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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 137

People will always do something stupid, don’t take it lightly, if you can’t learn the lesson, you will inevitably repeat the same mistake in the future.

– Li Renjie, “Chinese Grade”

After Pinel came out of Fishman Island, it took more than a week to return to the Chambord Islands!

Although it is faster to float up than to sink, you don’t know where you will float, and the undercurrent under the water, coupled with a full eight kilometers of floating distance, is enough to cause Pinel to be hundreds of kilometers away from the Chambord Islands when he surfaces!

When Pinel returned to the Chambord Islands, Cenarius came to the shore with the summons to wait for Pinel, although Cenarius and others stayed in the Chambord Land for a long time, but neither the navy nor the four emperors came to find trouble, of course, it may be more because they don’t want to make trouble for themselves!

Pinel didn’t believe it at all, for two weeks, the navy or the four emperors could not get news of Cenarius and these people, if they couldn’t find this information without moving for two weeks, then the intelligence departments of these forces could all commit suicide, and living was a waste of air!

And the four emperors don’t mention it for the time being, at least the navy can’t find it, after all, here can be regarded as next to Marin Fodo, no matter how close you can look across the sea, in this case the navy can’t find it? It is estimated that it has been extinguished a long time ago!

Don’t say what kind of light is dark and so on, whether the light is dark or not depends on whether the light is on or not, don’t believe you try it with a searchlight, see if it is black or not? And even if it is dark under the lamp, it will not be blind, even if it is blind, you can find the location of these summoned objects of Pinel from such a close distance!

But none of these top forces moved!

After Pinel went ashore, he looked at Cenarius and Sylvanas and those behind them, no one less, pouted in disappointment, and said softly,

“A bunch of guys without eggs, I don’t dare to do anything to you, it’s really boring, how afraid they are of death!”

This is why Cenarius and his party will not complain about Pinel, otherwise they would definitely complain immediately when they heard Pinel’s words,

‘What? Do you have to be happy if something happens to us and how many people die? How much do you look forward to our death, no matter how much you summoned us at a certain price, why don’t you know to cherish it? ’

Of course, even if they say so, Pinel will not pay attention to it, and even the extra expression will not exist, maybe because of these people’s doubts, let them die collectively!

After all, for Pinel, these summoners are just tools, tools only need to be used, as for disobedient tools or tools that will cause doubts, it is better not to!

Pinel twisted his clothes again and again and walked towards the island, yes, Pinel swam back by himself!

Along the way, the inhabitants of the Chambord Islands scattered, he knew who Pinel was and what Pinel had done!

But basically all of them live here, they believe in the world government and navy, they believe that the island is safe, no matter what Pinel has ever done!

Just like they won’t resist Draco, Draco’s first reaction is to kneel, this is a belief in their bones, so they just hide from Pinel, not from this island!

Pinel asked as he walked,

“In the two weeks I’ve been at sea, have anything interesting happened?”

Cenarius stood faithfully behind Pinel like a secretary!

“Legion Elder, several pirates known as supernovas have recently landed on the Chambordi Islands and are repairing and preparing to travel to the New World!”

Pinel did not pause at all, and said casually,

“Cenarius, you should have seen these people called supernovae, do you personally think it is necessary for me to know their names?” Or are they qualified to bring me pleasure? ”

Cenarius did not hesitate,

“No, the subordinates don’t think these people have the value to please you!”

“Then why did you say that? A lot of time? Or do you think my grade has dropped? ”

Cenarius heard Pinel’s words, and immediately knelt on the ground, although Pinel’s tone did not mean the slightest reproach, but Cenarius was sincerely afraid, and fine sweat had already appeared on his forehead!

“I’m sorry Legion Elder, subordinates don’t mean that, it’s just because of what happened recently, it’s more outstanding!” There is also Straw Hat Luffy and his group made a big fuss about Justice Island, this is the second thing his subordinates want to say, presumably it won’t be long before they can also come to the Chambord Islands! ”

Pinel turned his neck, turned his head and gently patted Cenarius’s neck with his palm,

“Don’t be so nervous, Cenarius I’m not angry with you, just ask you what you mean, in case my taste has dropped, but I didn’t find it myself, it’s just normal communication, relax!” Get up, stop kneeling! ”

Pinel pouted indifferently, turned around and continued walking!

Cenarius walked several more steps away from Pinel before slowly getting up from the ground! Silently wiping his sweat, he asked Sylvanas, who was standing beside him waiting for him,

“Sylvanas, did you say that the Legionnaire was really not angry just now?”

Sylvanas listened to Cenarius’s words and chuckled,

“Oh, you’ve been following the Legion Commander longer than me, do you still need to ask me about this? If you don’t think that the Legionnaire is angry, why did you kneel just now? ”

After speaking, Sylvanas gently patted the thoughtful Cenarius, then stopped caring about him and chased Pinel’s back!

Cenarius, after pondering for a while, also chuckled, but there was a little bitterness in the smile that was not easy to detect!

Maybe I also feel that the question I just asked Sylvanas is a little stupid!

The stupidity here is not that he knows what Pinel means, but because he actually wants to guess what Pinel means, and the idea of wanting to guess Pinel is stupid in itself! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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