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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 127

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You all say he’s a demon, but you don’t know who dyed his wings black!


Just when the Warring States hesitated, Pinel’s figure was already getting farther and farther away!

At this time, the yellow ape and the green pheasant can’t just watch like this, if Pinel leaves safely and soundly, the face of the navy will not have to be wanted, they are not marshals, the decision is not in their hands, but there is still no problem in mentioning opinions!

What’s more, both of them are people who have fought with Pinel, and both are people who have had festivals with Pinel, so that they can hit Pinel once, and they don’t want to let it go!

The yellow ape opened his mouth first,

“Marshal of the Warring States, are we just watching him leave like this? And let him snatch a warship? Tomorrow it is estimated that the newspaper will write that Pinel bravely broke into the headquarters of the Navy, the Navy huddled together, did not dare to be an enemy with it, Pinel snatched a warship and went casually! If such a thing happens, it will not be a blow to the reputation of the Navy! ”

Before waiting for the Warring States to reply, the green pheasant also said in a lazy tone,

“Marshal of the Warring States, if you hesitate any longer, Pinel will disappear, although the risk is very large, but if you do nothing, it is easy for civilians to lose confidence in us!”

Sengoku looked at the departing Pinel, and then at the green pheasant and the yellow ape, his heart was very calm, if just now he still had a trace of hesitation to make a move, then now he is very sure that he must not do it at this time!

How much can a loss of face be worth? The people lose confidence, just catch a few more pirates with high bounties and come back!

But if this time provokes Pinel, and in this, BIG· The MOM Pirates were seriously frustrated, the Hundred Beast Pirates had not yet recovered, and the alliance between the red-haired Shanks and the whitebeard was exactly when the sky was in full swing,

After the Navy and Pinel fought a war, the ghost knew if Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks would come to sneak attack? Although the Sengoku’s understanding of these two four emperors is not high, the possibility of sneaking up on the navy is not high, but who knows if something unexpected will happen?

Therefore, at such a crossroads where a wrong step may lead to the abyss, the choice of the Warring States will of course be safer, even if it loses some face, but it will not lead to the destruction of the navy!

“Yellow ape, green pheasant, both of your opinions are to fight, right? You are both great generals, if you two decide together that you want to fight Pinel in Marinferdo, I won’t refuse, but I have to put the ugly words first, not to mention whether you will lose in the end, even if you win Pinel and take Pinel, but after Pinel is gone, what if Whitebeard and Shanks come to attack the navy?

Now BIG· Both MOM and Kaido are seriously damaged in strength, and they simply play the role of balancing whitebeard and redhead!

So no one can guarantee whether they will come to sneak attack, if we come to sneak attack when we just had a fight with Pinel, can we carry it? For Pinelli, you two should know very well, there should be no need for me to say what a tragic result we and Pinel will have if we go to war!

So if you two want to go to war with Pinel now, but whenever there is a result I just mentioned, the responsibility must be borne by the two of you, and I can’t bear this responsibility! ”

The words of the Warring States, justified, hearing that the yellow ape and the green pheasant are also frowning but unable to refute it, this may be the difference between a general and a marshal, standing in a different position, thinking about the problem is different!

Of course, at this time, the Warring States are also more lucky, fortunately, the red dog is not in Marinfodo at this time, otherwise the red dog is not as easy to persuade as the yellow ape and the green pheasant, and it is estimated that there is no time to persuade, the moment the red dog and Pinel meet, the war is estimated to break out!

In the end, the yellow ape and the green pheasant still did not insist, maybe they wanted to understand the meaning of the Warring States saying these words, or they may be giving the Warring States a face, of course, although they gave up the choice to fight, but they were still very unwilling!

Before leaving from the port of the bay, the yellow ape and the green pheasant sighed separately,

“Alas, why did God favor that demon so much and let him have such strong abilities!”

“Don’t open your eyes!”

After speaking, the green pheasant and the yellow ape turned and left together, after all, the enemy has left, and as admirals, they can’t stand here stupidly and let people look at it!

The Warring States did not squeak anymore, and directly turned away, but those navies that had fought side by side with Pinel, the dozen or so navy soldiers who were surrounded by regiments, asking east and west, checking back and forth, a pair of eyes looked at the distant Piner, but there was no hatred in their eyes, and their eyes were very complicated!

The female lieutenant general who had the most contact with Pinel heard the words of the two generals of Please Eat and Yellow Ape, and couldn’t help but feel an impulse in his heart, wanting to question their impulse, wanting to ask these two generals loudly,

You all say he’s a demon, but who dyed his wings black? After all, it wasn’t Draco who turned him into a demon! In fact, he could have been very kind! Only because he once lived in hell, he became a demon! ’

Of course, in the end she held back, because she remembered a phrase that Pinel once said!

“When your behavior is not going with the flow, not being recognized by most people, you will be considered crazy, and at this time, no matter what you say or what explanation you make, they will think that you are a manifestation of a madman, because in their hearts, you are a crazy person!” They don’t think about it at all, it’s not you who will be wrong, but most people, because the worst nature of human beings is unwilling to admit their mistakes! The higher the status, the more so! ”

It was because of Pinel’s words that the female lieutenant general endured!

Maybe she will still be an excellent navy in the future, or maybe she firmly believes in the justice in her heart, but from now on, she will no longer be a puppet, a puppet who can only obey orders and will not think!

Moreover, Pinel’s figure will never be erased from her mind, even if one day in the future, Pinel disappears and will no longer appear on the sea, but she will always remember the existence of Pinel!

Because, the mind is immortal! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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