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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 138

Pinel did not go to their station in Cenarius, what fun can there be in that kind of place, the surroundings must be empty, the danger has long been cleaned up, and since he came to the Chambord Islands, there is no reason not to meet old friends, and in addition to the Draco who sometimes appear on this island, probably only this old friend in Pinel’s heart can make Pinel have interesting fun!

Pinel headed straight for mangrove 13!

That’s right, Pinel is going to find Rayleigh, the right hand of One Piece, Pluto Reilly, the Hades Reilly who was almost killed by Pinel!

In front of the bar, Pinel did not hesitate at all and pushed the door directly!

“Xia Qi, bring a good glass of wine to your old friend, use all your high-grade poisons, whether you can eliminate harm for the people and kill me, it depends on your poison!”

After Pinel entered the bar, he randomly found an empty seat and sat down!

There are some other people in the bar who drink alcohol, maybe pirates, maybe just ordinary civilians, it doesn’t matter what identity they are, Pinel doesn’t care anyway!

After Xia Qi saw Pinel’s appearance, his pupils shrank obviously, and he was not shocked for ten thousand years, even if he saw the Navy Marshal Sengoku, or Draco, Xia Qi, who would not have any emotional fluctuations, obviously his heart beat faster after seeing Pinel! But not so nervous that you can’t speak!

“Which demon wind is blowing you damn maniac! Why are you here, can I choose not to welcome you? ”

Pinel tapped the table rhythmically with his right index finger, and for a second, the crisp sound seemed to hit the hearts of everyone in the bar! The atmosphere is dignified!

Pinel knocked more than a dozen times, and suddenly stopped, and Xia Qi’s heart seemed to stop at the same time as Pinel’s hand!

Then when Xia Qi did not react, Pinel suddenly took out a pistol and shot and killed a passerby who was drinking quietly behind him, with an intriguing smile on his face,

“You know, my temper has never been very good, this is the first time, the next time you refuse me, the bullet will not necessarily fall on anyone’s head, it may be you, it may be me!” Do you want to guess if I will shoot myself in the head? Now, can you bring me a good glass of wine, Ms. Xia Qi? ”

After speaking, Pinel tapped his finger on the bar again!

The people in the bar tried to escape, but found that there were four big men blocking the door of the bar, which obviously meant that no one was allowed to enter or exit!

Of course, there are fools who are not afraid of death who want to break in, and it is obvious that there is just one more corpse on the ground!

Xia Qi didn’t reply at that time, just looked at Pinel’s face, as if she wanted to see his heart from Pinel’s face!

It is said that although Xia Qi knows Nian Pinel’s experience, she also knows that Pinel has done those things, and even knows most of Pinel’s abilities!

But Xia Qi does not believe, and does not want to believe, there will really be such an invulnerable in this world, whether psychologically or physically, these are unscientific people, according to reason, as long as it is a person, there should be weaknesses!

Xia Qi believes that Pinel also has a weakness, but it has not yet been discovered by this world!

At this moment, it was the closest Xia Qi had come to Pinel in so many years, so she wanted to take a closer look to find some clues!

Just when Xia Qi stared at Pinel, Pinel suddenly chose a direction to shoot again, this time the target was Pinel’s summon, a lieutenant general level summon, in the face of Pinel’s shooting, this summon did not dare to dodge, or defend, although there was only one shot, although the world’s physique is quite strong, but a shot hit the head, even if it is a tough person, it has to be cool, and Pinel’s summoning will not be an exception!

Still the same smile, the same expression, Pinel didn’t have any discomfort at all because the target of this shooting was his own people!

“Didn’t I tell you? Am I also impatient? Don’t make me say the same sentence more than three times, okay? I wouldn’t give a person more than three chances! Xia Qi gave me a glass of wine! ”

Everyone in the bar swallowed their spit, including Pinel’s summons, these summoners just won’t resist Pinel’s orders, it doesn’t mean that these people don’t have the consciousness to think for themselves, except that they must listen to Pinel’s words, these lieutenant general-level summoners are completely no different from normal people, in fact, the summons in the high-level barracks are no different from normal people, otherwise, Pinel will not let the summons of the rear admiral level infiltrate the navy to perform secret missions!

Xia Qi did not hesitate this time, took out a bottle of good wine directly from the wine cabinet, and poured a glass for Pinel!

With Xia Qi’s actions, the people in the bar were inexplicably relieved, probably feeling that they were a lot safer after Xia Qi poured the wine!

Pinel pouted, drained the wine in the glass, and smashed his mouth,

“Didn’t you have to do this earlier, why did you hesitate for so long, and finally didn’t do it, two lives died in vain, this is all your responsibility, Ms. Xia Qi!”

Listening to Pinel’s words, Xia Qi just wanted to refute, but before the words could be spoken, Pinel fired another shot, and an ‘innocent’ person fell in a pool of blood with the gunshot!

Tightened and loosened, Xia Qi’s nerves were about to be collapsed by Pinel, and his voice was a little hoarse and asked Pinel,

“Why do I shoot you if I don’t pour you all the wine?”

Pinel said nonchalantly,

“The heads of those two people just now are yours, what’s wrong with me killing one now? What’s the problem? ”

Xia Qi was silent and reasoned with a madman, probably the stupidest decision she had ever made in her life!

PS: Don’t ask me what the four more haven’t come out yet! Because I haven’t slept yet! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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