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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 128

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Hemingway once wrote, “The world is a good place and worth fighting for,” and I agree.

—————————————— “The Seven Deadly Sins”

After Pinel left from the headquarters of the navy Marinfodo, as expected, the next day newspapers flew all over the sky, I have to say that the ability of newspapers to collect intelligence is worthy of recognition, perhaps they know that if such news is not sent out as soon as possible, the world government will not let such news appear, so for these newspapers, first-hand intelligence is everything!

While newspapers promoting the incompetence of the navy were flying, Pinel was wandering around the great voyage, not entirely blindly, after all, he still had nearly half a million debts.

As a staff member of the Great Route Family Planning Office, how could he ignore his essential work, so the behavior of halving the audience is still continuing!

After Pinel left from Malinfodo, he went directly to the New World, before which the ten-man squad led by Sylvanas had been mixed in the first half of the Great Voyage, because the strength of the people in the New World was generally higher than the first half, so the ten-man squad could not become a crushing trend, in order to avoid wasting Sylvanas, Sylvanas had not come to the New World!

And now, Pinel is ready to extend his hand to this sea called New World!

Otherwise, if you let this place alone and do not clean this place, then this action will not be a fair thing!

This is something that Pinel cannot allow to happen, and Pinel is committed to making the world fair, of course, starting with himself! Pinel certainly wouldn’t choose the most dangerous path like Luffy did!

He is here to kill, of course, he must choose the safest and most numerous road, so that he can produce results and efficiency!

The road of the new world is complicated, there is no so-called fixed channel at all, it is possible to jump from this road to another road at any time, and the direct magnetic field of the island is not so stable! If it were the same as the first half, then Ralph Dru only needed to follow the record pointer to get there, so why bother collecting those four ‘road signs’!

So in general, Pinel’s journey is to walk in circles in the New World, and there is no planning, where to go, sometimes one day in the territory of Whitebeard, the next day in Kaido’s territory!

There are no taboos, and there is no place where Pinel does not dare to go, whether it is the world’s strongest man Whitebeard, or the strongest creature Kaido in the sea, land and air, all of them treat Pinel’s whereabouts as if they are invisible, and they all acquiesce to Pinel’s behavior!

Such an appearance is also deserved, after all, compared to those civilians who seem to be useless, it is more important to preserve the combat effectiveness of their pirate group!

This trip has been going on for a long time! The intelligent life on the sea called Pinel’s journey a demon patrolling his territory!

After more than half a year passed, Pinel once again accumulated, wood, that is, sixty lieutenant general level summons, and the number of upgrades away from five hundred was also a hundred!

At the current frequency of Pinel’s daily income of 1500 wood, it will take less than two years to upgrade!

Looking at the prompt of the system message, Pinel is in good shape, this time is probably the countdown to the stability and peace of this world!

With a lieutenant general-level summon, he is already completely worthy of the top strength in this sea, and he can even compete with these forces at the same time.

Once Pinel’s class is upgraded to the rank of general, who else can stand with him?

Even if these summoners do not have those natural Devil Fruit abilities, as long as everyone can have the level of young Zefa, it is completely enough.

Think about it, ten Zefa to stand in front of the formation, is it the navy can resist, or those four emperors can resist!

Add to that the ability of Cenarius, and the ability of Sylvanas, not to educate whoever is caught? That’s when the world really falls into despair!

If this news let the navy, the world government, the four emperors know something!

Maybe, the whole world will unite to dry Pinel, and while you can still fight, try to see if you can clean up Pinel!

Maybe the world is not fair, but Pinel definitely is!

In the previous days, it was the people of the New World, who coldly watched the first half of the Great Voyage and the people of the four seas being ravaged by Pinel, but in the past half a year, it was reversed!

It is the people of the first half and the world, the people who look coldly at the new world are educated by Pinel, and it is the most basic essence of human beings to hang high without caring about themselves!

After more than half a year’s efforts, Pinel finally eliminated the number to the point of 1.2 million, only 300,000 to complete his previous promise!

Pinel didn’t terminate his trip for no reason, and if he hadn’t seen Luffy the Straw Hat bounty, it is estimated that Pinel would have been able to circle the New World for a few months!

For the grandson of this old friend Karp, Pinel is still very impressed, not that Pinel is careful, but Pinel is very interested in these two imps who have had a relationship for a week!

Now that Ace has joined the Whitebeard Pirates, of course Pinel will not go head-to-head with Whitebeard without trouble, not fear, but unnecessary!

If you meet by chance on the sea, of course, Pinel will follow his code of conduct and do everything to leave half of the white-bearded pirate group, but there is no need to take the initiative to find the door, which is not in line with Pinel’s way of behaving!

Now, Pinel has this opportunity to meet the little ghost who once yelled every day to be One Piece! I want to see if he has been assimilated by this world, and see if he continues to talk about One Piece like he did when he was a child!

If this Luffy really hasn’t changed, Pinel wouldn’t mind giving him a chance to educate him from reality! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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