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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 139

A good lie is not how true you can tell the words in the lie, but how much truth you can hide this false sentence into, and package it together into a lie, so that when people have not found your falsehood, they first believe that you are not lying.

– Gu Amo

Looking at Pinel’s unreasonable appearance, Xia Qi couldn’t do anything at all!

Can’t fight, can’t run, the only Renly who may be able to compete with Pinel a little, doesn’t know to stay in that corner at this time, so Xia Qi can’t care about the names of other people in the bar now, after all, she herself is difficult to protect herself!

But she can’t say nothing, because Xia Qi knows this truth, silence is only a means to avoid problems, it can’t solve any problem, in this kind of time when there is no possibility of escape, silence is a very stupid behavior!

“What the hell do you want? Everyone is a smart person, say what you mean! ”

Pinel lined up the pistol on the bar, gently nodded the already empty life, and Xia Qi filled it expressionlessly.

This time Pinel only drank half of it, and did not take a sip dry, maybe it was a waste of time to pour wine, after all, Pinel did not really come to drink!

Pinel simply smiled and said it over and over again, as if he was an ignorant child who had just entered society!

“Why do you always treat me like a smart person? And in your world, it seems that everything has to have its due purpose, always get something, I never think I’m a smart person, and besides, I’m just doing what I want to do, I never thought of getting anything! ”

Pinel said this pause, and then his expression immediately became a little crazy, and he said very arrogantly,

“I only care what the world loses after I do something! That’s what I think! ”

Xia Qi has nothing to say, this is not the attitude of normal communication at all, did not communicate with Pinel at all, the thoughts are not on the same channel at all, just change another person to stand in front of Xia Qi and say these words to Xia Qi, Xia Qi will definitely not reply a word,

But now Xia Qi must continue, otherwise life may disappear from this world!

“So what do you think your behavior will make the world lose now?”

Pinel’s expression was shocked, as if he didn’t understand what Xia Qi said again, and said in a somewhat frightened tone,

“What are you talking about? How could you think that? That’s another thing, I’m just having fun now, life is a little boring, those Draco seem to know that I am on this island, they didn’t appear at all, otherwise I wouldn’t come, otherwise you give me a few Draco’s location information? I promise to turn around and leave immediately! Of course, if you say whatever you want to trick me into going, then I promise that you will be evading my pursuit and killing for the rest of your life, I swear! ”

Pinel’s expression is difficult to understand, and some excitement is with some killing intent, which makes it completely impossible to guess what Pinel is thinking at this time!

Xia Qi is engaged in intelligence, one or two Draco still have information, no one knows where Xia Qi’s intelligence source is, but she just knows a lot of secrets of this world!

Xia Qi lit a cigarette casually, took a deep breath, and then said slowly,

“If your request is only the identity of Draco, the king of the New World Dressrosa, Doflamingo used to be a Draco, this is the first! Second, the Cama El Saint family is playing in the Golden City of the New World at the moment, and the Golden City can basically be regarded as the temporary residence of the Kama El Saint family, except when they were in Mary Joa, they were in the Golden City! My intelligence tells me that they have been in the Golden City for two weeks, and they may return to Mary Joa at any time, if you can’t find him, don’t talk about my problem, I don’t necessarily guarantee this, I’m not a god, I can’t control their behavior! ”

Pinel was satisfied, tilted his head, and asked to Cenarius,

“Cenarius, you heard everything Xia Qi said! Remember? ”

“Back to the words of the legion leader, remember them all!”

Pinel took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows!

“Very good!”

‘Bang! ’

After Pinel said good, his hand did not stop at all, and he picked up the pistol he had just placed on the bar again, and shot a passerby closest to the door! Then he threw the pistol in Xia Qi’s direction, and he himself immediately turned away, leaving an undefended back to Xia Qi who was holding the pistol!

“Xia Qi, this pistol is given to you, and friendly reminder, this is a pistol that can kill me, believe it or not, the choice to shoot anyway I put it in your hand, and the fate of this world is also handed over to you!” Choose carefully! ”

Pinel didn’t even turn his head, didn’t have any nervous expression, and walked from the bar to the door like that!

Just when Pinel turned his back to Xia Qi and showed a somewhat disappointed expression and was about to push open the door and leave, Xia Qi suddenly asked!

“Pinel, I won’t shoot, because I won’t do something I’m not sure of, and I don’t want to gamble with my life, but in the end, can you tell me if it’s true that you just said that this gun can kill you?”

Pinel turned his back to Xia Qi, his expression gradually opened from a disappointed look, revealing a surpassing smile, but did not reply, but left directly!

There is no need for Pinel to answer Xia Qi’s question at all, Pinel only gave Xia Qi the right to shoot, but did not give her the right to ask questions!

And Pinel felt that if he left Xia Qi a hope at this time, and then destroyed it with his own hands in the future, he would definitely be able to see a very interesting expression! Therefore, not answering is the best choice, and Pinel can conclude that Xia Qi will definitely believe that this gun can kill Pinel!

It’s like someone who is about to fall off a cliff, seeing a hair next to her, knowing that this hair can’t withstand her weight, but she still can’t help but tug it! Because there is no better choice, I can only believe that this hair can withstand her weight!

Xia Qi is the one who fell off the cliff, and the gun Pinel gave her was that hair!

Hope is also a good thing, it can make people more desperate!

PS: I want Lao Tzu to send red envelopes, it’s like a dream! Hum! It’s only four chapters, and Lao Tzu can also write it! (Tsundere face!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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