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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 116

No need to be sorry, some things, already decided at the beginning, effort is useless.

———————— Nine Knives “Waiting for Someone to Coffee”

At the end of the summer of 1520,

The sun in the sky is still vicious, Pinel hides in the shade of the trees, lying on the homemade rocking chair, quietly looking at the sea in the distance, the weather is windy and beautiful, the environment is just right, although the temperature is still hot and has not receded, but near the sea, there is a mild sea breeze, it is still comfortable!

Not far from this desert island, ten naval warships are forming a siege, slowly moving towards the desert island where Pinel is located!

That’s right, this is the revenge of the Navy against Pinel, or rather, this is the revenge of the world government against Pinel, in fact, the Navy is not like doing it to Pinel, because the Warring States know that doing it to Pinel, in addition to making Pinel more against the Navy, will not change anything, and even to say that it is not good, these ten warships, including the people on the warship, will be eaten by Pinel whole!

In the eyes of the Warring States, Pinel is more dangerous than the Four Emperors at this time, at least the Warring States did not find that who can start a war with the Four Emperors of Pirates and the Navy at the same time, and Whitebeard can’t, but Piner did it, although it is just a trick of the enemy advancing and retreating, the enemy retreating and I entering, but this war has lasted for more than a year, if there is not enough strength, even such a tricky way of playing, it has long been worn to death! Doesn’t that describe Pinel’s horror?

But it’s a pity that in some decisions, even if it is the Admiral Sengoku, he said it or not!

Just like the current demon slaughter order against Pinel, although the Warring States are angry and opposed, the countries that were destroyed by Pirnell’s Sylvanas jointly put pressure on the world government, and if they do not take action against Pinel, they will withdraw from the world government. And for good reason, if your coalition government does not help us when we are in trouble, then why do you collect our taxes every year?

Even if you collect protection fees, you have to play the responsibility of protection!

If it is only proposed by one or two countries, perhaps the five old stars representing the world government can be ignored, but as many as sixty countries jointly proposed, this number is nearly one-third! This is no longer something that the five old stars can ignore, especially before Pinel, the great enemy, falls apart first, then it will be a loss!

Therefore, the Warring States had no way, and the navy of the Four Seas Division was transferred and a ‘demon slaughter order’ was temporarily formed!

Ten warships are put together, you don’t care about the size of the warship, anyway, you can sail and fire! There are also five lieutenant generals, is it another word from the headquarters, anyway, the lieutenant general is right!

In a sense, this is the Devil Slaughter Order, and it can be regarded as meeting the requirements of the world government, but for whether the people of these ten ships can return to their homeland alive, the Warring States can only pray to God, and Pinel is in a good mood! So that there is a chance that at least half of the people will survive!

In addition to this, the Warring States have no way, but the orders given by the Warring States to the five vice admirals of these ten ships are still somewhat humane!

The order of the Warring States was that the ships were in the distance, shelling the entire island, not allowed to go ashore, and after the shells on the ships were shot, they immediately returned home! In the opinion of the Warring States, such an order should not die too many people as long as Pinell’s mood is not particularly bad, and the Warring States really did not comfort themselves!

In fact, the heart of the war country is very clear, this is the ship’s people are dead, Pinel is not the kind of person who is trampled on the face and slapped his mouth, and does not give back to fight, this has nothing to do with good or bad mood, you have come to provoke, there is no reason Pinel will let people back!

Moreover, Pinel’s idea is that this time to let people go back, the devil knows if there will be a next time, so that it is ten and a half days and a half months for the Navy to find such a group of people to bombard once, Pinel still can’t sleep well!

Pinel did not sleep, alive to say that Pinel has broken away from the low-level fun of sleeping, since Pinel was thrown into Impelton a few years ago, he has rarely slept, basically no one several times a year!

Pinel half-squinted his eyes, quietly looking at the ten black dots that gradually appeared on the sea, and Pinel watched those ten black dots gradually change from the size of a mung bean to the size of a thumb, and finally to the size of a palm!

After seeing the appearance of the ten warships, Pinel was unmoved, as if these ten warships had nothing to do with him and were not coming to target him,

Even Pinell’s expression was a little lost, and even regretful, with a wave of one arm, ten figures appeared in the scorching sun in front of him,

“Go, two in a group, first kill five of them, then kill the other five, let one go, and you won’t have to come back!” The Warring States are also true, there is no intention at all, or the old routine, send such a lineup, in addition to regaining some dignity, what use can it have? It’s boring! ”

Ten summoners led the order, the figure quickly moved on the sea, some stepped on the water, some ejected in the air, some swam quickly in the water, in short, everyone’s speed is not slow, as a lieutenant general-level figure, if there is no means to rush, then how can you become a lieutenant general?

When these ten summoners began to move towards the warship, the desert island where Pinel was located also entered the warship’s firing range!

Without hesitation, ten warships fired their guns in unison, dozens of shells, with a roaring sound, went straight to Pinel’s desert island, this is not a precision strike, but a fire cover, Pinel did not hide, his face was full of spirit, stay in place!

For Pinel such emotions, it is understandable, just like Kaido, who wanted to fight with Whitebeard, and only a large vortex spider Skuyard appeared in the end, how much passion do you say Kaido can have? That’s how Pinel feels at this point!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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