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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 129

Who said I don’t want to be a good boy, it’s just that what I abandoned back then, we can’t pick it up.

—————————— “Crazy Reading”

Pinel was originally a casual person, hesitation This state will never appear in Pinel, since he has decided to meet this Luffy, then Pinel will not hesitate, life is short, there is no price you can’t afford, as long as you are alive, life is not a loss!

After a week of sailing, Pinel came directly to the Cape Twin Lighthouse, and for the guardian of Cape Twin, Culokas, Pinel is still the first time to see!

It’s true! Although Pinel has been in and out of the four seas and great voyages several times over the years, but he has never walked the Upside Down Mountain, it is directly crossed by the windless belt, Pinel is an acute person, although no wind carries risks, but is Pinel a person who is afraid of risks? How could a person who used to rely on the sea king class to rush away be afraid of the attack of the sea king class!

After Pinel came to Cape Twin, before he got off the boat, he saw Kulokas fishing in the sea.

Of course, after feeling Pinel’s line of sight, Kurokas also opened his originally confused eyes, and the two looked at each other across the sea, gradually narrowing from hundreds of meters apart to tens of meters, and finally basically face to face!

No one spoke first during the whole process of moving!

It was not until finally after General Pinel stopped next to Kulocass that Kurokas took the lead in speaking,

“Your Excellency Pinel, why are you here? There is no population here for you to halve, here is only a bad old man like me, if you have to halve, you can only split me in half! ”

Of course, Pinel did not come for Kulocas, and Pinel still has a good impression of Kulocas! At least it’s not annoying, although this guy used to be a pirate, but for a doctor who treats and saves people, there will always be a little inexplicable good impression!

“Don’t be so strong, I’m here just to wait for someone, not to find trouble, don’t force me to kill you, you catch your fish, I’m waiting for my people, isn’t it good!”

Kurokas is also a man in his seventies!

He is also very thorough about fear, basically there is nothing that can make him fearful, he is not a person who is afraid of death, maybe there will be some regrets, but at the last moment, Kulokas is absolutely able to die calmly! So, he is not afraid of Pinel!

“Don’t fool me with your way and say what you mean, or get out of here.”

Pinel smiled unabated, raised his eyebrows, stuck out his tongue, and licked his lips,

“I said, I’ll wait here for someone! Kourokas, I want to ask you a question, is it really good for you that your body becomes in half? Otherwise, why do you keep wanting me to cut you in two? ”

Kulokas listened to Pinel’s words, did not think that this was just a threat, although it was the first time to meet, but Kulokas with his seventy years of experience, can accurately judge that Pinel is a person who does what he says, even if it is something that he does not seem to do after saying it, but for the sake of integrity, he will finally finish things without hesitation!

“I don’t want to die, although I have lived long enough, but if I can live, who will really want to die this year!” I know you’re not kidding, but as the guardian of this place, the caretaker of Cape Gemini, I still have to ask, who are you waiting for! ”

Pinel lifted his unruly head and looked in the direction of the top of Upside Down Mountain.

“The bad old man cares so much, in a nonsense I dismantled your twin capes, as for who I am waiting for, don’t you know when he comes, even if I tell you now, what can you do?” Report to the world government?

A former One Piece’s ship doctor reported me, the world’s public enemy, in Cape Gemini and others? Let’s not say whether the world government will believe it, even if they do, what if they do? Can they still send someone to arrest me? Humans are really a bunch of stupid creatures! ”

Kurokas is no longer talking, maybe he doesn’t want to kill himself for a little thing, maybe he also feels that what Pinel said makes sense, and his duty has been completed, everything that should be said has been said, but Pinel just doesn’t answer, what can he do!

Pinel also walked down from the warship in a word, where a lounge chair was put on the shore not far from Kulocas, and began to bask in the sun!

For two whole days, Pinel and Kourokas didn’t say a word!

On the third day, the shore where Pinel was located suddenly vibrated violently, as if something was hitting the shore!

Kurokas, without saying a word, jumped directly into the sea.

After a while, the time shaking stopped, and Kulokas also swam up from the sea, stood on the shore and began to wring the water on his clothes!

I have to say that Kulokas’s physique is still good, they are already in their seventies, and they can still dive underwater!

Just as Kulokas was wringing his clothes, a heartless laugh that Pinel was somewhat familiar with came from the top of the mountain!

“Hee-haha, the Great Voyage, here we are~”

When Pinel heard the sound, his eyelids trembled, and after closing his eyes for two days, he finally slowly opened! With an expressionless face, he pulled out a smile and muttered softly,

“Silly little ghost, you’re happy too soon!”

Within a few minutes, a sheep’s head sailboat went straight down the current, and the skeleton in the straw hat painted on the canvas was so eye-catching to Pinel!

Pinel slowly stood up, stood on the shore, and looked at the Golden Melly that was getting closer and closer, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Soon, when the Merry was about to dock, Luffy finally saw the existence of Pinel!

When Luffy saw Pinel with a smile, his face changed greatly, his eyes widened, and after being stunned for two seconds, he could shout at the conference,

“Nami, Solon, Sanji, Usopp, turn around, turn around immediately, get out of here immediately, don’t dock, go straight out!” Hurry up, or it’ll be too late! ”

Hearing Luffy’s shout, the group of the Straw Hat Pirates was covered in circles, completely unaware of what was happening, why Luffy, who was not alarmed, would panic like this at this time!

But before they could ask anything, a dozen tough guys jumped directly on the boat, and they didn’t have to fight, just by looking at it, they knew that they must be the kind of people who must not be easy to mess with!

At this time, Pinell’s voice also came from the shore!

“Luffy little ghost, meet again, why don’t you come to say hello and leave, I can always remember your grandfather’s ‘kindness’!”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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