opened in the ground, as if an abyss suddenly appeared, swallowing Pinel in!

Because it was by the sea, the location of the groundwater was not very deep, and soon this crack was filled with water, but Pinel’s figure did not float up!

Of course, when Fuji Tiger smiled and made a move on Pinel, Sylvanas was not idle, directly pulled his bow and shot arrows, and flew towards Fuji Tiger’s chest!

Fuji Hu smiled, for seeing and smelling domineering itself is stronger than the average person, for others, seeing and smelling domineering is a skill, open when needed, but for Fuji Tiger smile, seeing and smelling domineering is an instinct, which needs to be used all the time!

Maybe Fuji Tiger’s domineering smile is not as domineering as Katakuri’s meeting the future, but for persistence, it is definitely Fuji Tiger’s smile that is stronger!

The pitch-black staff knife blocked the path of Sylvanas’ arrows, and directly shattered the arrows! After all, Sylvanas’ arrow belongs to an energy attack, the attack power is not weak, but it is not hard enough, just like glass, the lethality is enough, but it can be easily shattered!

“Young strong man, why do you have to obey the command of such a demon, Pinel is a madman, but the old man doesn’t look like you, why should you help the abuse?”

Sylvanas did not reply, his cold expression was always the same, but he had never heard of the arrow in his hand, and he kept attacking Fuji Tiger with a smile!

Fuji Tiger smiled and could not dodge, because as soon as he dodged, the gravity he blessed Pinel would disappear, and Fuji Tiger smiled and heard that Pinel was still alive at this time, and finally took the lead, and Fuji Tiger smiled and did not want to lose such a chance to win with one blow!

It’s just that Sylvanas’ attack is not so easy to block, the strength of the elite lieutenant general, and the ability to reduce the enemy’s attack power by about twenty percent, although Fuji Tiger smiled very strongly, but it was not enough to ignore it!

For a tiger, there is still a big difference between a rabbit and a wolf, one is not a threat, the other is that it can bite or even kill it, although the chance is very small, but the difference between zero percent and one percent is a world of difference!

Fuji Tiger is a tiger when he laughs, and Sylvanas is a wolf!

Of course, Pinel is definitely not that rabbit!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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