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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 124

Hate wishes each of you who live with hate, happiness

———————— Di’an’s “Western Decision”

The female lieutenant general looked at Pinel’s face blankly!

She didn’t know what to say at this time, people were dead, was there any point in saying these words now? Besides, even if he said it, would Pinel care? Probably not, and in the face of Pinel who was full of prayer at this time, she also didn’t understand a little, while forcing them to die, and praying for these navies, Pinel’s contradictory behavior, which is the real him?

After two or three seconds of silence, Pinel withdrew those incomprehensible expressions, revealed a bloody smile, and pointed to the battleship opposite,

“Kill them!”

With this order, sixty figures rushed out from all corners of the warship, facing BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates rushed over out of a state of confusion!

At this moment, BIG· The MOM Pirates have not yet eased up from the explosion just now, and they don’t understand what happened just now! In their eyes, isn’t this just a crushing battle? Why do you lose so much in an instant! Especially those cadres who have certain leadership skills, at this time, are thinking about a question, what is the difference!

This question actually has the answer in everyone’s mind, and they are different from those navies just now in terms of mentality! Not because of love enemies, not because of arrogance, but because these navies give up more things!

Pinel’s war was never protracted.

No matter who the enemy is, Pinel has always been about efficiency. In Pinel’s view, the outcome of the war is nothing more than two, either lose or win! Even if the battle continues, it is unlikely that the outcome will be changed in the end?

Not everyone is the protagonist of this world, and if those coincidences, counterattacks, and Jedi stories can happen to anyone, then the word miracle is not so precious!

Pinel’s summoner rushed out, directly with BIG· The MOM Pirates are right!

BIG· The MOM Pirates group consists of Charlotte Lingling’s children, 46 sons, 39 daughters, a total of eighty-five children! This data is amazing, and not very scientific, eighty-five children are pregnant in October, counting confinement, it is about one a year, eighty-five fifteen years, and in fact, Charlotte Lingling at this time is sixty-five years old before throwing out twenty years old, she only used forty to complete this great breeding task.

Of course, there are more unscientific things in this world! The real ones are the people!

Of course, not all heirs have extremely strong combat effectiveness, in fact, there are only thirty-four real cadres!

These thirty-four cadres manage thirty-four islands in the territory of the BMOM Pirates! And these thirty-four cadres do not mean that each of them has the strength of the level of lieutenant general, some of them are just short people looking for a tall, forcibly promoted, the strength may not be weak, but it is not strong!

Having said all this, the main thing is to introduce that in this world, the figures of the rank of lieutenant generals are not everywhere, and only four generals and individual members can really enter Pinel’s eyes!

Sixty summoners, most of whom are tasked with resisting those trash fish! It is half of them that really face the cadres!

The battle was about to break out, and Pinel looked at the battlefield where the sword was full of flames and patted the female lieutenant general in front of him!

“What are you looking at? If you want to go up, go up and fight, if you don’t want to fight, run for your life, you are the most likely one of these people to survive, no matter how you choose, please get out of the way, soldier to general, I have to go to meet the king of the other party! After a war, wouldn’t it be too stupid if even the king of the other side couldn’t see it! ”

The female lieutenant general, with complicated eyes, some hatred, some curiosity, some fear, and even some inexplicable admiration, no matter what her eyes were, in the end she obediently let go.

Pinel pouted, walked past her, and just as Pinel was about to enter the water, the female lieutenant general spoke for no reason,

“Whether you admit it or not, maybe even you haven’t noticed it, Heath Pinel, you are much more normal at this time than you were ten days ago! No matter what this normality is for, please keep it up, the world is not as hopeless as you think, and madness will not solve anything.”

Pinel didn’t look back, paused slightly, but then continued to move towards the edge of the deck!

“I’m not crazy, never, the world is more hopeless than I thought, the real crazy people are you! You who have no brains and blindly obey the world! ”

Pinel did not continue, but fell directly into the sea with one step!

And the female lieutenant general did not think about Pinel’s words, in her opinion, the words of a madman, there is no need to believe them at all, let alone a madman with a different position!

Pinel swam quickly from under the water to the direction of Cake Island, as he said, a war can not see the king of the other party, then it is not a war at all, just a family!

BIG· The MOM Pirates have not yet joined the same people, and the kind of sea slugs that can monitor the entire sea have naturally not yet appeared, and Pinel is like a mermaid, going straight from the bottom of the sea to Cake Island!

Everything on the sea is no longer under Pinel’s control, and this time, Pinel came without any plan, just on a whim! People live a lifetime, they will always do a few things that are completely different from themselves, without these seemingly wrong decisions, how can they reflect the perfection of life? It is precisely because everything has been experienced that life is perfect! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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