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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 142

Hearing Pinel’s words, Cenarius seemed to see some monster, his eyes were wide, his expression was completely unbelievable, and at the same time he opened his mouth wide, and the whole person stood in place at a loss! Cenarius could hardly imagine that his great legion leader, Lord Pinel, would one day say the word ‘please’ to a person so sincerely, something he had never dared to imagine after following Pinel for so many years!

However, this confusion only stayed on Cenarius’s body for a second, fleetingly, because he saw that Baccarat wanted to step forward to stop Pinel’s behavior!

Although I don’t know why Pinel has such a performance, Cenarius knows that if Pinel is disturbed at this time, any plan one plan and two and so on, all will lose their effect, and Pinel will directly destroy this so-called golden city!

Don’t ask me how Cenarius knows, Cenarius himself can’t say well, it’s just intuition!

Without hesitation, one hand covered Bakara’s mouth, and the other hand pressed it to the ground, and at the same time Cenarius whispered to Bakara,

“Don’t do anything, or I will definitely slaughter you!”

Bakara can’t do anything even if she wants to do at this time, Cenarius is wearing gloves, her ability to transport fruits can’t be used at all, her own strength is not much stronger than ordinary people, and she can’t resist at all!

Hearing Pinel’s words, the little girl immediately turned her head in surprise and asked Pinel with expectation,

“Are you going to buy flowers?” Just five thousand Baileys! ”

Pinel’s eyes never left the teddy bear behind the little girl,

“No, I don’t buy flowers…”

Listening to Pinel’s words, before Pinel could say the following words, the little girl immediately lowered her head, and there was no accident, obviously such a situation has appeared more than once!

“Well, that’s bothering, sorry!”

Senarius, who pressed Bakara behind Pinel, saw that after the little girl interrupted Pinel’s speech, his expression immediately became frightened, and the last person who interrupted Pinel did not know how many feet tall the grave grass had grown! And even the Warring States did not dare to interrupt Pinel’s speech! For a madman like Pinel, interrupting him to speak is enough to not die!

But to Cenarius’s surprise, Pinel did not immediately take out a gun and shoot the little girl, but instead pulled the little girl who wanted to leave, and her eyes gradually changed from calm to a trace of longing,

“No, no need to apologize, I just want to ask you, can you give me the bear behind your back, you can mention the price!”

Hearing Pinel’s words, the little girl said for a while how to reply, after all, she is still a child, it is not simple to come out and sell roses, how can she know how to sit on the ground!

And this teddy bear is also something very important to her!

When she was five years old, she and her brother were brought to this place by her parents, and then her parents were imprisoned for owing money, and since that day, she and her brother have done all kinds of things on this island, trying to make money to pay off their parents’ debts, but a year and a half has passed, and it is still far from reaching the point of repaying the debt!

And the teddy bear behind her is her mother’s last gift to her, so she carries this teddy bear wherever she goes!

The little girl was hesitating, hesitating under the expectant expression on Pinel’s face, looking at Cenarius behind Pinel and eager to snatch the bear immediately, not Cenarius was ruthless, he was also to save this little girl, Cenarius was afraid that this little girl refused Pinel, after all, none of the people who rejected Pinel had a good end!

The little girl’s brother stood next to the little girl, he was a little more mature as an older brother than his sister, although he knew that this was an opportunity to make a fortune, but compared to his parents who had been missing for a year and a half, he cared more about his sister, of course he knew what this shabby, even open teddy bear meant to his sister!

“Sorry, we only sell flowers, not teddy bears!”

For a while, Cenarius’s heart was about to rise to his throat!

After hearing the refusal, Pinel’s body began to tremble, and just when Senarius thought that Pinel was about to become ill and destroy everything in front of him, the little girl spoke!

“Sir, I sell this teddy bear, can you pay 100,000 Bailey?” I know I’m asking too much, but please! We need money in exchange for freedom! Please! ”

Cenarius heard this, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart about the little girl’s sensibility, and felt a trace of bitterness for the little girl’s sensibility, throwing out the identity of the summon, Cenarius is a very gentle person, otherwise, he would not have questioned Pinel when he was in Cocosia a few years ago!

Pinel’s trembling body stopped shaking after hearing the little girl’s words, raised his head and looked at the little girl’s eyes full of pleading, silent for a long time, just when the little girl’s hand holding the teddy bear began to tremble, Pinel reached out expressionlessly and took the teddy bear! Whispered,

“Cenarius, I’ll give you thirty seconds, no matter what method you use, in thirty seconds I’ll see a hundred thousand Baileys!” Otherwise you can die! ”

Cenarius did not reply, but immediately disappeared in place, not knowing where to go!

Having lost the suppression of Cenarius, Bakara got up from the ground and said to Pinel,

“Lord Pinel, it’s just a teddy bear, you just take it, what to pay!” Just leave this matter to me to handle, you go first, rest assured that I will handle it! Guaranteed to leave you with no trouble! ”

Pinel didn’t answer, didn’t even look at her, and responded to her with a black hole muzzle, and Pinel shot without hesitation!

‘Bang! ’

Bakara didn’t understand what she had done wrong until she fell to the ground and lost consciousness! Why would she who spoke to Pinel be killed by Pinel without hesitation!

Not only Bakara does not understand, but Mr. Tanaka, who has been watching the monitoring, cannot understand it, and he is already stupidly standing in front of the monitoring! This kind of killing without any reason makes it impossible for anyone to understand and figure it out at all, because there is no reason and logic!

In the end, I could barely come up with an answer!

What a madman thinks, normal people can never guess! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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