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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 119

No one on the warship wants to sail, after all, none of them are willing to follow Pinel’s words!

Or the female vice admiral, she seems to have become the spokesperson of this warship, and all the statements are spoken by her!

“Stop dreaming, we’d rather die than obey your will!” Want us to be your accomplices? Want us to be sinners? No way! ”

Pinel shrugged incredulously!

“Really? There are nearly two hundred living people on this ship, I don’t believe there is no one who is afraid of death, and even if you don’t sail the ship, there is nothing bad about me, I will abide by the rules of the game and send you to heaven in a month, if there is heaven in this world! So do whatever you want! But since you have threatened me like this, then from today onwards, I will kill three people a day to help the fun! Today, just those two people without legs and hands lying at your feet, they are crippled anyway, and living is a waste of food! ”

Pinel’s tone was as if he was talking about killing an animal, relaxed and casual!

However, the people on this ship seem to know Pinel’s character, and there is nothing wrong with Pinel’s words at all! Instead, his face is full of affirmation, as if this is the right thing!

Of course, Pinel will not show any surprises, since the parties who want to be killed have nothing to fight, what can Pinel think!

“Since you have no other opinions, then such a pleasant decision! Good luck! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he directly ignored everyone standing on the deck and went straight to the cabin!

Pinel pushed away countless navies that stood in front of him, and walked past these navies defenselessly, without threatening, without murderous aura, not even hostile vigilance, just like old friends, almost greeting the people around him!

And these navies pushed away by Pinell, none of them dared to make a move on Pinel, if there were no nine summoned objects watching next to them, there might be someone to do it, but under the gaze of those nine strong men, those naval soldiers already doubted whether their heads belonged to them, how could they dare to make a move on Pinel!

After Pinel entered the cabin, the warship was taken over by the nine summons, and every day at twelve o’clock in the afternoon, three navies would be cut off their heads and thrown into the sea

A week passed, and although the ship remained in place, and there was enough food on board, despair enveloped all the navies on board!

The kind of watching the countdown to your life, and worrying every day whether you will die suddenly, the fear of the unknown is far more frightening than direct death! You know that you are about to be shot, at most you will not live for more than a month, but every day someone will shoot you in the head, and you don’t know if this shot will shoot a bullet, but every time you have to be prepared to die, that feeling will corrode a person’s firm belief!

Dying once is not terrible, what is terrible is to have it thirty times!

Even in the past week, more than a dozen naval soldiers could not stand such pressure and chose to commit suicide!

That female lieutenant general sees everything in her eyes, and although she really wants to change all this, she simply does not have that ability!

After a week of thinking and collecting the opinions of some of the Navy soldiers, her deputy finally chose to come to the last remaining lieutenant general to discuss the solution, after all, it is not a matter to wait!

When this deputy saw the female vice admiral, the female vice admiral was in contact with the Navy headquarters through the telephone worm! The deputy did not speak, just stood quietly and listened to the conversation!

“Marshal of the Warring States, Pinel asked us to sail or we would be killed in a month, but if we take him away, no matter which island he takes him, he will slaughter nearby places, so we haven’t moved now, it’s been a week!” Marshal of the Warring States, I want to ask you, can I take Pinel to Marinfodo, you will set a trap in Marinfodo and wait for Pinel! Do you see it? ”

Before the female lieutenant general could say more about her thoughts, the roar of the Warring States came out of the phone worm!

“No, absolutely not, Pinel must not appear in Marinfodo, instead of bringing him to Marinfodo, you should bring him to the New World, the territory of the Four Emperors!” The current navy will definitely not be able to withstand a big battle with Pinel, and if Pinel appears in Marinford, only the four emperors will benefit in the end! So you definitely can’t take Pinel to Marinfodo! Absolutely not! ”

The words strictly forbidden by the Warring States completely hurt the heart of this lieutenant general’s deputy, who was already standing behind the lieutenant general!

They came to fight Pinel for the sake of the navy and for the justice in their hearts, but in the end they were easily abandoned by the navy, which is not something that can be described in a simple and cold word!

But who let them be the navy, orders are greater than everything, after the Sengoku finished speaking, they hung up the phone worm!

The last lieutenant general looked at the hanging up phone worm for nearly a minute, and finally said helplessly to the deputy behind him,

“We can’t die here so easily, pass on my orders, and set off for New World Cake Island!” Even if we die, we can’t die so unclear! Although Motobu has given up on us, we must also do something for the sake of justice in our hearts! Let Pinell, the madman, go and go head-to-head with Charlotte Lingling, the madman! Both of them are crazy, so there will be a lot of common topics! ”

The only female lieutenant general, although her tone of voice was firm, the defeat and disappointment on her face could not be concealed!

What a good mood can a person who has been abandoned! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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