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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 118

As Pinel prepares to go out to sea, the battle on the sea has come to an end,

Only two warships are struggling to support, one has already raised a lot of fire, and it is about to sink in sight, while the other is shaking, proving that the people on this ship are desperately resisting, although Pinel is also a little inexplicable, but it is not incomprehensible, there are too many factors that can determine victory in such a thing as battle, not necessarily just by strength, the right time and place, attributes are comparable, it is possible!

In fact, the warship that was still resisting was because the five vice admirals of the Four Seas Division were all staying on this ship and crouching, ready to strike a blow to the summoned thunder!

They also succeeded, and when the two summoners boarded the ship, they were immediately joined by no one, and they were beaten up and almost won!

It’s just a little bit worse!

These five vice admirals only killed one domineering summoner, and the one who was proficient in armed color carried it down by relying on the fairly excellent armed color! Wait for the support of other summons! When the other two groups of summoners solve their respective objectives and board the ship, the situation becomes evenly matched. The lieutenant general of the Four Seas Division is similar to Pinel’s summoned strength!

Pinel’s vice admiral summoning is probably slightly stronger than the vice admiral of the Four Seas Division and slightly worse than the vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, out of this level!

In the case of five Vs, although these navies cannot win, they will not be like bubbles, bursting at the touch of a button!

However, this close match did not last long, and after another group completed the target and joined the battle, the navy’s rout became very obvious! After a few minutes, except for the warship where the vice admiral was, it finally exploded and fell silent, and the summon of battle on this warship also successfully boarded the last warship!

Pinel looked at the last warship that was still intact, thought about his idea of going to sea, and decisively communicated the summons on the warship in his head!

“Leave this ship and control the people on board!”

Pinel’s order is the divine will, originally the two summoners who were the last to board the ship were intended to directly join the battle and attack madly, so as to destroy the warship as quickly as possible and kill the navy on the warship! After the order of Pinel on the street, he immediately stopped and did not enter it, but threw all the shells and explosives into the sea in the surprised eyes of those ordinary navies!

The purpose of these two summoners is simple, to avoid the navy from destroying the ship when it finds the situation irreparable!

After all the explosives have been disposed of, the two vice admirals join the vice admiral in the battle with the other summons!

Lieutenant General who was originally struggling to support because of five against seven, was finished immediately after the last two summoners joined the battle! Two of the vice admirals died on the spot, the remaining three, one with a broken arm, one with a broken leg, and only one female vice admiral, who suffered some minor injuries can be considered intact!

Finally, the intact female vice admiral also saw that the battle situation was decided, and shouted to the naval soldiers who had been watching from afar,

“Destroy this ship, you can’t give the property to Pinel! With this ship, Pinel may be out to sea! ”

However, although she had the courage to shout these words, it did not cause any consequences, because the explosives that were ready to kill the main warship had been thrown into the sea!

Pinel also took a lieutenant general’s summoning at this time, set off from the seashore, and came straight to this warship, ready to board the ship!

That’s right, riding a lieutenant general summon!

The summoned is swimming in the sea, and Pinel stands on the back of the summon, and the picture is very harmonious!

The female vice admiral, looking at the surrounding naval soldiers, who did not move, thought that these soldiers were afraid of death and did not want to be martyred, and their whole face turned red!

“I really misunderstood you, I didn’t expect you to be such a group of greedy people who are afraid of death, and I am ashamed to be your commander!”

Just when those naval soldiers wanted to refute, Pinel’s voice came from not far away!

“Hey, hey, why don’t you buckle the black pot for others, are you stupid for me? Ten warships, six of which were martyred by themselves, can’t I still see your plans? The explosives on this ship have long been thrown into the sea by my people, why do you blame these naval soldiers? Shouldn’t you look for your own reasons? If you still have those few people lying next to you, if they are strong enough, why do you need to bomb warships? What’s wrong with these innocent naval soldiers? ”

Pinel’s words at this time are logical and sharp, and there is some truth!

But the female lieutenant general didn’t buy it.

“Less nonsense, innocent naval soldiers? You’ve killed nine ships of people! Now you say innocent? ”

Pinel was still on board by the summoning at his feet, tossed around the deck, stood up, and bowed gentlemanly to the navy in front of him!

After bowing, Pinel stood up straight, reached out and brushed the broken hair of his sideburns, and said to the female lieutenant general,

“I can’t say that, I didn’t make a move on any of these nine ships, and you fired at me first, you are unreasonable, since you are unreasonable, then I will not be reasonable!” Give you a chance to choose!

I’m going to sea, take this ship, you pull me there, I’ll go ashore from where, and then kill as best I can, take out the nearest town to me, or a gathering place where more than a hundred people are gathered, and control them to less than half! How, isn’t it fun to give you such a big right?

By the way, you have to add a limit, otherwise what if you are always driving at sea and never on land! So the deadline is limited to one month, and if I don’t stay up to the shore for a month, I will kill the entire ship, just as if you chose your target! And your wife and parents are about to be my next target, believe me, it is not difficult to get your information!

Now let me see if you are really that good and willing to sacrifice yourself for the world! ”

Pinel, who had been silent for more than a year, quietly showed his horror to the navy of this ship! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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