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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 112

A broken faith. Represents the new birth of another, firmer faith.

———————— (Please don’t compare the real source!) Anyway, it’s not my original! )

Fuji Hu smiled a little irritable, he is a person with a sense of justice, he can tolerate the existence of evil, after all, he is not a young man, and his eyes are not tolerant of a little sand! For the truth that if there is light in this world, there will be darkness, Fuji Hu smiled and reluctantly accepted it, so under normal circumstances, he will not get angry!

But Pinel’s behavior has been seriously violated, the bottom line in Fuji Tiger’s heart, in the eyes of Fuji Tiger smile, Sylvanas is the person who rescued Pinel from the bottom of the water, and the strength is so strong, and so obedient, what kind of crazy person must be to make such a move as Pinell? Faced with his own lifesaver, but also the pillar of his subordinates, casually killed him? Should we say that the person who does this is stupid, or should I say that the person who does this is crazy!

Fuji Hu smiled and didn’t know how to describe his mood at this time, say it was anger, but after all, it was his enemy who died, but said it was happy? That’s really not the slightest bit of fun! If you have to qualify, it may be a little regret for Sylvanas, a little merciless anger towards Pinel!

Pinel, facing the angry Fuji Tiger smiled, shrugged indifferently!

“Why are you so angry? What’s so angry? After she saw me being shot away, she didn’t even hold the idea of dying with you, and actually stood aside and watched, what is the use of the greedy subordinates who are afraid of death who can think? My subordinates are not allowed to appear anyone who is afraid of death, if they are afraid of death, then go directly to death, only after death will they not be afraid!

What I need is that I can’t think, I just need to listen to my orders, my subordinates who can think will have questions, I’m not the kind of person who will explain the reasons to my subordinates, in order to avoid trouble, it’s better to return her to the furnace and rebuild, so that after killing her once, she may be able to increase her memory, and next time she won’t make such a mistake!

But Mr. Smile, you won’t really like Sylvanas, in this case, it really makes it difficult for me! But don’t worry, she’s not dead, at least until I die, she won’t die, and she can’t get out of my control! Rest assured! Hahahaha! ”

As Pinel spoke, with a wave of his hand, Sylvanas’s figure immediately appeared in the domineering look of Fuji Tiger’s smile, and sincerely stood behind Pinel’s side!

After Sylvanas appeared, he immediately fell to his knees, bowed his head, and said to Pinel,

“I’m sorry, Legionnaire, your behavior has brought you to shame, and your subordinates promise that this will not happen in this situation!”

Pinel did not reply, and there was no need, did he have to praise her twice? If she can not let Sylvanas commit suicide again, it means that she is really not afraid of death, and it is already Pinel Kaien

After feeling the figure of Sylvanas, he smiled, and the face that had been slightly distorted suddenly changed to a shocked expression!

“What’s going on? Is it preached? Your subordinates were all summoned out of thin air by you? I once heard that Cenarius died before, but he was later resurrected by you! Originally I didn’t believe it, but now I do!

Perhaps the eyes can be deceived by some hallucinations, but seeing and smelling domineering will not be deceived! I’m pretty sure Sylvanas was dead just now! But now that she is standing alive in front of me, are you really sent by heaven to punish this world? Is there really a God in this world? ”

Before today, Fuji Tiger smiled that he was convinced that he was an atheist, but from this moment on, he began to have doubts about his beliefs!

If Pinel’s ability was not given by God, what kind of fruit could have been such an invincible person long ago? Fuji Hu’s smile is not enough, he can’t think of it!

Pinel looked at his face full of doubts, and his tone was also full of incredible taste, and he had begun to doubt life and doubted faith, Fuji Hu smiled and showed a satisfied smile!

“Although your performance is still a certain distance from despair, this can already be regarded as a good start, when you all start to feel despair, at that time it is estimated that the world is almost over!” Besides, if you feel hopeless just like that, what fun can I have afterwards?

You probably know something about me, I like to make games the most, I said before, as long as I don’t die, I will kill a hundred people in this world, and the number of people who die now is about 400,000!

Let’s make a game, if you win, the remaining 600,000, forget it, if I win, then I’m sorry, I will raise this number to 1.5 million, and will immediately send people out and kill 100,000 people first! Such a pleasant decision! ”

Fuji Tiger smiled, his whole face was almost screwed together, and Fuji Tiger, who valued the safety of civilians in this world the most, smiled, and felt the evil thoughts from Pinel, the deep evil thoughts, the evil thoughts that were enough to drive people crazy!

Such a game full of sin, Fujitora smiled that if he had a choice, he would never play, but unfortunately, Pinel did not give him the right to refuse! So he didn’t speak, Fuji Hu smiled very clearly, at this moment, no matter what he said, it represented Pinel’s victory, even if it was scolding, Pinel just wanted to drive him crazy, so listen calmly, play on, Fuji Tiger smiled and there was still the possibility of defeat into victory!

Moreover, judging from the chips of victory and defeat, Pinel is still fair!

Pinel looked at the non-verbal Fuji Tiger and smiled, and pouted his mouth boringly!

“What a smart and boring person, since you don’t speak, I think you acquiesced, so let’s go straight to the beginning?”

PS: Back to normal update! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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