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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 117

Dozens of shells directly blew up the area where Pinel was located, and it was a ravine, crisscrossing the dust!

Pinel’s figure also disappeared in the explosion, of course, the people on the warship did not find Pinel’s figure, this is just their coverage shelling, but the figure moving towards them on the sea, the people on the warship can see it clearly!

The people on the warship, seeing the ten figures flying forward, suddenly became a mess!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, although no one on the warship has ever seen Pinel’s appearance, but who dares to take Pinel wrong?

Those stories that circulate on the sea, the legends that can scare children crying in the middle of the night, one battle after another! These people who can participate in the demon slaughter order are also old fritters who have been soldiers for many years, and they are convinced of Pinel’s affairs, at least they would rather believe it or not!

“All on alert, the number of enemies is ten, long-range rocket gunners please prepare, choose the nearest target to yourself!” Fire! ”

After all, it is the scale of the demon slaughter order, although it is a little vain, but the people in command are still somewhat level, ten warships, the same command! Uniformity, let’s not talk about the strength of the people on board, at least there is nothing wrong with this command!

Countless shells were fired on ten warships, different from the shells fired by the warship batteries, these shells were obviously much smaller, but the victory was in the dense number!

Pinel’s summon, the two of them are not randomly knotted, but an armed color domineering summon with a domineering summoner, in the face of the incoming shells, proficient in the armed color domineering summoner, immediately blocked in front of the proficient in seeing and hearing domineering summoner, and the proficient in seeing and smelling domineering summoner, directly picked up the black figure that had become black in front of them, acting as a shield!

Covering the whole body with armed color domineering, although it is impossible to block too many shells, it is still no problem to block a few dozens!

And those summoners who are proficient in seeing and hearing domineering can just predict the attack position of the shell and continue to move forward at the minimum cost!

The Navy’s attack methods are all ordinary rules and regulations, when there is a distance, use a long attack, when close, use a long knife to point up, no one can fault this way of command, but this is in the case of equal strength of the enemy and us, it is safest to use this way against the enemy!

But such a command is somewhat stupid when the strength of the enemy and ours is very different!

After three rounds of shelling, these summons of Pinel boarded!

As soon as they boarded the ship, the shelling stopped, and immediately after that, the white-knuckle battle of meat paste began!

When the distance limit is lost, the gap between Er’s summoning objects and these naval forces becomes clear and obvious!

In the war, after the number of people reaches a height, even if the strength is low, it can rely on the tactics of the sea of people to kill the people with high strength, so the owner of the overlord color domineering is important!

But when the number of people cannot reach a certain number, there is no difference between one more person and one less, just like now!

After Pinel’s summons boarded the ship, facing a shipload of people, there were only a few hundred people, and this number was not much different from dozens of people for two lieutenant general-level summons!

After Pinel’s summoning object boarded the naval warship, within a few minutes, the soldiers on the warship fully understood this truth!

These captains who came to carry out the demon slaughter order probably got some revelations from the Warring States before coming, so they were more decisive in doing things!

After finding that he couldn’t beat it, he directly ordered the entire warship to be destroyed, just to be able to pull these two summoned objects to die together! Of course, just think about it, with the speed of the lieutenant general-level summon, unless it is imprisoned and injured in the leg alive, the general explosion can still open more, especially those who are proficient in seeing and hearing domineering!

Soon, five of the warships were detonated, some of them were martyred, some were detonated by summons, and even more were bombarded by the warships of their own people next to them!

In short, when Pinel came out of the explosive dust that had just bombarded the island, there were only five intact warships left on the sea!

Pinet frowned, looking at the five warships slowly sinking with flames on the sea, and said to himself with some difficulty,

“This Demon Slaughter Order is a bit weak, isn’t there five lieutenant generals in the headquarters? How do you feel that there is no resistance? Sengoku won’t be so stingy! Even five lieutenant generals can’t bear to kill me? ”

It is no wonder that the lieutenant general of the Four Seas Division, most of the strength is still poor, of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are powerful people hidden in it, but the average combat power is estimated to be the strength of the major general of the department, domineering can master one is probably enough to be a lieutenant general of the Four Seas Division, if it is not the rank of commanding a division, it must be a lieutenant general, based on the strength theory of lieutenant general, the entire navy will probably have to be less than two-thirds of the vice admiral!

Therefore, this Demon Slaying Order is still a little fragile when facing the summons of the ten lieutenant generals!

Ten summons, after solving five warships, immediately rushed to the other five, Pinel’s order was to leave them all, these summoners did not want to face the displeasure of their legionnaires, that was more terrible than death!

Pinel looked at the raging forest behind him and pouted!

“After staying for so long, it’s time to go out and walk, sixty-five lieutenant generals, plus people on the sea, should be enough for this world to drink a pot!”

That’s right, in a year’s time, throw it out, and give Sylvanas additional endurance, Pinel has already accumulated seventy-five lieutenant generals, just summoned ten more, and now there are sixty-five left!

And now, depending on who is unlucky, he will be targeted by Pinel! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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