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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 126

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These demons stared at me coldly, like tourists admiring madmen!

———————— Charles Pierre Baudelaire, The Flower of Evil

A week after the incident on Cake Island, the storm on the sea gradually decreased, this sea is very large, can hold a lot of things, there is no news that will not sink!

BIG· MOM is not stupid enough to make a statement to kill Pinel, let alone whether it can be done, and even if it can be done, Pinel has no one to care about!

Pinel is like usual, after completing a big event, he will disappear for a few days, as if dead, but after a few days of living for a while, he will pop up again, as if to give the world a hope, and then extinguish the hope with his own hands!

Every time at this time, the Warring States will pray every day from the heart, minute by minute, praying that Pinel will disappear directly and never appear again!

Unfortunately, if prayer were useful, then everyone in this world would probably believe in God!

On this day a week later, Sengoku sat quietly in his office as usual, drinking tea and reading the newspaper, teasing his goat!

Suddenly, Marinfodo’s alert alarm was sounded, and the Warring States heard it clearly, this is a first-level alert alarm!

Sengoku frowned, he wouldn’t be naïve enough to be a prank, but how many years had he not heard such an alarm? The last time it was when the golden lion invaded more than ten years ago!

Warring States stood at the window of his office with a teacup, looked in the direction of the bay, although it was a first-level alarm, but it was not to the point where he was a marshal, the two generals of Yellow Ape and Green Pheasant were still stationed at the headquarters, and it was the two of them who had to do it first!

But soon the Warring States could not remain calm, a trace of panic gradually appeared in his eyes, and a little sweat stains appeared on his forehead, not because of anything else, but because close to the port was a ragged warship that seemed to sink at any time!

Of course, such a broken warship is certainly not enough to make Sengoku nervous, just because the man standing at the bow of the ship, the one with a smile and a sunny face, like the big brother of the neighbor, he is called Pinel, Heath Piner!

Sengoku did not hesitate, put on his naval cloak and walked in the direction of the bay, walking with the wind!

When the Warring States came to the bay, Pinel’s ship just landed, and at this time, all the people above the vice admiral level in the naval headquarters had already come here to ‘greet’ Pinel!

Pinel took Cenarius and Sylvanas, and walked off the ship generously, a week is enough time for Pinel’s two generals to return to the team, after all, the target is the naval headquarters, if no one is brought with it, wouldn’t it be a little disrespectful!

Pinel also wears a cape, but his cape is pure white, the kind without any patterns!

“Oh, where are you, is this welcome?”

Since the Warring States are coming, of course, it is the Warring States who speaks, and the rules under this system, with the presence of higher officials, there is no part for people with low official positions to speak, otherwise it is to people with high official positions, and most of them will be said, where can you speak!

“Pinel, state your purpose, you are not welcome in Marinfodo, this is the center of justice, and you are the most evil person in the world, you are not worthy of this land at all, or are you here to go to war? The Navy is absolutely not afraid of war, if you want to fight, fight over there! ”

Pinel looked at the nervous Sengoku, tilted his head, and said very frivolously,

“Originally, I came to send people, and I fought with my aunt and survived a few navies, I promised them to let them go as long as they chose the target, so now send them home, but listening to what you mean seems to be to want to fight, I don’t care, just because I brought someone here, then fight?”

Warring States listened to Pinel’s words, he suddenly didn’t come up in one breath, his face turned purple, of course he didn’t want to fight, and Pinel couldn’t get any benefits from fighting, why fight this battle! Just said that to scare Pinel, but it is obvious that the Warring States forgot who Pinel was for a while, Pinel will always be the one who provokes trouble, and I have never seen Pinel afraid of anything!

“Since you are here to give people away, quickly release the people, and then leave here!”

The Warring States no longer mentions the war! It’s as if he hadn’t said anything about going to war just now,

Pinel himself did not come to fight, he was telling the truth, that is, he came to give away, Pinel understood in his heart that he could not destroy the navy now, so there was no need to do meaningless things!

Pinel waved his hand, and more than a dozen people came down from the tattered ship, led by the female vice admiral before!

Seeing the appearance of people from the navy, the Warring States immediately asked people to step forward to respond, one to check the injuries of these people, and the other to check and prevent Pinel from letting his people into the navy!

The wrong Warring States that happened during the defense of Mary Joa before did not want to see it, although at this time Pinel’s people had almost invaded the navy, not to mention the low-level, at least five rear admirals hid in the navy, and from time to time provided information for Pinel!

After Pinel finished speaking, he did not leave the meaning, and the Warring States did not squeak again, the two sides stood in the bay of Marinfodo and looked at each other, after about a minute, the Warring States finally did not hold back, after all, Pinel this time bomb hid in the naval headquarters for one minute, there is one more minute of danger of exploding!

“Pinel, the people have been delivered, what are you waiting for if you don’t leave?”

Pinel grinned and responded meaningfully,

“Wait for the ship to come! Don’t worry, it should be soon! ”

When the Warring States heard this, they were blindfolded and blurted out reflexively,

“What ship are you waiting for?”

At this time, the ship that Pinel was waiting for also appeared behind Pinel, a brand new naval warship!

Pinel shrugged and pointed back,

“Just wait for this ship, otherwise you won’t think I’ll drive this broken ship away, right?” Besides, I’ll send someone back to you for nothing? When did I have such kindness? Don’t say it, the ship is coming, I’m leaving, see you soon! ”

After speaking, in the shocked eyes of the navy, Pinel took his summons, directly boarded the navy warship, and threw all the original navy on board off the ship! Swaggered away from Marinfodo!

Sengoku’s face was tangled, he was struggling with whether to order the cannon to sink Pinel’s ship!

He didn’t want to give up this opportunity, and he was worried that such a move would anger Pinel and attract Pinel back to fight to the death with the navy, so the price that the navy needed to pay would be too great!

Just now the Warring States glanced, Cenarius and Sylvanas are there, and before the Navy Staff researched the method of judging the strength of Pinel’s subordinates according to the clothing, the Warring States estimated that the number of people wearing the clothes of vice admirals is definitely more than fifty, which is definitely more tragic than the war on Cake Island!

So he was tangled, and just when he was tangled, Pinel gradually walked away! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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