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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 122

Courage comes from arrogance, hatred and love.

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Without reaching the right distance, Pinel’s summons are huddled in all corners of the warship, and they are not in a hurry to move, after all, the enemy is outnumbered, and there is still a lot of distance between the two sides, these summoners are indeed not afraid of death, but they do not want to die in vain.

So for now, the only people who can fight are the naval soldiers on this ship, and they operate this warship to give BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates fought back!

Here is reality, not manga living anime, there is no such situation that shells can’t hit no matter what, hundreds of ships, each round of shooting is hundreds of shells straight to this warship!

The female lieutenant general’s strength is not bad, she can block some of the shells, but in the end, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, and several shells will still fall on the warship where Pinel is in each round!

Pinel stood at the bow of the ship like that, watching as he jumped up from the warship, either slashing, or using his fists wrapped in armed colors, knocking one shell after another! The smile at the corner of his mouth is getting stronger and stronger!

“A visual feast, as a navy, you stand with me, a world-class criminal, today and here and now, to resist the enemy, is this a joke played by the world on you, or is it the choice of those in power!” Is this an arrangement made by fate, or did you choose such a fate? Who can say exactly? Who can be sure of the answer?

At this moment, yesterday something happened and we… No, it has nothing to do with you, and what may happen tomorrow has nothing to do with you! Your destiny is doomed to end today! I can tell you very calmly, you are dead! No matter how hard you try, you will not escape the fate of death, and the gap in strength is obvious! Not only you, but all but those of mine will also be buried in this sea!

You have only two choices at this time, either like a lamb facing the wolf, die in the wolf’s mouth without resistance, obey the arrangement of fate, like a nest of waste, with a pleading gaze like your enemy praying for a way to live, of course, this is when your enemy can see you!

Either like a rabbit, it will bite when it is anxious! With an attitude of not seeking victory, putting life and death aside, forgetting your identity, forgetting your duties, forgetting your vows, forgetting all the worries in your mind, with hatred for this world, with the hatred of the person who sent you here to die, launch the last and greatest and most fearless charge of your life against the enemy on the other side!

Those who treat the wounded, give up, there is no point, those who rise up and continue to fight, try to stand up and shine your last fire. Those who are still afraid, look at me, look at the eyes, at this time, is there any point in fear? Don’t let fear dominate you

At least one last time, let the world see you!

At least for the last of your lives, I am the one who stands by your side! ”

Pinel’s words, with the magic of seduction, slowly evoked the hatred of these ordinary naval soldiers on this warship who had been unknown for a lifetime, these hatred originally existed, but were deliberately hidden in the hearts of these people, and Pinel only brought these emotions out of that unnoticeable corner!

Pinel opened his arms, with a calm smile on his lips, and made a gesture of embracing the sky!

The state of fearlessness will infect the people around them, just like fear will be contagious, human beings are such creatures, most people will be influenced by the emotions of the people around them, see sad things, will be sad together, see someone laugh again, will not help laughing, but in fact, other people’s sadness, other people’s happiness, other people’s fear, and what does it have to do with you?

There may be many people who can understand this truth, but there are too few people who can really do not like things and do not feel sorry for themselves!

It may be difficult to understand, but for these hopeless naval soldiers, Pinel’s words were like a shot of stimulant, piercing their hearts fiercely, completely different from the mobilization of the female vice admiral just now!

She is talking about carrying out duties to the end, about responsibility, and obligation! And Pinel is telling them to express their dissatisfaction, to show their hatred, to take revenge on the world!

After all, hatred is one of the best driving forces in this world to move people forward!

Courage comes from arrogance, hatred and love!

Pinel can’t give love to these people, and arrogance can’t be mentioned, so Pinel gives them hatred!

It is clear that the effect is significant,

The person on the warship who was originally seriously injured and lost his combat effectiveness and was receiving rescue, pushed away his comrades who were rescuing him, and the BIG· died in the distance with hateful eyes. The MOM Pirates, raised their trembling fingers to point their companions to the target they should face, and pointed dead to the battleship in the distance, telling his companion that his target was in the distance, not in front of him!

And those who lost their legs are leaning on the boat gang, holding the old gun that has accompanied him for several years with both hands, their faces are not sad or unhappy, although the pain in his legs makes him sweat, but his eyes are full of hatred, no fanaticism, no firmness, only hatred!

Pinel looked at these navies in front of him, and his smile was even greater!

If we talk about the state of these navies just now, it can only be said that it is given to BIG· The MOM Pirates have brought some trouble, then these people now will definitely bring surprises to the world! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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