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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 123

You make me live in hell, and I will destroy your heaven.

——————Dr. Daji, “Extreme Division”

Pinel proved a truth with practical actions!

Emotions are contagious!

The broken warship, with the remnants of the soldiers on board, slowly sailed towards those BIG· MOM Pirates!!

Seeing that the two sides are about to border, Pinel is ready to squeeze the last value of these navies on the warship!

“Everyone, follow my orders, go to my nearest person to collect an explosive, and this explosive will be given to you to use at will, commit suicide, or go and die with the person on the other side, or even come and bomb me, it doesn’t matter!” You deserve it, and your attitude has earned my respect!

Those who have ideas can say to my subordinates that although there is no way to throw you to the opposite shore, it is still possible to throw you to a battleship farther away when you are about to border the other side!

Of course, after throwing it over, you will definitely not come back! I will provoke you with words like Nabi, there is no point at this time, and there are only two possibilities for people who still think they can survive, either stupid, stupid and outrageous, or BIG· MOM’s traitor! I guess there aren’t these two kinds of people on board! ”

Pinel’s words have some funny tones, probably to enliven the atmosphere, but unfortunately, no one on the warship laughed, and if you can laugh at this time, how big your heart is!

The naval soldiers, in the depths of despair, stretched out their hands to their nearest summons without saying a word, and Pinel’s summons did not skimp on them, disassembling the bundle of explosives they brought with them and distributing them to everyone who could still move!

There are probably about one hundred and fifty soldiers on the ship who can move, and Pinel’s summons have more than sixty people, which is equivalent to two explosives per person, and it does not affect the overall situation!

But the more than a hundred explosives that were divided out can play their original value, and Pinel will not lose money!

Soon Pinel’s warship was the same as BIG· The large fleet of the MOM Pirate Regiment is bordering, and the shelling of each other has stopped, at this time everyone knows in their hearts that what is about to happen next is a white-knuckle battle, and the shelling has no greater effect, instead of continuing to waste shells, it is better to create an environment where your own combat power rushes to the opponent’s ship and kills all the other in one fell swoop faster!

Pinel saw that the distance between the two sides had become appropriate, and shouted without hesitation!

“Go, go and make the last sound of your life! Shout your names and let the world remember you! Tell the world that garbage also has dignity and value for existence! ”

With Pinel’s angry roar, sixty soldiers were directly thrown at different enemy warships by Pinel’s summons! Pinel’s summons have a common heart, so they don’t, basically a battleship fell a naval soldier!

This battle, BIG· MOM did not, and it was not Katakuri who commanded the battle, although Katakuri was BIG· The MOM Pirates are strong people in addition to Charlotte Lingling, but his command ability is not outstanding, and the person who commands is Charlotte Lingling’s eldest son, Charlotte Srospero!

Srospero saw Pinel’s actions and could not understand such a practice at all!

He thought of Pinel’s many possibilities for fighting! He thought that Pinel might let these navies jump out as outcasts and consume their combat effectiveness, or he might directly let his people rush over, and even he thought that Pinel might rush over first, with his immortal ability, suppress the momentum on their side!

But Srospero did not expect at all that Pinel would divide his troops in such an extremely unadvantageous situation.

Such a choice, in Srospero’s view, is undoubtedly to let those people die.

Of course, in a few seconds he won’t think so!

Just when Pinel’s side issued a charging roar, he also gave his order, when this kind of number is clearly superior, he does not need to think of any side rate to deal with, direct horizontal push is the best way!

“Everyone, rush up, hack them to death, whether it is the navy or Pinel’s men, kill them all, press Pinel in front of his mother, and let her drain his soul!”

Srospero was ready to lose a lot, but he never thought that his side would lose!

But what responded to Srospero was not the cheers of the people below, but the explosions one after another!

Those naval soldiers who were thrown out, there is simply no possibility of suicide after how long to last, strength does not allow it at all, most of them are even thrown out after igniting explosives, I am afraid that there is no time to light explosives after landing!

Of course, before the explosion sounded, they all shouted their names, but unfortunately, the sound was drowned out in the explosion, their names could be heard, and remembered, only themselves, the ideal is very full, the future is very ambitious, the wish is very naïve, the reality is cruel!

In just a few seconds, no more than twenty-five seconds at most, this time Pinel and BIG· The grassroots battles in the war of the MOM Pirates are over! All the navies were thrown to different ships in two batches, and in five seconds, they were thrown to different ships like heavenly flowers, and in the end, thirty people chose to die with this warship!

The explosion lasted for nearly twenty seconds, allowing BIG· The number of MOM Pirates plummeted by one-tenth. In total, the fleet of about 20,000 people did not have at least 2,000 people killed in the explosion!

You must know that the explosives used by Pinel are not ordinary explosives, it is a reinforced version, and the battlefield is still chosen on the ship, in this narrow and dense battlefield, each naval soldier and a dozen pirates died together, it is not too much!

Even for such a numerical ratio, Pinel is still a little dissatisfied, in Pinel’s opinion, such a proportion should be larger!

Of course, the senior combatants were not affected by such an explosion, and those who died from the explosion were some cannon fodder minions!

The female vice admiral of the navy fell to Pinel’s side and said to Pinel with a face full of grief,

“Your purpose was achieved? You damn devil, you brought them to this desperate path, and finally you have to squeeze out their last value, are you still a person? Do you have emotions? ”

Pinel turned his head, smiled wickedly, and made a boo gesture!

“Shh~ don’t talk, their souls haven’t gone far yet, don’t disturb their heroic spirits, at least they were heroic when they finally left!” Remember the explosion just now, it was the last sound of their lives! ”

PS: Recommend the anime “Tokyo Aftersound” a banned anime, watch it carefully, affect the three views! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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