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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 132

The best you can do with all your might may not be as good as others doing it casually.

———————— (Poisonous Chicken Soup Quotes)

Luffy set off, taking their group of Straw Hat Pirates with them, and all the members started yarn safely on the Great Voyage! But that sense of luck for the rest of their lives after the holiday makes them feel ashamed!

That’s right, it’s shame, they can understand that Pinel took them wrong, they can understand that Pinel insulted them, but they can’t forgive themselves, after being mercifully let them go, they don’t feel shame, but feel luck! The Straw Hats, shame on them for having such emotions!

But each of them knows in their hearts that such emotions are inevitable, and they can only blame themselves and cannot blame others, after all, the gap between them and Pinel now is not a little bit! If it is not an exaggeration, the gap in the middle is a gap that ordinary people cannot catch up with in a lifetime!

The world is fair, your efforts and rewards are not necessarily proportional, but at least you can be sure that when you give, you will definitely be rewarded, maybe it will be late, but it will definitely not be absent!

The Straw Hats and the group, holding their breath, worked hard, Solon exercised more time every day, and Sanji also strengthened his physical exercise in addition to cooking! Nami asked Usopp to give her research on more powerful equipment to practice every day, in short, a word to describe the Straw Hats gang, shameful and courageous!

Pinel also set off from Cape Gemini, no destination, no direction!

Pinel is not inactive, he is just waiting for an opportunity, a chance that can give this world a general!

On the one hand, Pinell’s side is relatively quiet, but this world is not the only Pinel who wants to do things, there are many people who are dissatisfied with this world, and there are many people who want to do things!

For example, Luffy, who was released by Pinel, his father, Monchi D. Long is the more prominent one among many people who want to do things!

The sea that Pinel has stirred is no longer peaceful, and the power of the four emperors is not as indestructible as before, this kind of thing is normal, when a person challenges the four emperors and does not die, then there will be countless people who want to take a bite, even if they can’t eat, they can also make a reputation!

The prestige of the navy also made Pinel almost stirred,

In the past, pirates on the sea were afraid of the navy, and when they saw the navy’s warships they were evading, now, after Pinel targeted the navy several times, the pirates’ first reaction when they saw the navy’s warships was whether they could grab a fortune!

So ah, the current four emperors and the navy are not very easy, at least more tired than before!

Although the strength of these ordinary pirates is not very good, there are many of them! This sea, every day countless people rush to the sea, not to mention the four seas, the pirates on the great voyage are not only geometric, but even countless, otherwise do you think why this era is called the era of sea pirates?

And there is only one navy, and there are only four emperors, and in the face of countless pirate attacks, of course, they are also very uncomfortable!

It’s like ants, you can crush one to death at will, but hundreds of ants crawl on you and bite you, although it is not fatal, but you are also very uncomfortable, and even very painful, right!

So, at a time when neither the navy nor the Four Emperors have any spare energy, the dragon can develop his career more easily! Revolutionary army, the cause of overthrowing the world government!

In fact, for Monchi · D. Dragon’s movements, Pinel is clear, after all, the dragon’s surname is Monchi, how could Pinel pay attention to him, for so many years, Pinel has long put his hand into the ranks of the revolutionary army, but the chess pieces have not been used for so many years!

While Pinel was quietly messing around, the dragon began to attack the regimes of various countries like crazy! As long as there are oppressive countries, there will be the shadow of the revolutionary army, and when the world government reflects this matter, more than ten countries have been subverted by the revolutionary army!

This is a matter of course!

The routine of the development of the revolutionary army is to use the people of this country to resist this country, and they just need to produce one or a few, relatively strong people, as a deterrent! Therefore, the revolutionary army has every strength to subvert several regimes at the same time! In fact, they did!

But world conquest can not deal with the revolutionary army in the same way, they want to snatch power back, they can only send their own troops, because the subverted country, there are no soldiers they can recruit, water can carry boats can also overturn the reason at this time is very obvious!

Having said all this, I want to say one thing, the current sea, even if there is no Pinel doing things, but it is also very chaotic, and it can even be said that there are more wars this year than in the usual years!

At first, no one thought that these things had anything to do with Pinel, after all, whether it was the pirates doing something to the Four Emperors and the Navy, or the revolutionary army doing something to those kingdoms, there was no Pinel in it, not even a shadow at all!

But if you think about it, Pinel is the source of these chaos, and none of these things would have happened without Pinel’s previous excellent performance!

Without Pinel breaking the myth of the invincibility of the navy and the four emperors, those little pirates will still hesitate for a long time when they make a move on the navy and the four emperors, and without Pinel attracting the attention of the world government, causing the world government to focus on Pinel, those revolutionary armies cannot do it so conveniently!

Although the reason seems far-fetched, it makes people have to admit that without the existence of Pinel, most of these battles, these wars, would not have occurred!

And at the time of these events, Pinel had already passed the first half of the Great Voyage and entered Fishman Island!

This is also the first time Pinel has come to Fishman Island!

Pinel entered Fishman Island, did not take Cenarius with them, but alone, jumped into the sea, riding the current at the bottom of the sea, and went to Fishman Island alone, such a wayward behavior, in Pinel’s good name, convenient and fast!

Cenarius and Sylvanas also have no law at all, after all, Pinel has the final say!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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