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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 135

Pinel followed Neptune and entered the hard-shell tower.

Neptune ‘s daughter, Bai Xinggong, is a mermaid, that is, the kind whose upper body is a human and whose lower body is a fish, is amazingly beautiful and has a huge body!

How to say, among Neptun’s four children, none of White Star’s three older brothers inherited Neptune ‘s huge size, only White Star successfully inherited this ‘advantage’!

“Bai Xing, my father came to see you, and he brought a guest, don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt you!”

After Neptune entered the room, he was the first to speak, probably to wake up to White Star, after all, as a father, he has been to White Star’s character, although he has huge energy and destructive strength, but it cannot be denied that she is indeed a coward! The kind of coward who will cry and not listen when he encounters something at a slightest!

Hearing Neptun’s voice, although Bai Xing was also a little reluctant, he would not hide!

“Parent: Father, who is this adult? How have I never seen it! ”

Neptune sighed slightly,

“This is a very, very powerful guy named Heath Pinel! Passing by Fishman Island today, I want to see my beautiful daughter first, so I will take him to see it! ”

Neptune pulled out a smile and tried to look normal!

Bai Xing may really be too simple, and did not find anything wrong with her father!

“Oh, so, hello, Lord Pinel!”

Pinel looked at White Star with golden eyes, and his eyes were extremely aggressive, as if he was looking at a perfect work of art!

Pushing away Neptune who was standing in front of him, he walked in front of White Star, his expression was a little crazy, at this time, if Cenarius saw Pinel’s expression, he would definitely be shocked, which was obviously a precursor to illness!

“What a perfect living being, beautiful, powerful, and perfect lines! Is this Neptune Poseidon? ”

Bai Xing was careful, as if Pinel in front of him was a casual person who would get angry, be cautious!

“Lord Pinel? What do you mean by Poseidon Neptune? Are you talking about me, if you are talking about me, will you recognize the wrong person, my name is White Star, not Poseidon! ”

Pinel didn’t answer, just waited for a pair of glowing eyes, stared for nearly a minute, and when he was about to give White Star’s hair, he said to Neptune

“Stop deceiving your daughter with your white lies! It’s also a loss that you can hide from her for so long, for such a long time she doesn’t even know what she is, and tell her generously? Or do you have no faith in this daughter of yours? Think he can’t accept such a fact? Since you don’t want to tell her what she really wants, then it’s up to me! ”

Pinel continued to take a step forward, took a deep breath, and said slowly,

“White Star… Princess, you are one of the ancient weapons, Poseidon the sea king! Although I don’t know what evidence there is to prove this, my brain keeps reminding me that you are Poseidon the sea king! Absolutely! And then I, Heath Pinel is not a guest of your Fishman Island, as for who am I? You can directly understand that I am a bad person! ”

Bai Xing did not show any happiness because of his sudden change, but his face was full of fear, his eyes were tearful, and he wanted to cry, but he pretended to be strong and did not let the tears fall

Facing grievances, he said to Pinel,

“Lord Pinel, are you trying to hurt me? Or do you want to kidnap me? I will not be afraid or give in, I am strong! I’m from Fishman Island.”

Pinel didn’t know why the expression that originally wanted to eat people instantly stiffened, his eyes gradually calmed down, and the excited smile at the corner of his mouth gradually returned to a fake smile, and even became looming!

“Do you know what I mean? I followed your father to see you to kill you, do you understand what death means? Who are you going to show this picture to? Or do you think I’ll sympathize with you for looking at you like this? Give me a little more serious! Or are you looking down on me? ”

To be honest, Pinel didn’t really feel that White Star was looking down on him, and putting away his excited expression was just because White Star’s expression made him dislike it very much!

White Star’s expression reminded Pinel of someone he wanted to forget!

White Star was very stubborn, at least behaving very stubbornly, biting his lips, red eyes, and said to Pinel in a slightly sobbing tone,

“Lord Pinel, I know that you are very strong, and I don’t mean to look down on you, but the queen mother once told me that I must be strong, so I am not afraid of you!”

Obviously afraid to die, but still hard-mouthed, even Bai Xing’s hands trembled and clenched with all his strength, making a hostile posture!

White Star is very smart, he did not ask his father for help, because since Pinel can let his father bring him, then it can only show one problem, his father can not help her at this time, so at this time, if White Star asks Neptune for help, there is an eighty percent chance that Neptune will do something to Pinell, but the final result is only to take Neptune ‘s life!

Therefore, Bai Xing is very smart, and in the case of choosing to sacrifice one life or two, of course, it is more cost-effective to sacrifice one!

Bai Xing is afraid of death, but not afraid of death!

Having seen his mother die in front of his eyes, Bai Xing’s fear of death is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and the taste of watching his most precious person lose his life in front of his eyes is simply impossible to let go!

But Bai Xing is not afraid of death, because as long as she can do meaningful things for her father and emperor for Fishman Island, even if she dies, what does it matter, after all, she is the princess of Fishman Island, sacrificing herself for Fishman Island, isn’t it also deserved, but the biggest regret is that I haven’t seen the forest with my own eyes, and the legendary forest that grows on the ground must look beautiful!

Pinel raised his head slightly, a pair of eyes shining fiercely, staring at the white star deadly! The smile on the face has disappeared, not even a fake smile! Standing in a group of Neptune sits in an endless entanglement in his heart, on one side is the safety of the entire Fishman Island, once his most beloved daughter, he doesn’t know how to choose, but if he can exchange his life for the life of White Star, Neptune will definitely not have the slightest hesitation, but it’s a pity that Pinel didn’t give him this choice!

I don’t know how long it took, it could be a minute, it could be three minutes!

Neptune was already sweating nervously, and Bai Xing had stopped sobbing, although he was still biting his lips and his face was full of grievances, looking like he didn’t understand why, but his eyes were full of firmness, no resentment, no nostalgia, some only the firmness of planning to give up everything!

Suddenly, Pinel took out a pistol from his waist and fired a shot at his head, this shot without the slightest hesitation! It’s as if the target of the shot is not your own head at all!

“Damn, I hate the look in your eyes! Your eyes remind me of her, Neptune counts you lucky, Fishman Island is safe for the time being, damn it, I obviously hate this place, why don’t I want to destroy it! ”

Neptune listened to Pinel’s words, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a relaxed tone,

“This may be the charm of Fishman Island!”

Pinel turned his head sharply, looked at Neptune with a pair of eyes lifeless, and said in a tone without fluctuation,

“This has nothing to do with Fishman Island, just because of her, thank God, Your Majesty Neptune for giving birth to a good daughter!”

After Pinel finished speaking, he turned around and left! He wanted to escape from this place, from this place that made him feel like a sinner!

Pinel, who walked out of the hard-shell tower, said in a voice that probably only he could hear,

“Yes, I have made the whole world pay the price it deserves for so many years, but I, this culprit, is still alive! Is this fair? ”

ps: Madan, all of them say that I am slow, and I will show you four chapters a day starting tomorrow until the end of the month! One less chapter in the group to send 50 red envelopes! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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