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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 143

Pinell’s gunfire alarmed many people, this time is when there is more traffic in Le Play City, there is no reason why such an abrupt gunshot should not be noticed!

And Bakara is also a red man on the Great De Solo, basically everyone in the Golden City knows her, unceremoniously speaking, in this golden and luxurious ship, Bakara is completely above the top of the first person, except for Tezzolo, she has the final say!

At the same time that the crowd was frightened, the five children in front of Pinel were also frightened, and the other four children wanted to pull the little girl who traded with Pinel to escape the scene, but this little girl didn’t know where the courage came from, although the body was already trembling with fear, but just didn’t move, a pair of eyes still stared at Pinel stubbornly, maybe it was a child’s obsession, or maybe because the teddy bear in Pinel’s hand was her most precious thing, she didn’t want to give up so easily!

In twenty-seven seconds, Cenarius returned to Pinel with a chest with blood, who turned and opened the suitcase, took out a hundred thousand from it, and handed it to the little girl in front of him!

After the little girl took the money, she turned around and fired, without the slightest hesitation, and she didn’t even have time to say thank you, you can see that she is afraid to die!

Pinel stuffed the teddy bear into the pocket of his blouse, turned around and walked towards the city, not looking at Bakara who fell to the ground, as if an ant had died!

Cenarius carried the box and followed Pinel sincerely!

After entering the city of play, Pinel said to Cenarius,

“Cenarius, you said that children’s preferences should be similar, do you say that Ness will also like this teddy bear?”

Hearing Pinel’s question, Cenarius frowned, then his brows soothed, and he replied sincerely,

“It should be! Girls should love stuffed animals! ”

Cenarius followed behind Pinel, unable to see Pinel’s expression at all, only Pinel’s voice!

“Well, I also suddenly found out when I saw that little girl just now, I actually gave nothing to Ness, not a single gift, I have seen the eyes of that little girl just now, it is an expression that is obviously in hell but still hopeful, I hate this expression!” I hate hope! I hate this place, this place makes me feel like I’m in Mary Joya! The squalor under the splendor is so obvious, but no one sees it! I don’t want to be a savior, but I want to destroy this place! ”

Cenarius didn’t know how to answer the call, and instead of saying the wrong thing to upset Pinel, it was better to be silent and say nothing!

After taking a few more steps forward, Er suddenly stopped and looked straight ahead!

Cenarius felt Pinel’s abnormality, also footsteps, looking in the direction of Pinel, a guy covered in gold ornaments was standing in the center of Fun City, with a silent face!

Pinel took the teddy bear out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Cenarius!

“It’s alive in you, if it wants to go wrong, you can die!”

Cenarius reached out and took the teddy bear, his expression was serious,

“Obey, Legion Leader!”

Immediately, Pinel took off the cloak behind him and threw it to the side, and his face gradually became more violent, becoming more tyrannical than just now, and even there was no excitement, only the eyes that wanted to destroy everything!

Tezzolo first learned the news of Bakara’s death from Mr. Tanaka, he stood here waiting for Pinel and had no other meaning, just wanted an explanation, or a step, after all, this is his territory, Pinel killed his subordinates for no reason, if he didn’t listen to it, he couldn’t get by on face!


As soon as Tezzolo opened his mouth to say a word, before even Pinel’s name was finished, Pinel had already shot!

Explaining what doesn’t exist for Pinel, there is only one sentence in Pinel’s dictionary for such things,

‘It’s over! ’

At this moment, Draco and God are no longer important, if the madman completely follows the plan, then this madman is unqualified!

At the same time that Pinel started, riots began everywhere on the Great De Solo, but Pinel came with more than sixty people, and these sixty or so people were not more than sixty children, but more than sixty lieutenant general-level figures! Even if one person gives one hand, it is enough to cry the entire armed forces of Tezzolo!

Pinel shot at Tezzolo frantically, shooting and laughing maniacally,

“It’s a disgusting place, why didn’t I find out that there is such a place in this world before, Eha Ehahaoha! Allow such a place to exist safely, and there is really no need for this world to exist! ”

Tezzolo finally broke out, his nickname is a monster, compared to Pinel, this madman, it is only slightly inferior!

With a hideous expression, while trying to imprison Pinel with gold, he yelled at Pinel through gritted teeth,

“You damn lunatic, who allowed you to laugh in front of me, who can decide who can laugh in this city, only me! Isn’t this the world, everything is dominated by gold, gold bondage! ”

Pinel did not care about the gold that gradually climbed up from his feet, holding a gun in both hands, grinning,

“Heehaha, you are exactly the same as the group of guys I hate the most, sure enough, only hurting people like you will bring me pleasure!” Want to dominate everything? Just by your gold? Don’t be naïve, stupid human! ”

While speaking, two figures suddenly appeared on both sides of Tezzolo, two knives, slashed at Tezzolo’s neck from two different routes, one knife was completely black, and the other attacked from a tricky and difficult to avoid angle!

Holding the teddy bear, Cenarius looked at the battle between Pinel and Tezzolo seriously, and looked at Pinel’s expression, Cenarius knew that the largest entertainment city on the sea could only be open until today! Tomorrow before dawn, this place will cease to exist!

At this moment, no one can stop Pinel’s violent walk, no one! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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