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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 140

Behind all the splendor lies suffering that you cannot see!

—————— “Sentence Fan”

After Pinel got the information from Xia Qi, he set off directly without stopping! I didn’t stay long in the Chambord Islands, coating the boat to the bottom of the sea, but I didn’t stop at Fishman Island, and I don’t know if Pinel was really in a hurry, or I didn’t want to go to Fishman Island to meet someone, or a certain fish!

In short, Pinel left the Chambord Islands!

And this news reached the ears of the Navy and the world government in a very short time! Basically, as soon as Pinel left on the front foot, the Navy sent a vice admiral to inspect the Chambord Islands, as if it was a pity that he did not encounter Pinel! I have to say that the Navy has nothing else, at least the ability to pretend is no problem!

Moreover, after Pinel walked for three days and someone saw the news of Pinel in the New World, Marie Joa’s Draco dared to go down the mountain and go to the Chambordi Islands to play, but even so, these Draco are scared to play! It’s all the same day to the same day, and there is no idea of staying in the Chambord Islands for a night!

After all, Draco people are also afraid of death, as long as they can live, they will have time to have fun in the future, and they still understand this simple truth!

Half a month later, Pinel finally stood in front of the Golden City Grand De Solo with a ticket of people!

Pinel looked up slightly at the golden and magnificent island castle in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“What an unimaginable place, I really don’t know what the meaning of such a place is? How many dry bones are behind the glory? Interesting, interesting! Really want to hurry up and put this place… Destroy it! ”

Cenarius quietly took half a step back, a little farther away from Pinel, no one noticed, but intriguing action!

Perhaps Cenarius’s subconscious is telling him that staying away from Pinel, who is about to become ill, is responsible for his own life!

Golden City is a place that is both legal and illegal, legal because the existence of this place is allowed by the world government, illegal because, this place welcomes anyone, as long as you come with money, then you can enjoy fairy-like treatment here, no matter what the identity was before coming here, pirates, thieves, revolutionary army does not matter, as long as you have money! In this is the guest!

Of course, in the same way, people without money are not welcome here, rich is God, without money you are shit is not, this moving castle known as the Golden City is such a realistic, cold-blooded reality!

Of course, Pinel belongs to people without money, although Pinel has traveled many places over the years, killed many people, and seen a lot of wealth, but do you think Pinel will pay for things?

In Pinel’s world, the strong take care of everything, and those useless paper banknotes have no value other than fire!

But the Golden City will not check your property when you enter the city, anyone can enter, but people who don’t have money can’t move an inch after entering!

The same Grand DeSolo also has any tickets, just drive in!

Pinel doesn’t care whose place it is, Pinel only knows that he only wants to do two things at this moment!

First, find the Draco who stayed on this ship and torture them to death!

Second, let this behemoth full of gold completely sink to the bottom of the sea, and sacrifice everything on this ship to this world!

That’s all!

Pinel, licked his lips, smiled presumptuously,

“Hey, you all know what to do! I don’t need to remind you of your top priorities! I don’t care what you do, anyway, if you scare Draco away before I meet Draco, please me with your lives!” ”

What responded to Pinel was silent, and no one answered Cenarius and the others behind him, serious, awe-inspiring, and looking at death as if it were the unchanged expression of these summons!

Soon, Pinel drove the ship that he didn’t know where to snatch and entered the Great De Solo!

To enter the Great De Solo, you first have to pass through a tunnel, a tunnel with golden powder floating in the sky, and Pinel stands at the bow of the ship with a look of anticipation! However, Cenarius and the others quietly covered their bodies with clothes to prevent gold dust from falling on their bodies!

As a member of the Legion War System, all their knowledge and skills are used to face the war, avoiding any possible attack, which is the quality of these Lieutenant General summons!

Moreover, in such a golden castle, these deliberately spilled gold dust does not look like a good thing! In an unfamiliar and chaotic place, always being vigilant is the way to be!

The moment Pinel entered the Grand De Solo, the people in the monitoring room had already discovered Pinel’s figure, and on the important customer manual, there was no reason why the figure on the first page would be ignored! Do you know who is on the first page? The four emperors, the marshal of the navy is already a general of the navy, and even ordinary Draco can’t get on it, only the five old stars are qualified, and Pinel is one of them!

The people in the monitoring room quickly reported it without thinking about it after discovering Pinel! When Tezzolo got the news, his face was also serious,

“What a troublesome fellow, you know that there is always only disaster with him, I don’t believe he is here to play!” But no matter how you say it, you can go and entertain, if there is a plan, you know! ”

Bakara has no way to resist Tezzolo, especially on the Great De Solo! Although Bakara also has a certain confidence in her strength, in her opinion, Tezzolo on the Great DeSolo is an invincible existence!

On the other side, after a minute of sailing, Pinel landed, disembarked all together, stood on the steaming street, and waited for someone to come!

That’s right, just wait for someone to come, Pinel still has this confidence, and if no one comes to receive it, it will be more convenient, just destroy the whole ship directly!

Just when Pinel was about to wait impatiently and wanted to abandon plan one and directly implement plan two, a voice interrupted him!

“Hello, you should be Lord Pinel, I am a VIP receptionist, my name is Bakara!” _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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