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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 121

Violence can bring good!

———————— (V Vendetta Team!) )

When the warship on which Pinel was riding was getting closer and closer to Cake Island, he saw more and more things, hundreds of battleships neatly facing Pinel’s direction, the barrel was unanimous, and the black pressure was very depressing!

The navy on the warship turned more and more gray! It is no wonder, in the face of a gap of hundreds of times the number of people on their side, it is estimated that everyone will be a little desperate!

However, Pinel stood generously at the bow of the ship, with a mesmerizing smile, quietly looking at the dark warships in the distance!

Seeing that the ships of the two sides were about to enter each other’s range, Pinel beckoned to the female vice admiral,

Under the eaves, how can you not bow your head, and by this time, the female lieutenant general no longer thinks that she can go back alive, so for Pinel’s beckoning, she simply obeyed, strolling to Pinel’s side, although the expression on her face was similar to that of other naval soldiers, and it was also full of the kind of righteousness and awe-inspiring look that was about to be sacrificed!

“What’s wrong demon? At this time, even if you want to retreat, there is no way, is it the first time you have seen such a scene?

I have seen your files, although your reputation is prominent, but the biggest war is the defense of Mary Joa, but despite this, at that time you faced only one-third of the combat power of the navy, and many powerful officers you did not meet, so in the end you ran away!

Now facing the four emperors who are similar to the navy, does it feel completely different? ”

Of course that’s not what Pinel wants to say! There is simply nothing in this world that can make Pinel feel afraid!

“No, no, no, I didn’t call you to say what you want, but I wanted you to come and see, you come to see those people in the distance, a bunch of rabble, a group of soulless creatures who only know how to follow orders.

They are the same as you, except that your navy wants the light and they fall into darkness, but neither your navy nor their pirates can do one thing to the extreme.

Your navy can see that obvious darkness is happening around you, but you choose to turn a blind eye, and these pirates, obviously doing evil and unreasonable things, but now they are still playing the business of establishing a state to protect the people!

You say you’re ridiculous? Just want to win me like that? Isn’t it a little too contemptuous!

If you look behind these lives, it is a group of poor people, who protect themselves as notorious pirates who do not talk about justice and mercy, but he chooses to hide under their protection, and lives comfortably what they consider to be a peaceful and peaceful life, thinking that he is indisputable from the world, and even a little joy!

I tell you, maybe many people don’t have a choice in this, but these are all wrong! You can do this, but just because you did it, you can’t get it right! This is not right!

And I, only to correct these mistakes! By the way, ten days have passed, and I still don’t know the name of the person standing next to me at this time! ”

The female lieutenant general didn’t understand what Pinel was saying at all, or rather, her mind was not here at all, but she did, and Pinel asked her name again!

“Is that heavy? I won’t be alive today anyway, will I? As early as ten days ago, you already guessed that I would make such a choice, you know that I will not guide you to ordinary people, and you also know that the Marshal of the Warring States will not agree with me to guide you to the side of the navy, and once I make such a choice, the entire ship, including your people, will eventually die, so when you tell me the rules of the game, I am already a dead person! And do you still need to ask the name of a dead person? ”

Pinel showed a surprised expression,

“It’s really rare, you actually see so thoroughly, yes, there are no coincidences in this world, only the illusion of coincidences, but you are right, I don’t need to remember the name of a dead person!” But in order to reward you, you can actually see through part of my thoughts, and I will answer your previous questions with compassion.

This world is so boring, hypocritical humans disguise themselves in front of their kind, and even sometimes two people stand face to face and you don’t know what kind of person is standing in front of you, maybe a good person or a beast!

My purpose is to make this world pure, everyone can express themselves at will, no need to pretend, do what they want to do, I want to tell this people living in this world, rules are the stupidest invention of human beings, chaos is the most fundamental law of the world, the world needs chaos! Living in chaos, everyone’s full power is equal! At some point, the world will be much simpler, won’t it? ”

Pinel introduced his ideas with a feverish face, although he did not expect that there would be others in this world who agreed with his opinion, Pinel after a period of thinking, he shared a truth, as long as he still spoke, then his ideas would not die and be obscured, his thoughts would be the same as him, with the day when he lived to know that it would come true!

The female lieutenant general could not even make a surprised expression, because the BIG· MOM’s fleet has already begun to fire artillery fire! As the highest officer on the surface of the warship, she needs to direct the battle, although the result of the battle is clear to everyone on the ship, but it is one thing to accept her fate, and it is another thing to resist or not!

“Comrades, since our death is doomed, this madman’s purpose has been achieved, everything has become a foregone conclusion, I will not lie to you that if you work hard, you will have a chance to live, but I want to tell you that as a glorious navy, even if we die, it is valuable and interesting to die.” The enemy on the opposite side is the Four Emperors, but we can not even be afraid of the enemy to death, are you still afraid of them? Tell me out loud about your choices! ”

The lieutenant general was answered silently, no one replied, especially when the sound of falling shells was still echoing in the ears, and no one was interested in such mobilization. But the soldiers on the warship have already answered with deeds, each returning to his respective posts and performing his duties! Although silent and depressing, no one stood in place and waited for death!

Pinel looked at the humble naval soldiers with interest, not knowing what he was thinking!

ps: Get back some feelings, in the next few days I will try to make up for the debts of the previous two days! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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