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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 120

For these navies who changed their minds and set sail warships, Pinel did not feel, did not mock, did not belittle them!

After all, for Pinel, no matter what choice these navies make, it has nothing to do with him, anyway, it will not be him who loses, how can Pinel lose in the game formulated by Pinel!

However, the whereabouts of this warship affect the hearts of everyone on this entire sea!

Perhaps Pinel did not care about the direction of the warship!

But the people on the Great Voyage are very concerned, after all, no one wants to face you Pinel, including Kaido, who wants to commit suicide all day!

When the matter on the warship where Pinel was located spread to the sea, everyone panicked, and no one knew how the news got out, but the content of the game between Pinel and the female vice admiral was completely spread, maybe the navy on the warship had internal traitors, or the Warring States side said that it leaked his mouth, anyway, the news from Piner’s side spread throughout the sea in only two days!

The most panicked people are still the pirates in the depths of the new world, after all, it is the navy that makes the game, as long as it is a normal person, he will not suspect that the target of the warship where Pinel is located must be a pirate, and the target of the four emperors is the most likely!

On the fourth day after the warship started, the direction of the warship was completely determined!

Cake Island!

This is the territory of the four emperors who lost the least on Long Baseball Island before, I have to say that the choice of this guiding female lieutenant general is still of some level, Kaido has lost too much in the target, it may be about to explode, Kaido is blowing up, the balance of the new world is about to be broken!

Whitebeard is already old, although it is very strong, but if he survives for a few more years, even if he does not use others, he will not be able to survive himself, so there is no need to target!

Shanks is quite honest and stable, and the threat to the navy is the least, at least compared to Auntie, or Auntie’s threat is greater!

So, after thinking for a while, the female lieutenant general directly made up her mind and led Pinel to Cake Island!

The desert island where Pinel is located is ten days away from Cake Island, and when the residents of Cake Island get the news that Pinel is about to arrive, Pinel has five days to go!

The whole Cake Island is in turmoil!

Although this island has Charlotte Lingling personally seated, despite the four stars, most of the cadres are also stationed here, but the residents of the island are still panicked!

It’s not that they don’t trust Auntie, nor do they think that B· The OM Pirates will lose to Pinel, but the destructive power of the three words Pinel is too strong, Pinel and his name are a disaster, as long as there is a place where Pinel has appeared, there is no place that is intact!

Impelton, Windmill Village, Chambord Land, Holy Land Mary Joa, there is a place that counts as a place, no matter how big or small, no matter how strong the protector is, as long as Nell passes by, it will always leave a lot of devastation!

So ah, the residents of Cake Island do not think that there will be any exceptions for Cake Island, even if BIG· MOM will win, but who can guarantee that Cake Island will still exist after the big war? Even BIG· The members of MOM don’t have such self-confidence!

In the following days, no matter how those cadres persuaded, but there were still a large number of residents, flocking overseas, no matter how they could stop it, on the last day, BIG· The people of the MOM Pirate Group, they all gave up, and no one persuaded, they all began to prepare for the next big war, instead of persuading people to stay, it is better to study how to survive a little more reliable!

Just when the Cake Island Mobilization was happening, the atmosphere on Pinel’s side was also more tense!

It was not Pinel who was nervous, of course, but those navies on warships!

They are just a group of ordinary soldiers at the lowest level, how can they have any chance to see the Four Emperors, their knowledge of the Four Emperors is derived from the legend, the people on Cake Island are very panicked, and the naval soldiers on the warship are also panicked! In the war with the Four Emperors, as part of the warship, their chances of surviving are obviously smaller than those of the inhabitants of those islands!

On the tenth day, under the reminder of the summon, Pinel finally came to the deck again after being silent for more than half a month!

After the female lieutenant general saw Pinel’s figure, she finally did not take it seriously, stepped forward and asked the question that most people would ask after seeing Pinel!

“Pinel, can you tell me what your purpose is? What exactly do you want? Power? Or money? Or something else? ”

Pinel walked on the deck, stretched a lazy waist, did not skim his eyes, and after a snort, smashed his mouth,

“Get out! What so many questions, want to know to ask the Warring States, he knows best! ”

After speaking, Pinel walked to the edge of the deck without looking back, quietly went to enjoy the sea, at this time the cake island has appeared, although it is only a black spot, but as long as you can see it, it means that the distance is not far away!

Pinel looked at the black dot in the distance, took a deep breath, opened his hands, looked back left and right, and then sixty summoned objects directly knelt on the deck of the warship, and the nine summoners that originally existed, said in unison,

“Legion Commander, please give combat orders!”

Pinel smiled wickedly,

“That island, slaughter them! Crush all the enemies that stand in your way! All! If you can’t do it, give me death on that island!” ”

Pinel’s words sound heartless, but every word is Pinel’s heartfelt words!

Those summoners were also quite powerful, and no one hesitated, and said in unison again,

“Yes, obey the orders of the Legion Master!”

After that, everyone got up, scattered on the deck, and went to find their place! There was no combination, no backup, not even a retreat order, but the navy on the warship did not see the slightest expression on the faces of these summoners that they wanted to see!

Every summoner has a feverish aura in its eyes and looks like death! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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