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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 113

Pinel did not give Fuji Tora a chance to smile and speak, and without hesitation, he continued his words above,

“This place you also saw, it is relatively desolate, and there is nothing extra for us to play the game, so ah, or leave everything to fate, let’s play the simplest, straightest and fairest game, and it’s also very time-saving, exciting rock-paper-scissors!” Let’s win or lose a game! ”

Fuji Tiger smiled at Pinel’s madness and finally understood, hundreds of thousands of lives, in Pinel’s eyes and a game of rock-paper-scissors are equated, there is no need to find other things to describe Pinel, just like this, that’s enough!

“What would you do if I chose not to play?”

Pinel’s happy look suddenly stopped, his eyes opened slightly, and his brows wrinkled slightly,

“I strongly discourage you from doing this, you don’t want to know what the consequences will be, believe me, you definitely won’t like it!” After the rules are set, don’t change it easily, after all, this is not your own game, and there is another player, that is, me, affecting my game experience, which is a capital crime! ”

Fuji Tiger smiled and had to admit that although Pinel said these words with a smile, he was indeed intimidated!

Fuji Tiger smiled and did not feel that there was anything wrong with his heart that was so afraid, and even he dared to say that anyone would have the same heart when facing Pinel, no matter who stood opposite Pinel, whether it was the marshal of the navy, Draco, or the Four Emperors!

As long as there is a weakness, Pinel can accurately pinch your lifeline, as long as there is the slightest chance, Pinel will not pity, will not hesitate, take away the most important thing of the person standing in front of him! It may be people, it may be things, in short, it will lose something!

Fuji Hu smiled after all, the age is there, the experience of life is still very rich, even in the difficult to accept, as long as it does not happen before, he can live in peace,

“I won’t play this game with you, no matter what the consequences, at least now I haven’t lost the battle, you want to make the people in this world like you, it’s impossible, even if you bring despair to this world, in the end someone will stand up and resist you, maybe you can win the whole world, but you definitely can’t win everyone’s heart!” Don’t underestimate the surviving humans struggling in this dark world, they are stronger than you think! The game or something, don’t mention it again, maybe you can kill me, you can kill more people, but if you want me to go down your mind, it is impossible! Justice will never compromise like sin! At least no compromises will be made to you! ”

Pinel was a little crazy, and he couldn’t laugh breathlessly!

“Roar. Roar, that’s right! Fuji Toraichi, the first, the first person who allows me to just go to the end, other people in this world, they have too many ideas, more scruples, they can’t use their hands and feet, they look ahead in everything, they are afraid of the east and the west, it’s not like it at all! What do you say they want so much for? Just do whatever you want!

You say you’ll always be the same as me! What about the facts? Mr. Fujitora smiled, we are the same, you just care about those people on the surface, what you really want to do, is to implement the justice in your heart, you are a persistent person like me, but now the world needs you more, so those people, the navy, the four emperors, they agree with your current behavior!

When one day, this monster of mine disappears from this world, you monster will become dazzling!

Fuji Tiger smiled, didn’t you find out? When you choose not to play this game with me and choose to give up the lives of 600,000 people, we are all the same, all monsters! Hahaha! Today is really a day to have fun! ”

Of course, Fuji Tiger’s smile will not be confused by Pinell’s words, maybe Fuji Tiger smiled and felt that Pinel’s words made some sense, but he would never admit it! There is nothing more foolish than agreeing with the beliefs of your enemies!

Only five short words in response to Pinel!

“Gravity Knife Tiger!”

Of course, Pinel could not dodge such an attack, and Pinel was hit again, only this time he was not shot away!

In the face of Fuji Tiger’s smiling attack, Pinel couldn’t dodge, but he was able to choose what posture to bear this attack!

Last time, Pinel took this move with his face head-on, so he was shot far away!

This time, Pinel chose to lie on the ground and bear it with his back.

There are still so many damages, even greater, and the damage caused is more than enough, but Pinel’s body is firmly embedded in the ground and has not been knocked away!

After Fuji Tiger smiled and issued this attack, he didn’t have a chance to step forward to mend Pinel’s knife, because Sylvanas’ arrow came in an instant, and it flew towards his eyebrows!

In just two seconds, Pinel got up from the ground, with a weird smile, waved his hands, and ten lieutenant general-level summons immediately appeared on his sides!

“I respect your choice, but the game I said will automatically judge you as negative, and now I need to give one and a half million lives to redeem, and after the battle with you is over, I will do it, otherwise it will drag on for too long, I am afraid that the world will think that I am just talking!” Now, Mr. Fujitora, try to stop me, you are the one who has the best chance to stop me! ”

Fuji Hu’s face became more and more cold with a smile, but the hand holding the knife did not tremble in the slightest!

These are two people with completely opposite beliefs, there can be no peace at all, only a war! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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