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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 125

The war brought by Pinel lasted for half a day, from day to night, and the leaders of the two forces, Pinel and Charlotte Lingling, who were the protagonists of the war, did not appear in the entire war!

However, this war was finally forcibly terminated after a series of shocking explosions on Cake Island, and the navy soldiers were all killed as expected, and the female vice admiral, also covered in scales, although not sacrificed, but also survived, crumbling, and finally if it were not for the help of Pinel’s summons, she might have fallen into the sea and drowned in this sea!

A strange war, I don’t know the so-called beginning, inexplicably ending!

After the entire battle, there was only one vice admiral left in the navy, and Pinel lost more than thirty vice admiral-level summons, of course, BIG· The MOM Pirates also suffered heavy losses, not to mention the small minions, thousands of dead and wounded, which can be mentioned in terms of the record, Charlotte Lingling had seventeen children killed, and the rest were wounded.

The turtle shell of the Klee frame did not protect him from injury, and the five lieutenant generals attacked in turn, cooperating with each other, coupled with the self-detonating attack that did not care about death, directly blew up the Klee frame that was not very strong in body function and lost consciousness, and the burns all over the body did not know whether it would affect the future battle, but looking at the ups and downs of the chest, at least he was not dead!

Katakuri is also under the siege of five elite generals with double domineering, fighting back and forth, Katakuri’s top sight, can foresee the next ten seconds, but some futures can not be changed by foreseeing,

After all, he is still a person, as long as he is still a person, his energy is limited, and it is not useless to use the domineering color that can foresee the future, maybe it does not consume physical strength like armed color, but it will definitely squeeze a person’s spirit, so after a protracted battle, in the face of the attack of five people, Katakuri is also full of small injuries, and fatal injuries are not!

And the more you can feel later, it is obvious that Katakuri’s actions are not so timely to anticipate the enemy’s first opportunity! Maybe before he falls, Katakuri can use the domineering power, but if you can meet ten seconds at the beginning, you can probably meet two or three seconds in advance in the end! If the body is a little sluggish, it will be difficult to dodge the attack!

The most important thing is that he is facing five double domineering elite vice admirals, who can attack and retreat and defend, and can still take care of each other, which is not good, even if the admiral faces the summons of five elite vice admirals, the odds of winning are about three to four percent!

At this time, you can also see the role of the hero, this battle because of the participation of Charlotte Lingling, so the overall can seem to be evenly matched, or in other words, Pinel’s side is not very dominant!

But if the two heroes of Pinel, Cenarius and Sylvanas, were involved, the outcome of this war would be completely different, not to mention a one-sided war, it would definitely be the same!

There is no need to call a hero a hero if he does not point out, and the role that a group BUFF can play in a war with a large number of people is absolutely terrifying!

Let’s talk about two typicals, the meaning is very simple, this war, there are no winners, both sides have losses, but in the final statistics of the total casualty figures, BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates were horrified to find that the number of people surviving on Cake Island was 4.50% before the war, within Zhennell’s halving law, so from this point of view, it was Pinel who won!

The details about Cake Island may not be clear to others. Even the people on Cake Island may not know, but there are two people who know best, one is Charlotte Lingling and the other is Pine

After landing on Cake Island, Pinel spent the last of his inventory and summoned nine lieutenant general-level summons, so far Pinel’s lieutenant general-level summons reached half of the upgraded number, 250 people!

(Counting the previous wars with Kaido, the war in Marie Joa, and the war in Windmill Village and Shanks, Pinel survived the only twenty lieutenant-level summoners who were still alive in this world, only twenty people led by Cenarius, ten people led by Sylvanas, and BIG· Thirty-five people who survived the battlefield after the start of MOM’s war, a total of sixty-five! )

Pinel spent two hours standing on Cake Island with the nine summons he summoned!

At this time, BIG· The combat power of the MOM Pirate Group is all at sea, although there are also people left on the island, but some people who are not strong in combat ability have been solved in three or two strokes!

As you think, Pinel asked nine summoners to break nine bundles of explosives into ninety explosives, and buried them regularly in various locations on Cake Island.

After doing all this, Pinel took the nine people to Charlotte Lingling’s palace, and no one pushed open the door and walked in

That’s right, Pinel finally met, Charlotte Lingling, in her palace!

When Pinel saw Charlotte Lingling, the strongest woman in the world was eating cake frantically, and she didn’t even realize that Pinel had come to her!

That’s right, just when Pinel, a madman, came with the war, Charlotte Lingling just fell into anorexia, although BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates solved this problem in time, and did not let Charlotte Lingling run away, but it was difficult to let her join the war again!

It is precisely because Charlotte Lingling is not there that Pinel’s men can be with BIG· The MOM Pirates fought back and forth, otherwise, if Charlotte Lingling had participated in the war, and Pinege had not participated in the war with Senarius or Sylvanas, Pinel’s side would have been destroyed by the group!

As for what Pinel did in the palace, what was said alive no one superfluous people know!

A few minutes after Pinel entered Charlotte Lingling’s palace, the explosives on Cake Island were detonated, and a full ninety explosives three times more powerful than ordinary explosives exploded at various important locations on Cake Island, and caused a chain reaction, stampede in chaos, and an earthquake caused by the blast wave!

Pinel and his group of ten people entered Charlotte Lingling’s palace, and in the end, only Pinel walked out alone, and the other nine disappeared.

After walking out of the palace, Pinel was in BIG· Before the people of the MOM Pirates returned to Cake Island, they disappeared without a trace!

A WAR ENDED AND PINEL ACHIEVED HIS GOAL OF HALVING THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE ON THE ISLAND, AND BIG· The people of the MOM Pirates also retained their reputation, and they successfully repelled Pinel, at least after the end of the war, the cake island was still plugged in BIG· The flag of the MOM Pirates!

For the question of who wins and who loses, this world full of seawater, no one can say accurately, everyone who supports it, and, no matter who supports, the world can say something!

However, the two protagonists of this war did not speak, as if the war did not happen at all, making it impossible to guess whether there is any hidden secret!

ps: I haven’t written so crazy lately, but don’t think about it, your grandfather is your grandfather after all, and Pinel is also the previous Pinel, just brew and prepare for a new storm! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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