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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 111

Fuji Tiger smiled while suppressing Pinel while resisting Sylvanas’ attack, and wanted to persuade Sylvanas, although in fact, Fuji Tiger smiled and understood in his heart that the chance of persuasion was basically zero!

Pinel was bubbling in that already filled puddle! Twisting his body hard under the water, wanting to get rid of the suppression of Fuji Tiger Yixiao, but it is in vain, the gravity suppression of Fuji Tiger Yixiao is not easy to get rid of, without the strength of a lieutenant general or above, there is not even the ability to fight back!

In a few years, through the Navy’s world recruitment directly promoted to general, Fuji Hu Yixiao’s strength is absolutely enough to be recognized, there is no strength against the sky, red dogs unless they are stupid, will let Fuji Tiger smile as a general, even if the navy is no longer short of people, can not be the turn to laugh, after all, there are still a lot of generals, at least there are peach rabbits and tea dolphins waiting to take over!

Pinel’s current situation is a bit awkward, he can’t summon more summons, because he is face down, Pinel’s summons must be in sight, of course, this information is not yet known!

Now Pinel can only wait for a smile to run out, or Sylvanas will force a smile to retreat, otherwise, he can only lie quietly under the water like a dead dog!

Sylvanas did not disappoint Pinel, after a few ordinary feints, a full-force arrow directly forced Fuji Tiger Yixiao to retreat, Pinel’s body pressure plummeted, after Fujihu Yixiao was forced to retreat, he did not re-suppress Pinel, because since he can be forced to retreat once, it means that he can be forced to retreat a second time, and there is no point in forcibly suppressing Pinel, there will be no more results!

Pinel also seized this opportunity, quickly swam out of the puddle, stood on the shore again, smiled at this vine tiger, shrugged his shoulders, and said casually,

“It really scared me, I really thought I was finished! I didn’t expect you to suddenly do it, and it was so effective, what an interesting person! I like you more and more, maybe you can really kill me! Now that I’m out of the water, are you ready to keep fighting? Will die! ”

Fuji Hu smiled is certainly not such an easy person to retreat, a blind man, and more than half a hundred years old, what consequences can he not bear? What consequences can he not afford?

There was no too much nonsense, with a wave of the knife to the sky, an invisible gravity wave flew into the sky, and almost at the same time, a ball with flames fell from the sky and went straight to where Pinel was!

Pinel put his hand to his eyebrows, making a wait-and-see look, looking at the meteorite coming from the sky,

“Oh, yes, it’s amazing, it’s the first time I’ve seen such an attack, it’s very powerful!”

Sylvanas faced the meteorite in the sky, and without saying a word, he shot a pitch-black arrow, an arrow wrapped around an armed color domineering, and directly shot the meteorite with a diameter of more than ten meters from the middle, turning into a small meteorite that fell apart, floating down!

A small meteorite the size of a half-human shrouded Pinel, after all, even if it was broken, this was a meteorite with a diameter of more than ten meters, the volume was unchanged, but from a whole piece to countless small pieces of me.

Sylvanas opened the attack of the meteorite fragments in time, and Pinel stood in the center of those fragments without dodging, perhaps because Pinel could not avoid it! Anyway, Pinel was smashed!

Fuji Tiger smiled and didn’t believe that Pinel would be smashed to death by such an attack, if such an attack could cure Pinel to death, wouldn’t the person who had fought with Pinel before and did not distinguish the victory or defeat also mean that he was very weak?

Fuji Hu’s smile is not so silly, and in his domineering appearance, Pinel’s aura has not weakened at all, do you still use to find out? You don’t need it at all!

“Gravity Knife Tiger!”

Fuji Tiger’s knife smiled, continued to cut horizontally, an invisible force twisted the dust stirred up by the meteorite’s fall, as if distorting the positive space, of course, it was not only dust and space that were distorted, including everything standing in front of Fuji Tiger at this time, land, dust, air, trees, and Pinel! All of them are the attack range of Fuji Tiger smile!

This twisted force did not last long, it may have been just an instant, Pinel was shot away, and at the same time took away, everything in this straight line where Pinel was, everything except Pinel, was crushed to pieces by an invisible force!

Pinel’s figure was directly shot out of sight, and Pinel himself did not know how far he was knocked away, anyway, he fell into the sea!

Fuji Tiger smiled’s attack directly crossed this small desert island, and at least one-tenth of this desert island was destroyed by Fuji Tiger smile! Even Pinel had to admit that in terms of destructive power, Fuji Tiger’s ability to smile was really strong!

Fuji Tiger smiled and did not continue to make a move on Sylvanas, because Sylvanas did not do anything to him either! And Fuji Tiger smiled with only one goal, that is, Pinel, who was already mad, if it was not necessary, he did not want to provoke others!

Sylvanas knew that her one-on-one words would definitely not be Fuji Tiger’s opponent, so did she look for death herself, after all, Pinel did not give the order to fight to the death!

Ten minutes later, Pinel was disheveled, and he could only be regarded as barely covering his body and walked over from not far away!

The upper body is naked, and the two rows of bright abs are exposed to the air, and the muscles on Pinel’s body are not exaggerated, but they are definitely not a whole piece!

Walking back to Fuji Tiger with a smile, Pinel didn’t say a word, directly took out a gun and aimed it at Sylvanas’s eyebrows and fired a shot!

With a puzzled look, Sylvanas fell to the ground, and then the corpse turned into a little light and disappeared between heaven and earth!

Fuji Hu was also very puzzled when he smiled, and even a little angry!

“Why? What the hell are you doing this for? Is your damn head full of shit? She’s your person, isn’t she? Why kill him? Do you really have no emotions at all? ”

Pinel pouted and shrugged, his face full of indifference!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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