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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 133

People are only afraid of what they do not understand.

———————— Maupassant, “Fear”

After several days of drifting on the bottom of the sea, Pinel was finally washed up by the undercurrent of the sea and washed up on Fishman Island!

I have to say that Pinel’s luck is really against the sky!

Of course, the undercurrents passing through Fishman Island are relatively a little more, but there are not 100%, and maybe not even three percent!

Pinel was able to come to Fishman Island smoothly, all relying on his life, and had nothing to do with technology and strength!

Of course, Pinel can’t go through the main entrance, and the main gate will not open the door for Pinel!

So Pinel directly illegally invaded and entered Fishman Island from the side!

Standing on Fishman Island, Pinel looked at the light above his head, his expression was thoughtful, he stood in place for a long time, and finally smiled contemptuously, didn’t say anything, and walked towards a relatively prosperous place!

Although Pinel has been physiologically out of the physiological range, from the outside, there is no doubt that Pinel still looks like a human!

In this land, the appearance of human beings is not delicious, although countless pirates pass by Fishman Island every year, but this does not change the fishmen and mermaids’ views on humans!

Even the inhabitants of Fishman Island hate humans even more, because while passing by countless pirates, there are also a large number of slave hunters, and they will take a large number of mermaids and fishman children from Fishman Island every year!

So Pinel walked down the street and received a lot of hateful eyes! Of course, Pinel has long been surprised, after all, not only Fishman Island, but wherever Piner goes, it is probably no better than this, or even worse!

The news of Fishman Island is closed, as if it is closed to the country, after all, the news bird is powerful, and it can’t fly to the bottom of the sea, so ah, Fishman Island’s understanding of Pinel is only in the legend, not that it is unknown, but it has not reached the knowledge of everyone!

Pinel was never the kind of person who cared about others! What’s more, now hostile to him is not a human at all!

Pinel didn’t come here with any purpose, his promise had been fulfilled, so he was in no hurry to continue cleaning up the life essence world, if he came to kill people, he would bring all his summons!

Pinel came this time for only one purpose, that is, he wanted to see what kind of place this Fishman Island, which was more than 10,000 meters deep under the holy land of Marie Joa, was!

In the face of this Draco high above his head, these beings who seem to be living in the sewers, with such a mentality, can they make Pinel feel happy!

That’s what Pinel is here for!

Of course, so far, what Pinel has encountered, seen, and the lives of those half-human and half-fish have not satisfied Piner!

These merfolk people give Piner a feeling, they don’t care about what kind of oppression is overhead, they don’t care so much about not seeing the scene on the sea from birth to death, how unfair it is to say!

The appearance of compromising to the world government and this sea in this way made the smile on his face gradually stiffen! The disappointed eyes also slowly came from under Pinel’s eyes, and they were accompanied by a kind of pity, or rather, a pitiful gaze! This kind of gaze is really hurtful! Especially for weak people, this kind of look is undoubtedly like a slap on the face for them, and it is the kind that is pumped anyway!

Pinel was so aimless, until he visited the most prosperous places on Fishman Island, and no one who could interest Piner appeared!

What else can Pinel do, the world has not always been like this, it has always been against him!

Pinel stood in Gironcock Square, staring blankly at the ‘sun’ in the sky! Without the slightest attention, those Fishman Island residents who had already gathered him in a circle and looked at him like cherished animals!

After a long time, Pinel muttered softly with an expressionless face,

“Such a boring place, or ruin!”

“Please don’t do this!”

A rough voice interrupted Pinel’s thoughts, and Pinel turned his head slightly and saw the king of Fishman Island, Neptune like a hill!

Pinel was not surprised by Neptune ‘s huge size, but asked a little surprised,

“Why can’t I do that? I don’t like it here, so isn’t there anything wrong with destroying it? I’m just saying I want to destroy this place, this is my freedom, because I want to do this, if you like it here, then you try to protect it, that’s your freedom, why are you taking away my right to choose? Without a good explanation, I might kill you! ”

Pinel said in a flat tone, as if saying that you and I ate porridge in the morning, and the buns you ate in the morning!

Neptune looked at Piner with a serious expression, to be honest, he still hasn’t remembered who the person in front of him is, he didn’t appear here for no reason, it was Xia Li, the owner of the Fishman Cafe, who sent someone to inform him that there was an existence that might destroy Fishman Island in Gironcowd Square, and when Neptune arrived here, he happened to hear Pinel’s words, could he not be nervous, to know that Xia Li’s language was not wrong!

Neptune took a deep breath and asked Pinel calmly,

“I don’t know how to refute what Your Excellency said for a while, but if Your Excellency intends to bury the lives of nearly five million people on Fishman Island because of personal preferences, it will be too much! Haven’t consulted, Your Excellency’s honorific name? Whatever you want to do, first of all, I want to ask you to understand that Fishman Island is the territory of Whitebeard! ”

Pinel listened to Neptune and showed a rare smile!

“Good, quietly moved your backstage out, trying to intimidate me? I’m sorry, maybe the person standing here today may think more because of your words, but isn’t it too much for your white-bearded old man to scare me Heath Pinel? Or do you think I’m going to be afraid? ”

After hearing Pinel’s words, Neptune was shocked, the fear on his face could not be hidden at all, and after hesitating for a second, he shouted to everyone in the square without hesitation!

“All the residents of Fishman Island, as the king of Fishman Island, I order you to leave Fishman immediately, escape anywhere, whatever you want, as long as you don’t stay on the island, immediately and immediately, don’t ask why!” No time to explain! I beg you, Neptune to work hard to live, and if this island still exists after today, you are always welcome to go home! ”

After hearing Neptune words, for a while, the vast majority of people on Fishman Island did not move, only a very few, those residents who had heard Pinel’s story, began to flee like crazy!

But there is no need for Neptune to say more, after word of mouth, it didn’t take much time for the number of people who escaped to skyrocket, spreading rapidly like a virus! A few minutes later, only Neptune and his guards were still standing in place in the entire Gironcord Square, with a pair of eyes staring at Pinel!

Neptune didn’t even dare to speak, for fear that Pinel, who would be noisy, would return to his senses and start directly!

Although Neptune has not seen Pinel do it, but one person’s words may not be credible, thousands of people say the same thing, they have to believe, at least they have to believe it or not! Moreover, the defense of Marie Joa is absolutely real, no matter what the outcome, at least Pinel retreated in the Holy Land of Mari Joa! That’s a scary message!

Pinel looked left, looked right, and finally said slowly,

“Everyone is almost the same, huh, what are you doing this for? Looking at your expression should recognize me, since you recognize me, then you should know that the people I want to kill, there is nothing I can’t kill, if I want to destroy Fishman Island, then these escaped fishmen, no matter where they escape, even if it is the end of the world, I will naturally chase them over and kill them, and if you do this, it will lead to a very serious consequence, that is, I don’t know which fishmen escaped from this island today, So you may force me to kill all the fish and mermaids in this world!” Is this the result you want? ”

Pinel looked at Neptune in surprise, tilting his head, his face full of puzzlement! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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